Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Mythical Creature Flash Fiction Tuesday

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If under 18 leave site.
m/m paranormal romance
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Plain as day. There was no denying it any longer. I saw it in the mirror. As strange as it was. As unbelievable as it was, it stared back at me. Two dark eyes. One huge blue eye. Two white teeth hung over my lower lip. Instead of my normal size body a body as large as the wide oak tree that sat outside my apartment building greeted me.

“You okay?”

“Ugh . . . No . . . Wha - -“ Wasn’t sure why I tried to talk, again. Last time I had, the same garbled up words came from him. How could it not? No creature . . . he wasn’t a creature . . . was he? Didn’t matter. It did, but not then. Then was the fact that no one could talk with large ass teeth. Not understandable at least.

“Champ,” his dad motioned Travis to his side. “Try to sooth him. Then he will shift back into his human form and we can both talk to him.”

What was his one night stand going to say to him that would calm him? The two of them barely new one another. Surely not enough for him to be standing there like nothing in the world had taken place. Surely not good enough for him to have known how to contact my father. Nope. Champ should not be doing anything for him. He was a fuck and leave guy. Like I brought home every weekend. His dad knew that. So why did he think some mynear stranger would calm me.

“Come here, Tank.”

I must have shook my head, because my dad put his hands on his hips and snapped. “Don’t be an ass, Son. Do as your man says.”

Champ wasn’t his man. He was a fuck um and leave guy. Just like I was. They’d never seen each other until a few hours ago.

“Sir, give me a few minutes with him. He’s got to be . . .”

“I know what my son is doing? He’s coming up with one reason after another that he is not seeing what he is. He reminding himself that the two of you just met and proming himself that you have not way to calm him. No way to explain what was going on. I know my son way better than you, because there is one thing my son has running through his mind and that’s that you are another one of his conquest. A one night stand. A man to plung his hole for a few hours. It’s all my debacle of a son knows. We have been trying to get him home for the last five months and he comes up with one excuse after another. If he gave a damn about anyone other than his own selfish self then he would not be standing her disbelieving what he was seeing.”

“You - -“

“Course I knew. I’m a Troll as well.”

Last thing I saw was my dad’s short five-five foot self warp into a huge ass green, one eyes . . . man, beast, creature. Whatever it was. It had my mind shutting down and my knees buckling.

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