Monday, August 12, 2019

Lies Don't Matter Chapter 1 part 1

Lies Don’t Matter
Julia Matthews

Adult M/M Content
If under 18 leave sight
Unedited Story

Chapter 1 
What does that mean? Someone is missing. Something misplaced. Can a person be lost if the missing person knows where they are? They can’t be. They aren’t. even if no one else knows their location. Can an object be lost? Can’t be. Objects don’t know if it has been misplaced.
“I lost you. I’m sorry.” Raquel, a dark red haired, middle aged, nose talking, obnoxious woman spoke with her hands.
Why was I being forced to listen to the woman? The entire day had been a cyclone. Started when the FBI knocked down the front door. Mom and dad had screamed for me to get into the safe room. Last words I heard before the heavy, bullet proof safe style door sealed was ten shouts to get on your knees.
“I only turned around a second.”
Famous last words of stupid women who take their eyes off their children. Raquel’s words meant nothing to me. All she wanted was to eradicate the events from my destroyed morning.
Surveillance camera showed me ten guys aiming their guns at my mom and dad. Dad yanked the small caliber gun he carried and fired at the closest agent. Sparks flew from the tip of his guns, or so I thought. Couldn’t have been fear enticed imagination. Mom dove behind the couch, glancing toward the hidden camera.
She mouthed, “Zoe, Godfather.” Then jerked the automatic gun from under the couch, firing a semi-circular patter. Six FBI agents crumbled to the floor. The remaining four took cover behind those large solid black, bulletproof shields.
One of those three returned fire, nailing my7 dad in the right shoulder. He staggered backwards sending me into action. I retrieved the burner cell phone from the side table and hit number one. Let it ring four times then hung up. One minute later I pressed number two and waited for it to ring twice. It was all I could do. Sucked, but I followed orders like I’d been taught. Had to. I was the future high-ranking officer among the Logan House, which meant my parents would eliminate any threat to me and my home, while I waited for my Godfather to rescue me from the hands of the law.
“I’m sorry.” Raquel’s squeaky voice had me popping my neck. “We searched and searched.”
Didn’t matter what the woman said. My main focus was on the elevator, watching, hoping, and prayer someone would arrive soon. It’d taken the FBI hours to extract me from the safe room. After several lame ass attempts to break the key-code the agents brought in a torch. Thirty minutes later the agents called in to replace the six my dad took down entered the room.
They must have thought I would go quietly. Wrong. I might have been nineteen, but I knew how to defend myself. First thing I done was tell those fools they’d never take me alive. Corny response, but hey what could one say to short, husky agents who was deadest on arresting you.
Took seconds to take down the four fools who managed to avoid bullets. Kind of funny how they gripped their balls after I slammed my foot into them. Three more entered the room, pointing guns at me. I’d used the best tactic possible. My age.
My Godfather and family taught me to use whatever was at hand. Fair or unfair. I gave them the promise of surrendering and accepting their help. With a promise of not being arrested, yeah right, they holstered their guns. I lunged, showing them just what a hardcore member of the Logan House could do.
Shouldn’t have surprised them. The government had been after tearing down the Logan House for years. They referred to us as the Logan Gang. Like most of the time, the law was wrong. Godfather might lead a group of well-trained fighters and earned money in some unlawful manner, but h treated every member like family. Me more than anyone else. Not only was she his Goddaughter, but her fiancé was his nephew.
“We never quit. The minute the agent called we rushed right over.”
Raquel’s endless chatter grated on my nerves. I listened to the officers spout lies since I’d woken up from the damn sleeping gas the cowardly agents used to take me down. After the law and some government issued doctor told me the fairytale about being kidnapped they’d brought in the ones they swore were my biological parents. Raquel and Denny. The blacked haired man, Denny, picked right up with spinning the story.
I refused to believe them. They’d given falsified DNA test, which they’d taken while I was knocked out. Who says the law don’t break the rules they swear to uphold. at least, the invasion of privacy kept me out of jail, right then. Apparently being a missing person helps one out.
I’d take that reprieve until my lawyer showed up. Then he could eradicate the deception Raquel, Denny, and the FBI agent spun. I knew who my parents were. They’d been stolen from me. Didn’t matter. I was nineteen. Legal adult. My home may be in shambles, but I had another one to go to. Not being blood to the Hodges didn’t change my status among the Logan House. Nor would it make my Godfather stop caring for me. Nor would it affect her relationship with her fiancé.

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