Thursday, October 24, 2019

Lies Don't Matter Chapter 16 Part 2

Lies Don’t Matter
Julia Matthews

Adult M/M Content
If under 18 leave sight
Unedited Story

“Over the years,” Godfather took up the story when Hop took a sip of water. “The family moved around settling in different areas. The story was passed down to each generations.” He crossed his ankles. “Eventually, the family took residence in several areas across China.”
“That’s where the fable began, isn’t it?”
Hop nodded at me. “During their travel to China, one of the Dray family married a Magic Wielding human. When the woman heard the fable her husband told their daughter she cast a spell warding off dragons. Each generation the spell had to be recast. That’s where the problem arose.”
How would that be a problem? It wasn’t a story a family would fail to pass down. Nope. Each generation would ensure that the spell was cast properly. Wouldn’t they?
“Over the years,” Godfather rolled his eyes, an action he did when he couldn’t believe someone overlooked an important part.” The Magic Wielding bloodline faded.”
Ah. “Fuck.” I winched when Godfather scowled at me “Sorry, Godfather.” Cussing wasn’t forbidden, but he had two no-no words for her.
“Here’s the part that Mrs. Stone views different than the dragons.”
Hop’s statement had me leaning forward and propping my elbows on my knees. I didn’t  know when or why, but I’d become engrossed in the story. It was my family history, on both sides, but what had her attention the most was discovering why dad took me to China when I officially began dating Hop. Clearly, he didn’t want me to know my heritage, or he would have told me about his dargon. Plus, when he took me to the museum in China he didn’t harp on me about diverting my attention to other areas that interested me more. And my dad was like a pesky fly when he wanted you to remember something. He spent a month ensuring I knew how to contact Godfather if the law raided our house, which came in handy.
“The Fire-Breathing Fable the Dray family line believes in states that if the spell was not recast and a Dray family member bore a son by a dragon then he would bring the end to all Magic Wielders. If a daughter was born, she would draw the attention of a powerful dragon increasing the Dragon and Magic Wielding bloodline. Other words, a child between a Dray family member and a dragon would bring total destruction to all humans.”
Not sure what I looked like, or did, but Godfather slipped his arms around me. “Cree, you okay?”
How to answer that? Hop just told me that Raquel and Agent Carter believed I would . . . wow! They thought I’d bring the apocalypse to life. Not that it was possible. Any longer. I put an end to that theory the day I went through my transformation. Still, it goaded at me that my biological mother truly believed that I would . . . Shit. What . . .
“Wh - - What do you believe we would have brought to life?”
Hop grasped my chin and lifted it until we were eye-to-eye. “If you had not changed to a man, a child of ours would have been like any other child from a dragon and a human. He or she would have either had a dragon, or been human. He, or she, would have been loved by all. He, or she, would have gained leadership of all dragons, just like I will.”
Okay. That eased the little ants crawling over my arms and legs. Least the dragons would not have believed a child of mine would have destroyed the world. Raquel on the other hand . . . she would have gone as far as to abort me if she’d know what dad was. What would have she and Agent Carter done to a child of mine. Kill it? Then again . . . Which story was right? Hop had his version. Raquel had her own. Like most thing where two endings existed one had to be right and the other wrong. Who was to say Hop was right? Did he . . .
“You got proof?”
“Don’t need any.” Hop shrugged. “Magic Wielders can’t affect a dragon. Not even to ward us off from a specific person.”
That meant . . .Did she . . . What Hop said . . . She didn’t doubt him, but what Raquel said kept rushing through my mind. Not to mention the death glare Agent Carter gave me. People didn’t give such looks unless . . . A man like Agent Carter did not give those looks because he had to deliver a legend to his great-niece. Nope. There was something else there. He had other plans for me. What though? Not like I could bare a child anymore. The myth ended the moment I completed the sex change.
“Do you . . . Agent Carter spent five years trying to take the Logan House down without knowing who I was?”
Hop glanced at Godfather and both of them sighed. Not a good response.

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