Wednesday, February 26, 2020

New Coven Chapter 15

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Damn it. Edward should have guessed Richard knew what he’d been up to. Slim chance it would have worked in the first place, but a man had to try. There was no way he’d stay and be the man’s other half. Not in a million and one years.
“Richard - -“
“That’s Coven Leader to you.” Snapped the asswipe that had snagged him.
“He’s fine.” Richard smiled and motioned for his second in command to leave them.
“Go. This is between us.”
The snappy, brutish man huffed and walked away, looking back over his shoulder, ensuring his prey knew he was watching him.
“He’s not a total jerk.” Richard reached out as if he was going to caresse him, but let his hands fall to his side. “I know you are not happy about this, but what I don’t know is why you are so opposed to our pairing.”
“Lots of reasons.” Edward crossed his arms.
“Give me one.”
“You are the Coven Leader.”
“So. That’s my job. Not yours.”
“It affects me.”
“I’ll give you that.”
Edward stepped ahead of Richard when he came up to his side and tried to wrap his arms around him.
“I’m patient.”
“Persistent more like it.”
“You should be to.”
“Why?” Edward made three steps, spinning around to face Richard. “You failed to tell me who you where when we met. You are pushy. Arrogant. Stubborn. Wishful. Sexy.” Damn it. He hadn’t meant to say that.
“Sexy. I can work with that.”
“That wasn’t what I meant.”
“People tend to say what they mean when they rant.”
Edward stepped back as Richard moved in on him. Instead of getting away from him, he found himself pressed against a tree.
“You are sexier than anyone I’ve ever met.” Richard leaned in, whispering against his ear. “I can’t wait to get the full picture of who you are. Right down to the person hidden under all the anger you are displaying.”
Edward groaned when Richard nipped his ear. He cursed the separation when Richard stepped back and his urge to move forward and claim the man’s plump, light pink lips.
“Are you going to come back to my house and discuss this, or am I going to have to follow you around until you give me the truth so we can work through your issue.”
“My issue.”
“Yes, yours. I all for our pairing. In fact, not going to let you go.”
What I feared. There was going to be no way out of becoming his. Why did my mind not seemed as bothered by that idea as it had to start with.

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

New Coven Chapter 14

New Coven Chapter 14
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Edward stepped around the man, only to have an arm block his path.
“Where are you going?”
He ignored the man, making another step to his side and moving forward.
“Stop, or I will be forced to restrain you. Do not make me do that. Please.”
“Retrain me? For what?”
“There is a meeting taking place and all are required. I am sure that the previous Coven Leader did not allow any adult to miss a required meeting.”
Wasn’t sure what the jackass would have done. Knew the man believed in the Choosing Ceremony. A barbaric custom to anyone who did not prefer women. A man like him. Not that it mattered any more. There was no way that Richard was going to let me forgo a pairing with him. Only way to escape such a hardcore man was to flee. Edward could do that, if the man in front of him would just disappear.
“The meeting will be over in a moment. You will not have to wait long to continue your day.”
“I do not care about the meeting.” Edward snapped and shoved the man’s arm from his chest. Before he could make it two steps his arm was behind his back and he was being marched down the sideline of the coven members. One thing he’d not wanted was to draw attention to himself and he’d done exactly that.
“I’ll stay, just like me go.”
“Too late.”
“Who are you?”
“Alvin, beauty.”
Beauty? Who the hell did the man think he was? No one called Edward such. He was not someone to take such endearments from anyone. Did not fit anyway. He was to plump and had glasses like faces without the glasses.
“Release him, Alvin.”
“Richard, the man was trying to leave the meeting.”
“I’m sure he was doing more than that.” Richard sighed. “Wasn’t you, Edward?”

Monday, February 17, 2020

New Coven Chapter 13

New Coven Chapter 13
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Richard wasn’t sure where Edward was going, and at that moment he couldn’t go to find out. With a flick of his finger, Alvin, his best friend and second in command darted through the group toward Edward. It wasn’t until he spoke his name that Edward’s knees gave way. Took control he did not know he had to keep from rushing through the coven members and easing his distress. Wasn’t sure what bothered him, other than them being paired together. He’d not seemed happy about that since they discovered who they were to one another.
Alvin held his hand out to Edward, who shook his head as he pushed himself up. That gave Richard enough calmness to continue his coven announcement.
“The Coven will be undergoing some major changes. Until they are all in place, I ask that you bear with one another. It will take some time to adjust to my way of life. Until all the new rules are in place, there will be not Choosing Ceremonies or any other pre-set gatherings. I will speak to the ones who had Choosing Ceremonies set up, or the ones that the previous Coven leader discussed them with.”
Richard watched Alvin speaking to Edward, who just kept waving him off. It wasn’t until he turned his back on Alvin that Richard’s heart plummeted. He knew then that Edward was doing his best to leave the meeting. That would not set right with Alvin, but he would not do anything other than restrain him if need be. Richard hoped that did not become necessary. He already had a hard job ahead of him. Convincing his other half that life with him would not be difficult was a challenge to begin with. Add in the Coven leader aspect made it that much harder. Or he hoped that what bothered Edward.
“One of the biggest changes that will be taking place is how the gatherings are handled. Instead of only the adults and children over the age of 18 being present all members, kids and teens will be required.”
Richard kept on giving them some basics that would need to be known before the next meeting was scheduled. Not what he wanted to be doing, but it had to be done. Edward would have to adjust to life as the Coven Leader’s other half. Not an easy feat and it would most likely scare him off. Richard was sure that alone was part of what had him trying to flee. Or was it. He’d been heading for the woods that led to the road to start with. Was he trying to flee from me all together? Why? Other halves longed to be with one another, or so he’d been told.

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

New Coven Chapter 12

New Coven Chapter 12
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Edward climbed out of the truck and followed around the side of the light blue shuttered white farm house. Nosie floated from the crowd of at least sixty SpellBinders. Bigger than he’d expected. He’d assumed it would be a small coven since they lived in the old ways. Most SpellBinders searched out the covens that integrated with the humans, not remained in the barbaric laws. It had been stupid of him to think he could get by without going through the Choosing Ceremony here. He knew the leader, ex-leader, lived by the old laws. Not the ones he came from. Not the ones he needed to live from. Even the ones who lived by the new rules, upheld the Choosing Ceremony. Or the ones on the East Coast did. He’d been stupid to think he could start over here. He would have been better off taking over for his father.
“Wait up front. This won’t take long then we can return home and discuss us.”
Right. Was not going to happen. Edward had a plan and it did not entail either of those. He scoped the area out as Richard made his way around the crowd. There were woods on three corners. One had to lead to the road. From there he could hitch until he was back in town. No one would know he did not stay for the meeting. He’d simply get back to town and call his father. Have him send him some money and book him a flight home. He might not want to take his father’s spot, but it was better than . . . he hoped it was better than staying here where he had to be next to his other half and put him through what he’d left his home coven for. Nope. He would not make anyone suffer such. He couldn’t.
“You new?” A light haired man came up to his side. “Stupid question. Sorry.” The man held his hand out. “Names’ Jay.”
“Edward.” The left side gave him the best option to lead to the road.
“Won’t do you any good to bolt.”
“Not bolting.”
“Seen that look on myself some three months ago.”
Didn’t matter. He had one goal and it had nothing to do with remaing here and living under the hardcore thumb of a by-the-book leader. He’d not done enough research on the area. He’d thought he’d done quite a bit, but . . .
“If you want to bolt, don’t go left. I did and was caught in twenty minutes. Got lost. Never found the road. Found out since then the closest road is on the right and about five miles through the woods, but it takes you right to the outskirts of town.”
Nice. “Thanks.” Edward didn’t wait to hear anything else. Nope. He made his way through the crowd, slipping between and around spellbinder after SpellBinder. He made it to the edge of the woods before he heard the microphone. The voice that flowed through the mic had me pausing.
“Great to see you all.” Richard’s voice was velvet smooth. “It is my honor to be your new Coven Leader. For those of you who do not know me by name, I am Richard Cashwell.”
Ah fuck!
Hard ground slammed against his knees and his palms. Life hated him. That was all it was.

Monday, February 10, 2020

New Coven Chapter 11

New Coven Chapter 11
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Uncomfortable didn’t fit the high-tension ride across town. Longest ten minutes of his life. He’d not seen anyone so uptight sense Travis and Cal decided to forgo the Choosing Ceremony. They’d feared, and rightfully so, their leader. The guy he was replacing put fear into everyone. His name did the same, but no one knew who he was. He was as elusive as the higher up location. Only a few new the location and those were forbidden and spelled so they could not tell their family. Not even I knew. I had an idea, but that was as close as it came. An idea.
“What’s bothering you, Edward?”
“Not convincing, babe.”
“Not your babe.”
“If you say so.”
“Just drive.”
“I am.”
“Then don’t talk.”
“At all, or to you?” Instead of answering, he stared out the window. “Soon as we get there, I’ll show you where to go and then have to leave you for a few.”
Relief zoomed from him, making Richards bottom. His other half truly wanted nothing to do with him. Why? What was wrong with me? Was he . . . that had to be it. Most knew him by name, but not looks. He had not placed who he was paired with. Things would change the moment he figured it out.

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

New Coven Chapter 10

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Edward’s mind would not accept that answer until he had time to research the new leader. He’d have to reach out to his dad and get the 411 on the man.
“What’s his name?”
“Richard Cashwell.”
My entire world sank. Name was well known. Mr. Cashwell had a reputation of being a by the book kind of guy. He’d brought numerous numbers of offenders to Edward’s dad. When he came, he came with the proper evidence and no one was allowed to leave unless it was to go toe the SpellBinder Jail. What would have made him give up his . . .
“You have to be mistaken.”
“Why would he give up his job and an Enforcer to take over a Coven.” Made no sense. Dad said the man lived for the hunt of criminals. Dad praised the man’s determination and once or twice told me he wished his son was more like him. Edwards was right the opposite of him.
“When was he announced to the Coven?”
“Hasn’t been yet.”
Crap. He’d really landed in it. A new Coven at the same time they were taking on a new leader. Not any leader, but a hardballer one. There was no way the guy would take the note given to him by his father. He’d have to go through the Choosing Ceremony. Damn it.
A phone ding.
“Right. You had somewhere to be.” Edward hopped off the countertop.
“So do you.”
“No I don’t.”
“Coven meeting.”
“I . . . they will not . . .”
“Oh they will require you to be there. Shoot and all.” Richard slapped his legs and stood up. “Good thing I have some of my brother’s sweats with me. He came through here a few weeks ago and left some of his stuff behind. He’s about your height and weight.” Richard took his hand, even though he tried to tug it free, so he followed him down the pristine hallway and into a room. “Let’s get you out of those destroyed clothes. We’ll go and get you some more after the meeting. Until then . . .” He laid him a pair of sweats in his hands and pointed to the left. “Bathroom. After you clean up, we’ll head over to the Coven lands.”
Just what he wanted to do.

Monday, February 3, 2020

New Coven Chapter 9

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Richard did have somewhere to be, but for once he had the option to tell them they had to wait on him. Not like they could do the announcement without him. Mere opportunity that was at his hand wasn’t something he longed for. He’d take it, after all it came about because he reported the current Coven. He knew when he did it, there was no one else among the coven that could step up and take charge of the wayward coven. Over all, the price he had to pay would be in his favor. Sure meant there was no mistake in him finding Edward.
“Why do you say this is a mistake? You felt it.”
“You know this area will not accept us.”
Least Edward did not lie. Most people would have had an extremely hard time accepting a all male pairing, but didn’t matter anymore. He was going to change all that. Was the first task on his long list of jobs. More and more male pairing were sprining up on the Eastern half of the world. Most were being mistreated and having to flee to the Western states. The higher ups were not happy and had sent out several undercover SpellBinders to weed out the Coven that were not confining to the new laws of the Covens. He’d landed in the small coven who not only refused to accept the new laws on pairings, but were also living by the old ways of punishment. A way of life that went out of style some fifty years ago. Richard had not been sure why no coven member had not gone to the higher ups, but he had soon as he was taken to task for being late to one meeting. Only took one time for him to be threatened with a whipping to put his ass in gear. Took him another month or two to gather the evidence of what was going on and another month to persuade people to testify on their own behalf. Once all that was done, the higher up had gone into their usual meetings, taking their sweet old time to come up with an answer. Not one Richard liked, but should have been one he expected. Part of him had assumed he’d be stuck with the Coven, but . . .
“Why you say that? It’s the law.”
“Wasn’t a fool. Came here with the knowledge of what the Coven was like. You’ve lived been in the coven longer than me.”
Edward spoke as if that said it all. And it should have. “Things are not the same around here. And why would you come to a coven if you knew they lived in the old ways when they are new laws in place?”
“Old ways!” Edward sat up taller. “There was nothing of that mentioned in all the papers I received from the Coven leader.”
“Why would there have been? He was breaking the laws.”
Richard saw the defeat written all over his other half’s face. “What brought you here?”
“Why are things not the same here?”
“Nice avoidance.” Richard took the cloth from Edwards leg, tiliting it right then left. “Healed up. Sorry about Rex.”
“My own fault.” Edward sighed. “I was running from life. Now, why are things changing here.”
“The coven was reported to the higher ups and a new leader has been appointed.”
“Is he worse or better than the old one?”