Monday, March 8, 2021

Trade In and Up Chapter 19 (Final Chapter)


There will only be one post this week since I'm concluding the story today. 

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Unedited Free Written Story

Adult Content. If under 18 leave the site.

M/M Content. BDSM Content

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Chapter 19

“How much longer do you think it will be Andrew?”

They’d been inside the safe room for an hour. He’d felt rage flowing through Master Preston for two-thirds of that time, then a huge rush of pain rushed over him before everything inside him became empty. It was as if Master Preston had been ripped from him. He’d asked Andrew about it. Andrew refused to answer him, but the eye exchange between him and Robert put unease coursing through me.

“I’m sure it won’t be much lon - -“

The safe door flew open and Jackson’s huge shoulders came in first. He said noting, simply pointed at him and crooked his finger. He ran passed him, shoving him aside. The safe room was in our bedroom, so the first thing he saw was the bed, but what had him screaming was Master Preston laying bloody and prone on the bed.

Jackson gripped my arm and pushed me over to the bed. “Sit up beside him and hold his hand while we wait for the doctor.”

“What happened?” I finally squeaked the question out.

“Mr. Julian brought a rogue wolf with him. Three of them. They all attacked him at once.”

Wasn’t quite sure what rogue wolves were, but knew it couldn’t have been good considering his Master’s entire chest were shredded. Blood oozed onto our bed as he labored to breath.

“Can’t we do something to help him?”

“His wolf is healing him, working hard at doing so, but the wounds are deep. He just needs a bit more help. That’s all. You beside him is all the help he needs right now.”

He picked up his Master’s hand, rubbing his finger back and forth.


“I’m here, Master.”

“You do not have to worry no longer.”

“You are torn up, Master. I have to worry. You are mine.”

“You are mine, Boy. I worry. You submit.”

“I know, but I,” what did he do? Care for him? It was more than that. Did he . . . At some point and time he had . . . fallen for him. How? Didn’t matter. It had happened, and he needed his Master to know it. “I love you, Master.” He leaned forward, pressing his hand to his shirt, making sure it did not fall forward and brush against his Master’s torn up stomach as he pressed his lips against his Master’s.

He’d meant the kiss to be simple and comforting, but Master had other plans. Master grunted around the kiss as he lifted his hand, pressing it against his head, forcing the kiss to go deeper. There was no pulling back. No stopping the intensity. Or the stiffy that formed so fast he groaned around his Master’s tongue.

“Uh . . . Alpha,” Jackson’s voice was like cold water on his desire. “The doctor is here.”

Master ended the kiss, nipping his lower lip. “This will continue soon, Boy.”

“Yes, Sir.”

He sat up, scooting to the edge of the bed and watched as the doctor began to stich the skin back together. Master never once winced or complained. He kept his eyes locked onto him. He could feel Master’s smiling and it warmed him. He knew the two of them had a unusual start, but their ending had became one of a fairytale of sorts. Or in his mind it was.


“Yes, Boy?”

“Thank you for not allowing me to see the fight with Mr. Julian.”

“You did not need to see your tormentor be taken down. All you needed to know was that you were safe and he is no longer a threat to you and the ones you love.”

The doctor patted Master’s shoulder. “All patched up, Alpha.” The doctor shifted his eyes to me. “Alpha is correct. All you need know is to focus on your future and take care of you and the future alpha.”

Master scooted up, tugging me under his shoulder, kissing the side of my face. “He is right. Our future is all that matters.”

He rested his hand over his stomach, nodding as his Alex came forward. Our Alpha is correct. Our future is all that matters. He had cleared the way for it. Just like he said he would. Let him take care of us in all ways.

I agree.

“Our future is all that matters.” He snuggled against Master Preston, all but crawling into his skin. “Master, what do your require from your Boy?”

“This right here. Just this right here. For the rest of our lives.”

Master Preston lifted my chin, forcing him to lock eyes with him as his mouth descended onto his. It was a life that he could get used to for the rest of his life.

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