Monday, March 20, 2023

Moloch’s Prophecy Chapter 27


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Moloch’s Prophecy

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Chapter 27

I wasn’t sure it was simple as that. Moloch’s dead on, piercing stare told me he didn’t either. The Underworld was a complicated place. I’d learned that in the short amount of time I’d been here. Read a lot of books about its history and learned about what had taken place throughout the years. Lots of battles between the species that no longer like to be separated into classifications, and for good reason. When they were, they battled for dominance the entire time. Least they knew how to resolve the issue, make no groups, so no one could rule over the others. Made sense to me.

Yet, it took away their individuality, in a way. If there were no classification then how did they learn about their own side of life. Their schools could no longer teach individual courses on each species, which meant it left it up to their parents. Parents weren’t always the best approach to learning from. It could be iffy, could range from too overboard to not enough stress put on the subject. There was no way to judge a middle ground. Guess it was a subject that no leader could win on, and that was why I was glad I wasn’t a leader. Then again, what would my role be if once me and Ez completed the Chosen One Ceremony.

Moloch had good reason to fear me being with Ez. I had no official knowledge of what my role would be when I officially became his. What would be expected of me? Would I be under house and key? Would he tell me where and when I could see people? Would I be expected to be at his side at all times? These are things I should have asked Maga before the Underworld Presentation Ball.

“I think,” Moloch’s mocking tone drew me from my rambling thoughts, “that Nacal has came to his own conclusions about where he stands among our world, have you not?”

Was he smiling? He was. Why? Had he read my mind and thought my rambling thoughts equaled dismissal of my rights to be here? Could he read minds? There were little to no information listed int the books I’d read about what the Highness could do power wise. Reading minds might be simple for him. Didn’t matter, he had read mine wrong if he thought that.

“I’m unsure what you mean, Your Highness.”

“Have you not came to the conclusion that you do not belong in our world?”

“No, I have not, Your Highness.”

Maga stood up taller against the wall where he’d yet to move from. Ez squeezed my hand tighter. Wasn’t sure if it was in support or to warn me off, but I never let anyone back me into a corner and I wouldn’t start then.

“Then where do you stand?”

“I stand as a newcomer into the Underworld, one who has lots to learn and is a fast learner. One who has a major reason to motivate him to grasp the concept behind every facet of the Underworlds way of life fast and accurately do so. I do not think this task will be an easy one, nor should I, but it is one I am up to, Your Highness.”

Ez lifted my hand and gave it the top of it a light kiss. “Moloch, as you see, he is more than acceptable partner for me and fate has deemed him mine. That is all that I care about and that is all you should care about. Now go and leave us in peace so we can get to know one another.”

“And what of . . .” He waved his hand at Maga.

“He has broken no rules and he will remain my guard as you wished all my life. Do you not say so?”

I could see Maga suck in a huge breath of air. I knew how much working for the Highness and Prince Moloch meant to him and his family. I hoped me being who I was did not interfere in that.

“I do. He is a great asset and the best to watch over us. He is the best of his family line.”

“Great praise, Your Highness.” Maga bowed his head. “I will never fail you nor Prince Moloch.”

“I know you will not.” Your Highness stood, patting Ez on his shoulder and then left.


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