Monday, May 22, 2023

Weekly Prompt


Hi All

Sorry for the missed couple of weeks. It's been a bit hectic in my life and I've been unable to get the blog written. I apologize and hope that the worst crazy part of my life is over. But if not, they might be some more weeks missed. I hop this is not the case, but if so, you have my apologizes ahead of time. But for this week, I have your writing prompt for the week. I hope you enjoy it and are able to let your imagination soar.


Blog Prompt Free Writes

Prompt came from: 

Prompt: A vampire, a dwarf, and a werewolf walk into a bar…

Never thought I’d seen it, but I saw it. The day started off like any other day. Woke up. Went to work. Stopped off at my favorite bar on the way home orders my favorite beer from Alman, the bartender who knew everything. Me and Alman were in a deep conversation about the Panther’s draft choice when the entire room went so quiet that you could hear a pin drop. I spun on my barstool towards the door.

There they stood. The most unusual trio in the world. These three kinds of people had never been seen side-by-side in over two centuries. They preferred to do battle than breath the same air as one another. So why were they side by side in the same bar as me.

The tall, lanky, pale skinned gentleman, and that’s all you could all him with the way he wore a fancy, silky black suit with a sparkling white shirt with gold cufflinks and shiny, squared toed shoes. Typical clothing style for all Vampires. Right the opposite appearance than the scruffy appearance of the dark-brown haired, fully bearded man with baggy sweatpants and a holey t-shirt on. Bit dressier for a Werewolf than I’d seen before. The oddest among them all was the four-foot tall, dwarf that stood looking like a leprechaun with his green top hat.

“What do you think they are doing here? Together?” Alman whispered over my shoulder.

Wasn’t sure, but it couldn’t be good.

The three of them scanned the room three times before their eyes settled on me.

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