Monday, September 18, 2023

Free Write Scene


Punch after punch a guy threw, sending vampires every which way as his knives sliced through the air with each kick he delivered, creating falling dust. He jumped and leapt out of the way, spinning this way and that way, dodging hits with such grace he looked like a preprogrammed robot. Otto never saw anything like it, nor had he ever been in a building that rained thick, hot blood before, which had him curling up like some coward in the corner of the large run-down dance room of an abandoned hotel room at some rave his ex-lover told him about.

What had he been thinking going somewhere Elias told him about? The man was so irresistible. Trouble with a capital T and could do nothing right. Why had he broken his six-month streak of remaining inside and away from people on the weekends?

Oh, right. He wanted companionship. He thought he might find someone. He’d found right the opposite. A world like nothing else.

“Sir, sir, are you okay?” A squeaky voice asked.

Otto looked up into the most dazzling pair of round, hazel eyes and lips that were beyond kissable. He bet they were soft and tender. He knew they had to be perfect to nipple on.

“Uh, thanks for the compliment. Can I take that as you are well enough to stand?”

“Oh shit! Did I say that out loud?”

“Yes, but I sort of like hearing my atractableness.” The mystery guy held his hand out. “Let me help you up. “What are you doing in a place like this?”

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