Monday, October 16, 2023

Free Write Scene

Premier Club the words shined like a beacon of welcome, warmth, and fun when it brought death to all like him who stepped within ten feet of its door. So, why did he stand on the outskirts of its building like a fool?

Because Eaphel begged him to join him in the Raid on the Vampire/Coven Den with a Kill Order against them. What the group of Mixed Breeds, who found it safe and respectful enough of themselves to register their Mixed Breed status, done to receive a Kill Order was beyond him. Even most Mixed Breed groups didn’t receive them. He knew it was common for Mixed Breeds to receive so many marks against them they were forced to disperse and live without a group, the worst sentence for his kind. That’s why he never registered his Mixed Breed status. It’s also why when his boss found it out his entire life changed. His boss was kind enough, and held enough sympathy for him, that he gave him the option to quit the Nation Service Guard or he’d report him himself. Easy choice for him. He had had enough time in with the Guard to quit with partial retirement benefits and work part-time to finish filling in for money. It’d been easy enough to find a security job and his life partner kept bringing him side jobs like these, which brought him more than enough money to keep him sitting pretty.

“See you beat us here, baby.” Eaphel leaned over his back, kissing the base of the back of his neck, right over his Life Partner Mark, which he’d placed there some twenty years earlier when they’d barely been old enough to enter the Nations Service Guard.

“Yeah, babe.” A shiver ran down his spine but he shoved it to the back of his mind as he forced himself into work mode. “How many do we have with us and how many will be inside?”

Eaphel swept his hand behind him, revealing about twenty guys in solid black uniforms stating their elite status.

“Man, babe, these people are major players.” Elite status, and that many in one location for one Den with a Kill Order meant these people were presumed extremely dangerous. “What did these people do? “What did these people do?”

“Classified, Kalen.” He squared his shoulder, sighing so hard his shoulders lifted and fell, letting him know how sorry he was that he had to say that one word to him.

Kalen wished he didn’t have to hear them, but he did and each time they passed Eaphael’s lips while they worked together tore his heart out and reminded him why he worked so hard to hide his Mixed Breed status, even from his life partner.

“Alright. Let’s get this Raid a going.” 

He faced the building again, taking in the silvery shim covering the entire large enclosure. Kalen wished he could warn Eaphel and the others about the Death Ending Ward around the enclosure but as far as the ones around him he was one hundred percent Vampire. It had to stay that way.

“You know anything else about this place from your dosie?”

“Only that we have to go in carefully because all our scouts never made it past the front door.”

Never made it near the front door is more like it. The Death Ending Spell kept anyone with deadly intent or without Vampire or Witch blood out by one of two methods. Death or Paralization. That was why, he had to find a way to get himself placed by himself high above and out of sight. He could bring down the Death Ending Ward, but not where anyone could see him do so.

“You want me where?”

“Thought you might take Hangry and go high and cover my men from afar.” Was he grinning at me? He didn’t grin when he was on a mission. He was in full-out blank mode. What was going on? “You did bring Hangry with you, right?”

“You know I never leave the house without Hangry when I’m on a mission.” He didn’t. Hangry, his lucky rifle was always broken down and at his side when he left the house to go to work, even on the security job. A side effect of being the top-ranked marksman in the world.

“Then pick you high spot and get in place, Kalen. You’ve got five minutes before we move out.”

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