Monday, November 21, 2016

Chaos Magic

None of the fact listed in here pertains to my personal beliefs. They are simply facts I found during research. I have listed the source at the bottom of the post.

Chaos Magic was a movement born in the last quarter of the twentieth century, sometimes spelled Xaos Magic. Chaos Magic owes its origins to a work of science fiction, the Illuminatus! Trilogy by Robert Shea and Robert Anton Wilson. A trilogy with a dizzying mixture of satire, put-on, pop culture, and occultism. This trilogy attacks all conceivable belief systems, presented a theory of magic that centered on sex and drew heavily on the wirings of the previously obscure Discordian movement, who worshiped the goddess of chaos.
Throughout time there have been many publications in the Chaos Magic field. Each seemed to combine others types of magic and became foundations for different Chaos Magic organization.
This short bit of information is only a short bit of what I found during my research. I hope you find it interesting enough to dig further into the concept of Chaos Magic. If so, I truly suggest you check out my main resource:
The New Encyclopedia of the Occult
By John Michael Greer
(this bit of information came from page 97)

There are many more sources of information about this topic. Some may follow this path, others may not. I’ve listed a few sources I looked into, but didn’t use during my research.
Other Source Links

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