Thursday, September 27, 2018

Demon Flash Fiction

I’m gearing up for NaNoWrMo in November and am doing some flash fiction writing to warm my mind up. Hope you all enjoy what comes your way.


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If under 18 leave
Unedited Flash Fiction Scene
Paranormal Romance
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“There it goes again.” Ramon threw his hands at the grandfather clock he’d inherited from his great-uncle George. “It’s done that every night since it arrived.”

“What, Ramon?” I looked at the clock, but all I saw was the little hand ticking down the seconds. The clock clicked each second that went by.

“You have to see it.”

“See what?” I moved over and wrapped my arms around his waist. “Come on, babe. You are just tired.”

“I am not tire, Kevin.”

“you have to be. You’ve been running on one hour sleep a night since your great-uncle died.”

“There was just so much to do.”

“I know.” I wasn’t’ sure why there had been so much to do for a man that was ninety-five years old and looked like thirty-five. The man had been creepy as hell, but I never told my lover that. Ramon was indebted to his uncle for all the money he’d given his mom and him over the years. It had been the difference between food on the table and a homeless shelter more than one time over the years. Ramon’s mother was a proud woman and refused to take money from anyone, so Ramon’s Uncle would come to him and give him money. Ramon told his mother that he’d earned the money by doing some odd jobs and getting great tips. I wasn’t sure if his mother bought the lies her son told him, but she never rejected the money he offered her.

“It’s stopped.”

“Good. Then let’s go get some sleep.”

“I can’t.” Ramon tugged free of his arms. “I have to figure out what is going on with the clock. If it’s broken then I have to find someone to fix it. It was the one thing that Uncle left specific instruction for. The rest of his stuff had been up to me to despose of.”

“Okay.” I took hold of Ramon’s hand. “We can look a clocksmith up in the morning. For now . . . let’s get some sleep.”

“Okay.” Ramon nodded, but his full attention was on the clock. “It’s doing it again.” I looked over, but saw nothing out of the norm. “I think the damn thing is possessed.”

“Possessed?” I moved us toward the bedroom. “Like demon?”


“Why?” I tugged his shirt over his head, tossing it into the hamper.

“You’ve seen those scary moves. Demons take hold over the strangest things. Many of those items have been clocks.”

I forced my laughter down as I pushed him back so he sat on the edge of the bed, so I could remove his shoes. “I don’t think that’s the case, but we can research it tomorrow.” I lifted his legs and laid them out on the bed. “For now, sleep.” I pulled the cover over him and then climbed in bed beside him.

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