Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Mythical Creature Flash Fiction

I’m gearing up for NaNoWrMo in November and am doing some flash fiction writing to warm my mind up. Hope you all enjoy what comes your way.


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If under 18 leave
Unedited Flash Fiction Scene
Paranormal Romance
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She’d done it. Made it through the tunnel buried under her house. Came to a built-in cavern filled with lanterns and tables lined with canning jars. She ran the flash light across the table, pausing on each jar. What was . . . She moved close to the table nearest her and picked up one of the jars.

“What is that?”

Thankfully, no one answered. If they had, she would have ran screaming from the room. How could she not. There was a tiny . . . baby like creature in some kind of liquid. She sat the jar down, and picked up the one beside it. She tilted it to the side, taking in the little . . . was that a horse? No. Yes. Partly.

“Lord have mercy.” She caught the jar in her other hand as it slipped free. Carefully, she slid the jar back onto the table and took a step back, taking in the entire room. Each jar held some kind of part animal . . . part human. Not any ole animal though. A horse’s end. Instead of arms and legs there were four legs attached to the rear-end of a horse that had a human chest and head connected to it. “That’s a . . .”


She spun, screaming and running past whoever had came into the room without her knowing. She did not stop running until she was back in her basement. She quickly slammed the door shut and threw the bolt in place.

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