Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Werewolf Flash Fiction

This is another week of Flash Fiction Scene/Conversations. Hope you all enjoy.

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Unedited Flash Fiction Scene
M/M Content
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Jarrad popped his neck, cursing as his skin curled inward as fur rippled across every inch of his body. Bones popped and cracked louder than an airplane rushing overhead. He’d been told that the first shift was horrific, but he’d not believed them. Good thing to. They’d been wrong. It was beyond definable. Pain didn’t fit the heat rushing over his body as fur sprout and his bones realigned. It was as if someone was ripping his heart from his chest as they skinned him alive.

“You’ve almost done it, baby.”

Almost? There was more to come? What? His mind being yanked free of his skull? Did he call me baby? He had. Damn him. He’d baby, Ivan. The man promised him he’d ease the pain for him. Sure wasn’t doing as he promised.

“I am, baby. I promise.”

“Quit . . .” A soft grunt turned into a faint howl. “Lying.”

“Believe it or not, it would be worse if I was not here to soothe your new wolf.”

New wolf? Sounded strange, but wonderful at the same time. Or would after his wolf came forward completely. Ivan told him that the first shift was murder, but the ones after that went like a snezzed fading on a breeze. He knew Ivan spoke the truth. He’d seen his love shift several times. It was as easy as blinking. Why wasn’t the first shift that way?

“There you go, baby.” Soft hands ran down his snout.

Shit. He had a snout. He took a deep breath and let the air flow smoothly through his entire body. He’d done it. He’d shifted. He was like Ivan. They would never be apart. They would become one by the end of the night. The Pack Master promised them if he accepted the wolf spirit that Ivan offered him then they’d be listed as a mated pair in the Pack History Book. Meaning there would never be another male, or female, werewolf that could try to take Ivan from him.

“You are right, my lover.”

He licked Ivan’s neck and inhaled deeply, loving how his man smelled like Old Spice.

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