Monday, July 27, 2020

Life and Love Lesson Chapter 13

Life and Love Lessons
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Adult Content if Under 18 Leave Site, Please.
M/M Content
Unedited Story
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Chapter 13
Rex stood outside the gym building behind Mr. Chamberland’s house, waiting to be called in front of the entire pack. Down front sat all the single females, just like the book he’d read said there would be. Up on the podium was Mr. Chamberland and to his right stood Larry, the one that had supposed to be his. The one that he’d willing let go so he could be happy, but he had looked anything but happy since then. Even when they passed his eyes had held sadness and he had made little touches with me. Touches that still sent shivers over my arms, but the mate smell was gone. The breakage wordage, spell whatever you called it, had worked. They were no longer each others, which was good. It provided him his out for the day’s event. Yet another thing Mr. Chamberland was going to be ticked off about. There’d been lots of those over the last few days.
Rex had came to the aid of several wolves that came to him over. A couple of them had been men that just needed advice on how to escape Mr. Chamberland’s authority control. He’d simply showed them the passages in the old text that told them they had the right to switch packs by reaching out to the Pack Master if Mr. Chamberland refused to allow them to if they had valid reason. All did. Most had better job offers. There had been one or two that came to him wanting to know what to do about their mates being of the same sex. Once again, he referred them to the text book he’d read and told them it was fine for them to go over Mr. Chamberland’s head. At first, Rex had not know how for them to do that, but with a little bit of inquiry with Larry, he was able to figure out that Mr. Chamberland kept the man’s phone number in his office. Simple enough for Rex to sneak in at night and get the number. Even easier for him to pass it along to those that needed to reach out to the man. It’d taken all his strength not to reach out to him about his own situation, but him and his wolf knew he was needed there.
“Today is my nephew’s Choosing Ceremony, so if Rex Chamberland will come forward.”
Time had came. He slowly walked from behind the building and up onto the podium, making sure to stay at the edge of the stage where Mr. Chamberland had instructed him to stay.
“One by one each of you single woman will walk by him. If he catches your scent he will reach for you. If not, then you all will fight for the chance to be his first date.”
Rex sat there, staring at a knot on a board next to his blue shoe. It took only three minutes for the fifteen females to walk by.
“Then it is up to the ladies to decide who he will date first. You each drew numbers before you came here. The lowest two numbers will start and go from there. Let’s get this going. Wolf form only.”
Rex continued to stare at the boards, not caring one way or the other. He wasn’t even sure how many had fought. When there was a faint snarl to pay attention from Mr. Chamberland.
When had he came up to his side? Didn’t matter. Rex wasn’t about to watched female wolves fight over him. It turned his stomach. Why would anyone want to fight for the right to date another. Why not just ask them. Why risk harm to one selves? I could see if both parties agreed to such an event, but it should be there choice. Not like this. I can even see it taking place if both sex were allowed to participate and if only the singles who wanted to participate did so.
“The winner is . . .” Rex glanced up taking in the tall, lanky, big boobed, blonde woman, who stood naked smiling at him. “Sandy Adkock. The date will take place tonight at seven.” Nice of Mr. Chamberland to set up the date for him, but . . . The man should have asked him first. “Everyone enjoy the food and mingle.” Mr. Chamberland waited until everyone was out of their seats and then came by him, jerking him by his collar. “Time to meet the future Rex Chamberland.” Yeah right.
Rex followed behind him and into the crowd. They came to a stop in front of Sandy, who still bore the huge smile. Mr. Chamberland gripped the young woman on the shoulder. “Sandy, I’d like to introduce you to Rex. You two enjoy the rest of the party and your date tonight.”
Mr. Chamberland walked away, leaving the crowd to surround us. Rex hadn’t wanted a crowd around them when he let the lady down, but if he had to do so there, he would.
“What do you have planned for us to do tonight?” Sandy’s soft and gentle tone made the sickness in my stomach worse, but Rex was not going to be forced into dating anyone. Not for any tradition. Specially one that was being twisted to fit a single man’s way of thinking, and a train of thought that was from the stone age.
“Sandy, you seem like a nice lady,” Rex made sure to keep his tone soft and low. “but I will not be taking you out tonight or any night.” A screamed ripped through the crowd that had everyone turning their heads.

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