Wednesday, December 29, 2021

An Entourage of Love Chapter 12


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Unedited Free Written Story

Adult Content. If under 18 leave the site.

M/M Content

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Chapter 12

Least the upcoming week would be free. Did that mean he’d be with his mate or not? He’d just arrived. Spent one night in his mate’s bed after thinking him dead. He needed more time with him. Would he get it?

“Bobby,” Daniel patted Tommy’s hand, making Bobby cringe when Tommy tugged his hand away from him. “How does Tuesday and Wednesday sound to you?”

Two days? Only? Sucked. Better than nothing. Which he could have given me. Meant it’d be days before he got to hold him through the night again. Damn it. What could he say? Hell no. That could piss Daniel off and he could refuse to give him any time. He was a starving wolf and one man controled how much he got of what could fulfill him. Fuck. Tommy wouldn’t be given him his daily blood. Would that become something he gave to Daniel? Fuck. Fuck.

He felt eyes boring into him, forcing him to keep his hands in place when all he longed to do was run his hands through his hair and tug the ends. Brush the stress from his face. Once again, he could do nada. But . . .

“Fine with me.” He faced James, knowing he had the final say. “James?”

“That’s okay.”

“Great.” Daniel rubbed his hands together. “Starting next Tuesday at seven in the morning Tommy will be at your and his room. He will return to our room at seven morning on Thursday.” His eyes scanned the kitchen, frowning at the flour covered counter top. “So the house we need will have how many rooms?”

Daniel began muttering to himself and counting fingers. He was lost in naming off the couples. It was overhearing him that alerted Bobby that his baby brother had a Vampire brother named Kyle that he was dominate over to spend the two days that Tommy was with him with. Scared him a bit to think that the rest of his life would be spent struggling his days between mates. And it could only get worse if he found the other two types of mates that exist among the world. Also meant they’d have to have a huge ass house, or him and James would have to find their own home for him and his other mates if they came into play. That might make it easier on Tommy and him as well. Who knew. He’d never considered having a life with multiple partners. Okay, he’d dreamed of a threesome, but that was a one time thing and then the extra man would be gone from his life.

“How does all that sound to you guys?”

“Fine with me.” James patted my leg, drawing his attention.

Right. He’d been asked a question. One that he had no idea really how to answer, but he did know one thing, James would never agree to anything that would harm him. He wasn’t sure why he believed that after all he done to him and Tommy to start with, but . . . Yes, he did. James was fighting against his wolf nature. A wolf desire for his mate was strong. Even with Bobby’s never die desire for Tommy, there was still deeply, hidden lust for James. He’d pushed it so far back that it had gotten lost among all the chaos in his life. He also knew that Tommy would never let him agree to something that he himself refused to do.

“Long as Tommy agrees, it’s fine with me.”

“It’s fine with me, honey.”

“Then we are all worked out. Good. Great. Let’s get David back in here and fill him in.”

* * *

Tommy got up went to work on what he’d been preparing to eat. Soon as he had it done, we all sat back down at the table and ate while we filled Larry in. He grinned the entire time that Daniel filled him in. His pride for his brother was more than clear, and the way Daniel seemed to ache to achieve that praise from him was more than evident. Bobby had never seen a second so enthralled in being in charge.

“You are all going to be a great Menage.” Larry tapped the table top. “Now, I need to know if yo uare all going to be marring to each other or not.”

What? They just met. Well . . . Bobby met James years ago, but Tommy and Daniel . . . Even if him and James had met years ago they’d never been anything more than friends. How did they know if they were compatiable in any other manner? And there were . . . James and Tommy for him and Tommy and that Vampire guy for Daniel, how could all those people be married to each other?

“How is that possible?”

“Shit.” James muttered.

“Guess we missed explaining that, didn’t we.” Daniel groaned. “Sorry, Larry.”

Larry chuckled. Chuckled, really. How was the situation funny? They’d just told him that he could be married to two people at once. Possible more.

“Marriages with Fated Mates,” Larry’s tone grew softer and mellow. “With multiples partners is handled tenderly. Of course, first we ahve to determine if the dominate of the Fated Mate relationship will allow the other mates to marry or not.” All eyes shifted to James and Daniel.

“Bobby can marry Tommy if Daniel allows it?”

Words that soothed a large part of my rumbling wolf. The mere idea that someone could tell him he could not connect himself to his mate in the most primal manner in the human manner was all but driving him to the front.


“If that is what Bobby wishes for them, then so be it.”

“I want . . .” James’ tenative pause had me sitting up taller and facing him with a dead on stare. “Bobby and me to have the Fated Mate Marriage Rite preformed.”

The book he read stated nothing about that. Or anythign about us all the mates being able to marry for that fact. Looked like there were some missing facts. What else was there for him to learn. How serious was this Rite that James spoke of. Seemed extemely since it concerned marriage.

“Bobby,” Larry said, “That is the marriage ceremony we use with the Fated Mate couple. Once you two are marreid, bonded and linked it can never be broken unless one of you die. You must agree to it, or I can’t allow it.”

Damn. Fucking serious as hell. Gives to till death to us part a new aspect. James had been skittish about mentioning his wants in the first place. His eyes now held a bit of fear in them, which Bobby cursed. They made him want to rush over to him and take him in his arms. A fact he was unsure how he felt about, considering Tommy sat right beside him. He also felt the table shaking and James was the only one touching the table at that moment.

James feared his rejection. He had since the moment he told him about their connection. He knew how in love he was with Tommy and was willing to take whateevr scraps he could get from the mate he’d been given. Fuck it. There was no way, Bobby could break the man’s heart. He was being so willing and ensuring him and Tommy was getting what they needed . . .

“I will allow it.”

Jame’s breath flew from his lips as they lifted up and a glittered formed in his grayish eyes.

“Daniel, will you allow Tommy to marry Bobby?”

“By all means, but I do not wish the Fated Mate ceremony.”

“I assumed that, since you did not wish it with Kyle.” Larry tapped the table a couple of times. “Bobby, do you wish to rejoin you and Tommy?”

“Yes, if he will still have me.”

“Definitely want that, but will we be married in both ways or just the wolf?”

“Just the wolf between you and Bobby. Should never have been both ways between you two.”

That actually made sense, but did that mean his Vampire side would become dormant again? Was there a way to avoid that? Maybe just being around others like himself would help. He hoped so. He had liked having access to both sides of himself.

“Well,” Larry pushed back from the table and to his feet, “brothers, you have put my ass to work. I’ve got to go home and plan some weddings. You’re not supposed to do that to your family.”

They all laughed and said their goodbyes to him, then Daniel faced Tommy and asked him if there were enough rooms there for him and Kyle to stay. There was only one other room left, which would become his and Kyle’s so Kyle decided to leave Kyle where he was at at the time and move him in when Tony bought them the new place. Then he asked to take Tommy out to a movie, which Bobby’s wolf roared about, but Bobby had to say was a great thing, because it gave the two of them something to do together. Get to know one another a bit. Then he asked the best question in the world.

“James, will you allow Bobby to show affection to Tommy on the days he is not with him?”

James shot glances between Tommy and him then said, “As long as there is no sexual activity I’m fine with that.”

“Great, you two can have contact at all time, long as no sexual acts outside of your pre-set time.”

Had to admit, that settled Cal a lot. Might not be able to walk up and strip Tommy down and fuck him hard on the floor, but he could come up and get a hug or a peck on the cheek. Wasn’t much, but it would help settle my grumpy wolf.

Monday, December 27, 2021

An Entourage of Love Chapter 11


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Unedited Free Written Story

Adult Content. If under 18 leave the site.

M/M Content

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Chapter 11

Bobby tilted his neck to the side until it popped twice. What was going on in his life? It’d been turned upside down and twisted on every end possible.

“Bobby,” James sat down at the island, letting his hands rest onto of each other in front of him. “How are you handling all of this?”

Good question. “Unsure. Totally confused.” One thing he knew about James, or he used to know about him was that the guy was a straightforward kind of guy. Or he had been until he began to stalk him. Had there been a reason for that? “Two upfront questions. One: why did you stalk us? Two: Are you going to let me see Tommy or do I need to refuse him?” Those last four words were like a stake to the heart, which had him bracing his back against the blue flowered wallpaper, that so did not match Tommy’s taste.

“I’m not going to make you refuse him.” James spun the bar stool so he was facing him. Kind of put him in an awakard position, but he still held a huge, sexy smile. “I know you two love each other. Greatly. I know this was not something either of you were expecting. I sure was not expecting it on bit.” James motioned to the stool beside him. “Take a seat and hear me out.”

Was the least he could do. Sure sounded like Tommy had been listening to Daniel. Overhearing them had been another reason he remained so close to the doorway of the kitchen. He’d wanted to ensure Tommy remained calm and steady. Since there was no tension flowing through either of them, Bobby so no reason to continue to hover. He made his way over to the bar stool and climbed up.

“What I would like for us to do is . . . You can see Tommy as much as you want and I will work wiht what you have to do to keep him in your life. I even let us live in the same house as Tommy and Daniel if tha will make it easier on us.”

“You would do that!”

Air rushed from his lungs. He’d not known so much had built up in him. How had he been carrying on with his mental considerations and the conversation and holding it at the same time. Hard to think such was possible. Had been. Or felt like it. 

“Course I would.” James hand came up, but he stopped himself before he touched Bobby’s face. “I’d do anything to make you happy. That’s all . . . My wolf didn’t mean to make it stalking. He was just . . . Unaware of how strong our connection was and why he was so pulled to you when you were so in love with someone else. Once I left the pack and came to my brother . . . He caught whiff of your scent on me and things began to unravel. Truth came to life about who you were and how I reacted to you and he explained what was most likely going on. It took time for me to adjust to the fact that I’d have to share you, but me and my wolf came to an understanding that some time with you was better than nothing.”

Bobby understood his words. He’d been more than ready to give Tommy up for him to be happy when the Master gave his order. James was willing to do just the same, just in for a different reason. It was an honrable act.

“I appreciate the sacrfice you and yoru wolf is willing to make.” Bobby reached out and took hold of James’ hand, squeezing it. “There is one condition that Tony has. Tommy’s mate must live in the house that Tony provides him.”

“I see.”

“I also know if Daniel wants an easy life with Tommy then he’s going to have to learn to bend to what TOny wants. He always has his best interest in heart and he always will.”

“There is one thing I need to know since you are dominate in our relationship.” Bobby waited until James gave him a nod. “Tony has asked me to start learning his business since I was Tommy’s mate and I need to know how to answer him if he still wants me to do so.”

“Do you want to?”

Major honor to be given. Would it still be on the table? If so . . . “I do.”

“I will allow it. You will make a great leader for his business.”

“Thank you, James.”

“You are welcome, my love.”

Bobby’s insides cringed, but not so much because he disliked hearing James addressing him in such an endearing manner. Nope. Some small part of his heart liked it. If he took that part out and investigated it a bit deeper he might find out there was more to it than just a tiny amount he was willing to admit.

“For now,” James gave his hand another squeeze and ran his thumb over his wrist. “We take this as slow as you need us to.”

Sounded perfect to him. As much as part of him seemed attracted to James, his wolf side longed to be with its mate, Tommy. A desire that was so intense that very little could be seen above it.

“Thanks for - -“

The back door flew open and Tony ran through it. He was almost out the kitchen door that led to the hallway when he pulled up short and spun on his heal. He stomped back over to him and came to a stop in front of him.

“Is it true?”

“If you are refer to us in a strange situation then yes, Sir.”

“Tommy, get in here now!”

“Sir, please don’t be mad at him. He had nothing to do with this.”

“Bobby, I just need to see that he is alright. He had me scared to death.”

Tommy came in shaking his head with Daniel walking in behind him. “Uncle Tony, like always you hung up on me before you let me answer you. Why?”

“I overreacted.” He gave a small shrug. Man never cared how he reacted around his nephew or those with him. “Think I need you to explain again.”

Together all four of them got Tony onto the same page with them. Had to say it could be the only time anyone saw Tony, the Don of the biggest Mob in the US flustered enough that he ran his hands through his hair and tugged at the ends. His questions made it even a bit more clear.

“So . . .” He gave each guy at the kitchen table a glance, “none of you mind living in the house I provide for my nephew?” Once he had a head shake from us all he asked he gave his permission to our unions. Like he could really object. But he could. If he had told Tommy no, then both Daniel and him would have had to refuse Tommy or face off with the biggest and baddest Vampire alive. Neither of us were stupid enough to do so. Or Bobby didn’t think Daniel was. “I have to go to Daniel as well as Bobby. This will take me time to get use to. Bare with me.”

Shit. He had to get with Daniel and see how much time he would have with Tommy. Fuck, doing so sucked. Tommy was his wolf mate. It was his right to be with him twenty-four seven. Not only Tony would have to adjust.

“Bobby,” Tony nailed him with his most intense look. “I assumed this is why you held off on my question.”

Bobby shook his head.

“Then can I have an answer to my question?”

“I agree to it. James has agreed to let me do so.”

Tony turned and gave James a nod of thanks and a small smile. Great jester from Tony. “You will make a great leader for my business, Bobby. We will start your training next Monday. I’m going to return to my place and let you guy’s finish up the minor details. Bobby, let me know what days you will be with Tommy. I do not like to work on the weeks, plus you are running the show for me right now.”

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

An Entourage of Love Chapter 10

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Unedited Free Written Story

Adult Content. If under 18 leave the site.

M/M Content

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Chapter 10

Tommy sat up taller, hoping it made him appear stronger than he had the last few days. He’d seen Daniel only once since he arrived here, but he’d appeared weak ever since him and Bobby had been separated. Being so far away from his wolf mate had been hard as hell on him and his wolf, Stay. To think that someone else was going to have say over when he got to see Bobby and his wolf, Cal was like a silver stake being slung right into his heart. Uncle would be displeased about this. He wasn’t that pleased about it. Sure doubted that Bobby was. Least he didn’t have to deal with possible four different mates like Bobby did. Wait, with him being with this guy he did have to. Daniel was a mix wolf/vamp and could have multiple mates that he would have control over. He’d have say over which one he saw the most and done the most with. Ugh . . .

Least he was eye candy. Sexy rounded face with straight lined cheeks and thick licks that beckoned to be kissed and nipped. His eyes were sea blue-green with just a touch of gray. Perfection. His wolf side didn’t think so, but Tommy the man did, even if him and his wolf loved Bobby with all their hearts.

“Tommy, when do you want to bring your Uncle into our discussion?”

Great, he’s not going to leave Uncle out of things. That’s smart. “Let’s lay out the ground work to me and then I can explain the promises I’ve made to Uncle. Then we can bring him in either by phone or person.”

“First, let’s get this straight from the start, I do not want to stop you from seeing Bobby. I would not do that to you. I can see how much you care of him and how much he cares for you. So . . . What I’m willing to do . . . Is work with him in anyway possible to keep you happy. I will let you stay with him for two nights a week and spend those days with him at a place of your own, or we can shared a place with him and James, if we all agree to that. Those two nights have to be during the week. You two can adopt children if you want. I will discuss all major issues with him before I made the final decision.” 

Daniel gave a nod of approval of what he said, which Tommy found his well laid out thoughts sexy and a bit preplanned. But that didn’t matter. What did was how generous or ungenerous he thought the laid out plan was. What did he think about it? Two days a week, wasn’t much. Five days a week with Daniel. Could he handle that? It all worked with the promises I made Uncle, except the living arrangements. Bobby knew that, but Daniel had not, so he did had no way of knowing to include it.

“There’s one promise I made Uncle that has to be lived up that needs attending to before I agree with liking that plan.”

Daniel lifted an eyebrow.

“I promised Uncle I’d always live in a house that he bought for me in his areas. He was holding off buying one in this area until Bobby got here.”

“Then I will agree to live in the house he buys for you. If he will buy one large enough I think James would agree to living in the house so that you and Bobby are close together. Any other promises?”

“Just a heads up.”


“Uncle can be an ass when it comes to my safety and happiness. He will throw his weight around if he feels like he has to.”

“Means I will have to learn to listen to his wishes and see if I can accommodate them or not. If not . . . Me and him will have to work things out, won’t we? Do you need to call him?”

“Yes, let me make that call.”

Monday, December 20, 2021

An Entourage of Love Chapter 9


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Unedited Free Written Story

Adult Content. If under 18 leave the site.

M/M Content

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Chapter 9

Bobby wrapped his arms around Tommy as he climbed onto his lap. He was sure that was not going to go over too well with Daniel. Or James, but he seemed to be able to keep his wolf in good control. Looked as if they’d find out if Daniel had great control or not. Sure was going to test his control of his wolf. Just knowing that he had to ask Daniel what amount of time he would have with his mate had Cal snarling deep inside him. Bobby forced himself to remain seated and soaked up the scent of his mate to help ease his wolf side. He was sure that was that had was how he manged to remain seated when Daniel came in and sat down across from them, releasing a faint challenging growl. Oh, he returned it. No choice but to, but he made sure that the guy knew there was respect. Or hoped he did when he gave a short, choppy of tilt of the head. Bobby was stronger more dominate than him, but the guy was still going to be his second if he joined Larry’s group. And he would. How could he not. The man was family. One thing he’d been taught, even if the guys that raised him did so with an underhanded reason, to stick with family.

“Daniel.” Larry snapped and slapped him upside the head.

“Sorry, brother.”

“It’s fine.” He faced Larry. “Tommy and I have a few more questions.”

“Ask away, Tommy.”

Bobby loved how Larry went directly to Tommy, even though it was their way of life to address the dominate one. Bobby had worded it so that he gave his mate permission to interact in their conversation. Showed Larry made a great Alpha.

“Are the . . . Can the . . .” Tommy buried his head further into his Bobby’s neck. “I can’t. He’s staring at me.”

“Daniel,” Bobby tugged Tommy closer. “Your staring at him is . . .”

“Oh, I’m so sorry, Tommy.” Daniel lowered his eyes and gripped his hands. “I never want to upset you.”

Bobby was sure Tommy’s question would upset him. If Tommy got to ask it. Seemed like he’d be the one to ask.

“Can you ask, now?” Daniel started to lean over and touch Tommy, but pulled back at the last second.

Tommy shook his head, rubbing it across Bobby’s bare skin, giving him a great feel of the wetness on his cheek. That riled up Cal and had Bobby snuffling and snorting.

“I think . . .” Larry pushed Daniel back further. “Bobby, whatever the question is . . . Daniel will remain calm. You have my word on that.”

He hoped so. Daniel’s reaction might could have been the very thing that got him killed. “Tommy and I, want to know if Fated Mates can refuse one another? Our names have not been written in anyone’s Mate Book so . . .”

Two simatianious growls filled the room. He hadn’t expected James to react to his question. He’d been calm and quiet about the entire situation. What was his deal? Had he really cared about them being together? He’d bes stupid to think that James growling over him wanting to end things with him before they begun bothered him. Kind of made him all warm and tingly to think he felt something for him, even if he . . . Did he feel something for James. Didn’t matter right then. His and Tommy’s question hadn’t been meant to make them think they’d give them up.

“Wait a minute.” Bobby held up his hand, stopping both of them. “I’m not saying that is going to happen. It is just a question we needed to know the answer to.”

“You two chill out.” Larry rolled his eyes and muttered something about Fated Mates always losing their heads. “They have the right to know the truth.” He took in a deep breath and then gave me a slight nod. “You and Tommy ask a great questions. Fated Mates are allowed to refuse each other, but it is different.”

“How so?”

“In mix wolf/vamp relationship, the dominate one is the only one who can use the refusal. In any type of relationship. In your case, with you and Tommy, you would be the one to have to  refuse him. If your and James’ case . . .”

“He would.” Bobby finished. “Daniel would have the say in his and Tommy’s case.” Damn it.

Tommy whimpered and pushed closer to him. That time Daniel was unable to stop himself from reaching out and laying a hand on Tommy’s arm. Bobby expected Tommy to flinch, but he didn’t. Instead he began muttering questions of his own against Bobby’s neck. Bobby wasn’t sure if Daniel heard a single one of them, but he knew his answers to each of them. So did Tommy. And Tony. Well all but the one he had to discuss with James. God that sucked ass. It was also the very reason he’d asked to refreain from answering him.

“Daniel, sit back,” Larry tugged Daniel’s shirttail. “I think you need to answer his questions. They are all valid.”

Bobby held Daniel’s eyes when he locked eyes with him. He’d never back down from the weaker supernatural, even if said person held the power to stop him from being in Tommy’s life. Ok, he might. Tommy was his life. Still, for that moment he held Daniel’s eyes with the utmost intense he could muster up.

“No offense, but this conversation is private between me and my Fated Mate.”

“It might be,” Tommy turned his head so everyone could hear him. “But at some point I’ll have to call in my Uncle.”

“Great.” Larry sighed. “I do not want to piss off Mr. Stake. Neither does Daniel. Right?” Daniel did not respond one way or the other, which in Bobby’s mind did not bode well for any of them. Ticking off Tony was the worst thing anyone could do. Tony Stake would strike someone down for breaking one of Tommy’s finger if Tommy did not rein him in. “For now, if Tommy agrees, I think it would be best if Tommy and Daniel spoke alone while James and Bobby spoke in the kitchen.”

That seemed like the best plan, but if Tommy disagreed then he’d do so as well. He would not put Tommy in  spot he did not agree with. “Baby, is that alright with you?”

Tommy looked from him to Larry and then shook his head. “But Uncle will have to be called in at some point and time. I’m sorry, honey, but you know he will.”

“I know, baby. I know.” I ran my hand through his hair and leaned in and kissed him. “Take a seat on the couch beside me and talk to Daniel. I’ll be in the kitchen if you need me. I assume our link is still working since I never refused you?”

“You would be right. Since you two thought it was . . . It sort of went dormant and neither of you felt it. I bet if you tried to talk to one another you could.”

Bless Larry’s heart for such a great fact. Loved to know that. Would have loved to know it days ago. Baby, can you hear me?

Yes! We can talk while this guy talks to me.

I think it would be best . . . As much as Bobby hated to say what he was going to, it needed saying. If you would gave Daniel your full attention. You don’t want to miss one bit of what he says. You might agree to something you don’t like.

There was some silence and then he agreed with him. Bobby stood and made his way towards the kitchen with James following behind him.

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

An Entourage of Love Chapter 8


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Unedited Free Written Story

Adult Content. If under 18 leave the site.

M/M Content

* * *

Chapter 8

Bobby feared felling Tommy that their relationship would be full of other partners due to fate. He’d already had to voluntary give him up once, would he have to do so again? Could he? Would he have a choice? James had the final say of what went on between him and Tommy. He might have a say between him and Tommy, but according to the book . . . James, the dominate Fated Mate, had say over how much time and what they did with their other mates. James could say he could see him but never touch him in any sexual manner. Damn, that would suck ass. Was James that cruel?


Right. Time to face the music between Tommy and James, then he’d have to face the music between Daniel and Tommy. Fuck it.

“Baby, mixed wolf/vamp can have up to four types of mates.” Best rip the band-aid off.

Tommy’s mouth dropped open as he slipped from the side of Bobby’s body. “Did I hear you right?”

The barely above a whisper voice had Bobby continuing. “They can have a pure wolf mate, pure vampire mate, a mix wolf/vamp, and a Fated Mate.”

“What does this have to do with us?” Tommy looked between James and him. “Why is James in here why you tell me this?” His head moved from side to side. “I’m your full wolf mate, so he can’t be. He’s not a vampire or a mix.” The longer he vocalized his own explanation of the situation the weaker his voice became. “What is a Fated Mate, honey?”

He quickly recapped how the Fated Mate held the control of all relationship among a mix wolf/vamp and let him read the text written in the book James had loaned him. Tears rolled down his cheeks as he read each word. Bobby heard James get up and leave the room, silently thanking him for giving them time alone. Looked as if James would be compasionate about their relationship. That would be great, he did not think he could stand to lose his mate because of this. Giving him up because Tommy requested it . . . Different than having to because another partner became an asshole.

“I’m sorry, baby. If I had known, I would have told you. I promise.” Words were great to give, and mean, but they did little to ease Tommy.

“I know, honey. I just don’t like the idea of someone telling my wolf when and how he can be with you.”

“I don’t either, but it looks like we are both screwed in us having a say, unless . . .”

“Think you can refuse him like you can a wolf mate?”

“Don’t know. I can ask.”

“Do so, while I fix us something to eat. I need comfort. Pizza, okay?”

Bobby pulled him against him and wiped away the stray tears. “Sounds perfect. James, ask Larry and Daniel to rejoin us”

Monday, December 13, 2021

An Entourage of Love Chapter 7


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Unedited Free Written Story

Adult Content. If under 18 leave the site.

M/M Content

* * *

Chapter 7

“There is no way we can deny we are related.” Bobby cringed at his own statement. And his next one wasn’t much better. “The man beside you is the spitting image of our biological mother.”

“So you have met them.” Larry’s smile relieved some of the tension that had  build up in his shoulders.

“Why don’t you all come and take a seat.” Tommy nudged him and tossed his head over his shoulders. “Would you like anything to drink?”

None of them wanted refreshments so Bobby and Tommy took their seat on the sofa across from the living room door, leaving the one near the window open for Larry and Daniel. James was left with recliner or to stand. He chose to stand next to the sofa on the  side Bobby had taken.

Tommy slid closer into Bobby’s slid and tightened his fingers around his. Bobby glanced his way finding his eyes down and a bit of a twitch in his left eye. It sucked that they did not have their mental communication up and working. He needed to know what had started bothering his mate. He’d have to do it the old fashion way. Would mean leaving his mate in distress for some time.

First place he started was the obvious, his two new brothers. Larry and Daniel. What about their arrival put Tommy on edge? Larry had done all the talking? He’d said nothing out of the way. Made only the one misstep but that affected me more than him. And he apologized for that. Then there was Daniel . . . Was he . . . Why was he staring at Tommy with such . . .

“Bobby, I think . . . I need to interrupt and explain what you might be trying to work out in your mind.”

“Excuse me, Sir, but how do you know what I am working through in my head?”

“Because,” Larry slammed his elbow into Daniel’s side getting a hump from him and forcing his eyes to break contact from Tommy. “My brother here is being very rude considering you are coming into things blind and unaware of your own way of life.”

Then Larry knew why his . . . Their brother was lusting after his newest brother’s mate. He knew how rude it was to do so in front of him.

“Daniel told me on our way over here that we would have to explain this issue right away. I had hoped he could keep things under control until we had time to speak. Apparently . . . M conversation with him did not sink into his wolf.”

He released Tommy’s hand and tugged him into his side, letting him snuggled his head into the crook of his neck. His man only hid from things when he got stressed. He hated to see his strong will and spirited man act in such a manner.

“Then explain to me what is going on before I lose control of my wolf.”

“I am assuming that Daniel failed to keep his mental connection to Tommy to himself.”

“His what?”

“I spoke to him.”

He had not? No one had made a move to even say hello to Tommy. Bobby knew they all knew him, but the meeting had been called so he could get to know him and get his questions answered.

“In his head. Ask him?”

Ah fuck him sideways. James was talking to him mentally and know someone claimed to be talking to . . . “Tommy?”

“Someone did, mate, but . . . It was not our link.”

Course it wasn’t. It had not yet been reestablished. Damn it.

“I don’t understand . . .” Tommy shook so hard his entire body vibrated against him.

“Oh, baby, it’s alright. It’s not your fault.” He glanced from Larry to James and then nodded. More to himself than them. “This answers one of my questions. Fated Mate thing is true.”

“Yes, Bobby. It is rare, but it has been proven that when one family members finds theirs the rest will follow suit.”

“And it is possible for a Fated Mate to have a Wolf Mate.” He knew the answer the book gave, but he wanted a verbal answer.

“It is and I assumed you know the answer to the next question your tongue.”

He did. James was his Fated Mate. Tommy was his Wolf Mate. James dominate in their relationship, but he was in his and Tommy’s

“Honey, what is going on?”

“Larry, Daniel, can you give James and us a moment.” 

He’d have to explain to Tommy that Daniel was his Fated Mate and what that meant for them, but first the hard part.

“Sure, we’ll go hang out in the kitchen.”

“But . . .” Daniel halted his objection when he was jerked up by his arm.

James came around and took a seat on the sofa the others vacated.

Wednesday, December 8, 2021

An Entourage of Love Chapter 6


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Unedited Free Written Story

Adult Content. If under 18 leave the site.

M/M Content

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Chapter 6

 James had just stepped out of the room across from the one him and Tommy stayed in the night before. The warm, welcoming smile he gave Bobby, soothed some of Bobby’s nerves and made it easier for him to speak.

“May we speak?”

“Sure. Come in.” He opened the door he’d just exited. “What can I do for you?” He asked as he shut the door behind him.

Lots, but one thing stood out the most. “I need to speak to . . .” Did I call Larry brother? He’d taken to calling Bill brother right from the get-go, but he’d met him. Larry he’d not met at all. It felt wrong to call someone he’d never met something so personal.

“Speak to Larry?”

“Yes. I have two major reasons.” He wanted to be part of their lives if they were family. Even more importantly, he wanted to know if Bill was involved. He missed the uneducated and unknowing guy. He belonged beside him. They’d been parted for way too long. No reason for them to be any longer unless that’s what they chose. “Want to know them and find out if Bill is involved. If he’s not then it’s time to get him away from David Kind and the others betrayers.”

“Larry and Daniel is excited to meet you. It’s all Larry has talked about since I spoke to him about you.”

“Can’t believe all this came to life because you told him that I smelt like him.” Simple statement brought a huge secret out.

“What else do you want to talk to Larry about?”

“Need some clarification on some stuff I read during the night.”

“Have it done with a short phone call. How soon you want it?”

“Soon as possible.”

* * *

Bobby found himself sitting back at the kitchen island while Tommy prepared a meal for him, Larry, Daniel and James. Each move Tommy moved had Bobby’s cock thickening and his mind going places they should not be going while his man stood behind a stove sautéing vegetable. Didn’t stop him from getting up and walking around the island, slipping arms around Tommy’s waist and tugging him back into him. He sniffed Tommy’s neck, snarling.

“Damn, baby. Miss my scent on you. Me and Cal wants it back so every one knows you are off limits.”

Tommy wiggled his ass, rubbing against his cock, increasing his desire. Took all the will Bobby had to keep from dragging him down to the floor and stripping him and fucking her senseless.

“I know honey, me and Stay miss it too.”

“We have to rectify that as soon as - -“

The doorbell filled the room, causing unease to radiated through him. Least Tommy couldn’t feel it this time. Meeting new people, new blood family members that he should have known his whole like gave great reason to be nervous.

“I got it.” James yelled from the hallway.

Bobby be would be glad to let him. Gave him a moment longer to gather his wits about him. Take in a couple more deep breaths and settle his racing heart.

Tommy spun in his arms and placed a small kiss on his  cheek. “You can do this. Want me to come with you?”

Bobby hated it, but he needed Tommy to go with him. Should have been a simple want, but his anxiousness had him all but frozen and if he had to go by himself . . . There would be no meeting and no understanding of what he read. Damn it. He had to.

He took in one more deep breath and squeezed Tommy. “Let’s go meet my family.”

They walked into the living room in each other’s arms and came face to face with a much older version of himself. Freaky as hell. James could have given him a warning.

The older him shook his head and then faced James. “Bro, you have not told him.”

“Hush, Larry. It is not the time.”

What did that mean? And why in the fuck had Tommy just went ridged in his arms. Cal surged forward, all but causing him to shred his skin and take on his wolf form.

The older him tilted his head down and said, “Sorry, did not mean to upset your wolf.” He sighed deeply. “There is definitely some explaining due. Should I introduce myself?”

His words held nothing but the truth and Tommy had relaxed. It must have been the man’s tone. Or his intense expression. Damn he hated not being bonded to Tommy. He could not speak to him without someone knowing. Sucked. That had to be resolved and fast.

“Sorry, Alpha Timbers. I meant no disrespect. My wolf is easily agitated these days.”

“I’m sure he is. It’s fine and please call me Larry.”

Monday, December 6, 2021

An Entourage of Love Chapter 5


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Unedited Free Written Story

Adult Content. If under 18 leave the site.

M/M Content

* * *

Chapter 5

Bobby followed his nose into the kitchen where hot bagels had been sat out on the kitchen island. Four kinds of cream cheese had been sat out beside multiple kinds of juice. Tony had already fixed him a bagel and gotten him a glass of what appeared to be grape juice to go along with some store bought coffee.

“Put the rest of the coffee in the microwave. Wasn’t sure how long it would take you two to return.” Tony winked at him. “How was your drive up? Uneventful?”

“Long. Borning, thankfully. Did you expect me to have trouble?”

“Wasn’t sure.”

Bobby opened the microwave and pulled out the two cups of coffee. He held out the ice one to Tommy and took a sip of what he knew would be his Caffe Americano with almond milk. “This is perfection. Thanks, Tony.”

“Least I could do is bring you, your coffee.”

“You did nothing wrong, Tony.”

“I led the trouble right to you. Had to make you think your mate was dead right after you had to give him up. That is the worst on anyone. I know what it is like to lose a mate. What your mind does to you. I wish that on no one.”

It had been the hardest thing in his life. Bobby thought having Tommy tell David to break their marriage bonds killed him, but believing he murdered his Uncle and himself . . . Tore his insides into little shards that left him like a robot. He might have been moving on with the second fights and readying himself to teach Bill the way of life, but it had all been a front. Inside he was nothing. No life. Blank. He did what he knew had to be done to fool everyone and that was it. The rest of the time . . . He would have been sitting there staring off into space. He knew himself well enough to have known that. Thank the goodness that hadn’t been the case. It was all a ruse. One that led to more twist and turns than he liked, or really knew how to comphrend at that moment, but he’d handle it. He was a fighter.

“I want you to know, Bobby, that I had no idea my mate was involved in this.”

He’d not even considered he was. “Never thought you were. He was my Daddy Simon and I didn’t even know he had . . . A . . . Twisted side.” He laid the papers he’d brought with him down and took another sip of his coffee. “I can say James, Daniel, and David found all the proof they needed to prove beyond a doubt what they say. I know you are not going to be able to considered dead, so how are you going to handle that?”

Tony passed the strawberry cream cheese over to Tommy, who had climbed up on the seat beside him with his ice coffee. “For now . . . I need to know if you are willing to handle portraying that you are running the business. After all . . . It was my last wish.”

His cocky little smile had me chuckling. “You are full of it, Tony.”

“He knows it too.” Tommy said around a bite of bagel.

“Doing so will allow me tol sovle the istuation we are dealing with here. I will be making the decisions, but you will giving the orders and be the one in the leader seat.” He took a sideward glance at Tommy then back at Bobby. “I would also like to start teaching you how to run my business since you are Tommy’s mate.”

“Other words . . .”

“You will inherited the Mob.” Tommy shoved half of the bagel in his mouth.

“Not so much at one time.” Tony slapped Tommy’s arm then looked his way. “He’s right though, but I think you would have made a great second anyway. If I had met you any other way . . . I would have recruited you.”

Good thing or not? Unsure, but it made him a bit warm to know that the biggest Don in the world would have wanted him at his side. Hell, it had even boosted his spirits a bit when he found out he would be leading Tony’s precious mob when he thought them dead. Hurt his heart that he did so because they were gone, believed to be gone, but that he trusted him enough to leave him in charge of something he considered in the top three of the most important thing in his life. Big deal. Big responsibility. More he’d have on his plate. He already had a lot. More than he thought he could hand. Learning what his body truly was like. What being a mix wolf/vamp really gave him. How his life would really go. More about the mate shit. He wasn’t sure if he could handle learning how to run a huge mob while having to do all that. Not to mention . . . If James and him were Fated Mates then . . . His decision making time was coming to an end. Damn, it would suck to have to ask permission from someone, or would it? And if James and him had been Fated Mates, why had he never felt the urge to ask him permission before. Or drawn . . . Wait. He had been drawn to him. Back before he met Tommy. He’d had those thoughts that he pushed aside because they were friends. Fuck. He had to find out the answers to the Fated Mate question fast. And before he answered Tony.

“Tony . . . Right now, I’d like to reserve the right to answer that question later. There are some things I need to find answer out to first. I will remain in the leader seat for apperance sake until you are able to rejoin society.”

“That is fine, but may I ask is there something wrong between you and my nephew?”

“No, Sir. I love Tommy with all my heart and that will never change. There’s just so much new stuff that I have learned and some things I need to verify before I know what steps to take next.”

“Understandable. From what I read of that stuff the wolf/vamp mix is way different than what I was told by Simon.”

“That is true and I need some verification. In fact . . .” Bobby glanced out the kitchen doorway. “Do you know where James is? I need to ask him to set up that meeting with Alpha Larry Timbers and his beta Daniel.”

“Living room I think.” Tony pushed his plate away and pulled a piece of paper from his shirt pocket. “I need you to email my lawyer and tell him that the new head location for our business is going to be Charlotte and that he can reach you at this address. It is very secure. When he response back, tell him to complete the purchase of Missouri and Nevada. When he has done that tell him to email you the new numbers of our territory and to find out if any other areas are ready to sell. And in a week’s time you will be setting up a meet and greet with each Alpha.”

Knew it would be a lot of work and he wasn’t even training. What would it be like if he was? He really had to think about it. No he didn’t. He knew he’d accept the offer. He’d be stupid not to, but . . . First find James then take care of Tony’s business.

He walked over to Tommy and kissed him. “Going to find James and see if he can help me set up that meeting.”

“Take it easy, honey. You didn’t rest much last night.”

“I will, baby.” He got halfway to the door and stopped. “Tony, I think it would be best if we kept Alpha Timbers and his beta up to date on what is going on between us since I’m related to them. Do you agree?”

Tony tapped the counter top then nodded. “Fill them in on what is taking place between us. Just don’t tell them how we are running the company.”

“Would never do that, Sir.” He gave them both a wave then left the room in hunt of James.

Wednesday, December 1, 2021

An Entourage of Love Chapter 4


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Unedited Free Written Story

Adult Content. If under 18 leave the site.

M/M Content

* * *

Chapter 4

His mind shut down for a few hours then he was back up and unwrapping himself from around Tommy. As much as he hated to leave the comfort of Tommy’s body, he had to be ontop of what had taken place behind his back while he grew up. And that had followed him into his adult life. Sucked to think that his entire family life had been manupliated. That every aspect from the moment he was born had been trotted out for one man’s plan. Had worked in some manner. Or until . . .

Didn’t matter when it had begun to go astray. It had. It was time for Bobby to get up to date on just what had taken place behind his back and to ensure that there was nothing else lurking behind what he was being told at that point and time. Just because it was being presented to him then did not mean . . . Or did it?

He trusted Tony more than he did anyone else, because he would do anything to ensure Tommy was safe and that included ensuring the safety of his mate. Yet . . . He would not have gone as far as to put him down as the heir to his bussiness, aka mob, just because he was Tommy’s mate. Or to keep him safe. Nope. He would have chosen someone who knew the business in much more detail. Being given such an honor meant Tony trusted him in such a manner that . . . Tony knew to what extent he’d go to keep Tommy safe and that meant he’d gained the big time mobster’s trust and in return Bobby trusted him just as much and for the same reason. It was that reason why he had even given James and his information the time of day.

He climbed from the bed, tucking the sheet around Tommy’s sexy, naked body and gathered the book and papers and with one finger slid the sliding glass back door open and slipped onto the small patio. Using the slim lighting from the streetlight he began to read the book about mixed wolf/vamps.

The differences between the book James brought and what he’d been given growing up was enoumous. It’d take him months, if not an entire year, to grasp all the new aspect and lose all the old concepts. There was some things he had to admit that felt right to him and Cal. Few of those things he had experienced over the years, but pushed them aside as flukes. Like he’d always felt a dire need to drink blood during the full moon phase. He contributed it to the fact that Cal was a bit more fiesty when he was in wolf form, but according to the book a wolf/vamp mix required fresh human blood during that time. And instead of weekly feeding they needed bi-weekly or they’d be unable to use their vamp skills to the max. Sort of kept them at bay.

The biggest shocker was that a wolf/vamp mix had a way to take note of their mate. Or he should say MATES. Yep. Wolf/vamp mixes don’t have just one mate. Nope. They can have up to four mates. Four. Not one. Four. How would he keep four safe? Might not be his place to do all the keeping safe. Depended on who out powered who in the relationship. Whoever did had control of the relationship just like in a wolf mateship. 

As confusing as the thought of having four different kinds of mates were, he was thrilled he’d been right that Tommy was his true wolf mate. Being able to tell that someone was a mate was easier for a mix wolf/vamp. Their extra strong senses allowed for them to pick up on the particular scents that belonged to him. And Tommy held his scent. There was no doubt about it. Sexy as fuck. That man held the most intoxicating scent he’d ever smelled. Or as of yet. If he ever ran across a pure vampire that held his scent Bobby was sure he’d smell as great as Tommy. Same about a mix wolf/vamp. And then there was the rarest of all kinds among mix wolf/vamps. A Fated Mate. A mate that can communicate to you even if you are not linked up by mating or married methods. They can feel if their mate is in danger or any other emotional turmoil, or happiness they have. He or she is the person that is so connected to you that the book says the dominate one in the relationship has the say over all other mates to the weaker mate. Right down to when they can see each other. Fated Mates are more possessive and beyond the world protective.

Intense type of mating. That’s what it was. Sure glad there was no one in his life like . . . “Fuck me.” He slammed the book closed and looked skyward. “Was it true?” James had spoken to him in his head. He’d spoken back. Did it mean they were Fated Mates? What would he do if so? James was stronger than him? Did it mean he was wrong about him and Tommy after all? “Fuck. This is so fucking confusing.” Who did he talk to, to figure this out? Who can straighten it out for him.

The metal of the glass door ground together making a ear wincing sound as Tommy slid it open. “Sorry. Forgot it needed oiling. How did you get out here without it waking me up?”

“Didn’t make a noise when I came out?” 

Wow. He’d gotten lost in the material and his thoughts and the night passed him by. He hadn’t gotten much sleep, which he really needed it, but being caught up was more important. Even if he was left with a hell of a lot more questions. 

He picked the book up off his lap and walked over to Tommy, kissing him good morning. “What woke my man up?”

“Uncle Tony is here and would like to talk to you.”

“Sure, baby. I’m coming.”