Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Stolen Choices Chapter 17

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Unedited Free Written Story

Adult Content. If under 18 leave the site.

M/M Content

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Chapter 17

Javis had head the door open and he was sure that Alexandar asked the question to insert Mateo into their conversation. Javis knew that Mateo was not pleased with how he was going about things with Enapay. And he had right to be pissed. Mateo was incharge of his security. Stupid as hell for him to have the man who openly voiced hostility towards him running free around his main home with only two restrictions.

“Better yet . . .” Mateo crossed his arms after he shut the door. “What was you thinking giving him such freedom?”

“It was the only way I could think of the two of us getting to know one another. He has to get to know the real me. My core self. Who I am deep inside. If he doesn’t then . . .”

“Thought if you two met face-to-face that you . . . Rejection from him would lead to a . . . No more Commander and Chief.”

“He’s decided to take the risk.” Alexandar sighed as he flopped into the chair beside my desk, making the antique wood squeak. “As much as I dread the possible results . . . I can’t blame him for doing so. Heart Owners are . . . Special beyond special.”

Javis hated the pain laced tone, but he knew how sincere Alexander was. He wanted the best for me, even if seeing someone else walking around with something he could never have again . . . It wasn’t fair, but . . . that was life. Even I couldn’t change that. Humans might complain and bitch about the hardship of their lives, but becoming a Vampire did not change that. What you had in one part of your life followed you into the next. It had been a hard lesson for the Humans to realize. Quick one though.

“I know how much of a risk I am running.” And Dracula would kill him if things went wrong. Might even if things went right. “But I would never be able to live with myself if I gave up what should belong in my life.”

Mateo tapped his foot then nodded his head. “Then there will be an increase in guards on the grounds and inside the house. Do not argue this with me. Only time you will have your normal ones is when you are in meetings. Are we clear?”

Small price to pay. And what I expected from him. Only thing left was to find a way to explain why he was on the Commander and Chief’s grounds after spilling such a vile message about him.

“What do you think we should tell the press if they catch wind of him being here?”

“You mean you aren’t. going to let Julian take care of that.” Alexander snorted and twisted his face into a grim expression. “He could never turn something like this into a piece of gold.”

Alexander never gave Julian credit for his work. Julian was actually great at his job, but Javis wanted to remain on top of the entire Enapay situation. It was a too delicate to have anyone other than someone who had a deep understanding of Heart Owners. And of course, security had to be involved since he had to have someone to bring Enapay to him.

“See if Enapay will agree to saying he is giving you a chance at showing him what it is truly like to be a Vampire. Or something like that. Or a chance to change his mind.” Mateo gave a shrug at his nonchalant suggestion that was the perfect one.

“We just have to get him on board.”

Javis believed he could do that. And if so . . . it would go a long way to presude the humans that Enapay’s speeches were being given a second thought by him. Just what he needed.

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