Monday, June 13, 2022

Stolen Choices Chapter 18


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Unedited Free Written Story

Adult Content. If under 18 leave the site.

M/M Content

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Chapter 18

Javis got lucky and Enapay agreed that since he would be listening to him, and sort of getting to know him, while he was there that he would let the press believe that to be the entire case if they discovered him being there. So far that had not happened and he’d been there for a month. During that month the two of them had little to no interaction thanks to some major territory talk that he had to proceed over. Damn Sector Operator was lousy as fuck. He thought when he appointed him that he would be more suitable for the position. Dracula to heavens, what a mistake that had been.

“Commander and Chief,” the backyard guard stuck his head inside the sliding door, “Mr. Chavos would like a word with you?”

Ah . . . First time they’d seen each other since he arrived and he came seeking him out. Yes. The Heart Owner aspect had came into play. He could no longer stand being away from him.

“Thank you for seeing me, Sir.” Enapay moved to stand beside the table, gripping the top of the chair nearest him. “I was wondering when we are going to have our sit down? I’ve yet to see or speak with anyone from your cabinet.”

Perfect time. Perfect place. His entire sides were on fire and his heart raced. The man was sex on a stick and he never once made use of it. Right the opposite. He wore lose fitting clothes. Hair was loosely combed back with no products. Basic down to the earth brands of clothing. Appeared as if he went out of the way to remain unseen. Unnoticed.

“Have a seat.” Javis sure noticed him. Every section of him. Those puffy, pouty lips that beckoned to be kissed. Those sweet baby blue eyes that begged to be full of lust and a haze of satisfaction. “Would you like something to eat?”

“Just a drink, Sir.”

“Javis, please.” He opened the fridge and studied the type of drinks that the guards had stocked. “What kind? We have cola, dew, lemon lime and tea.”

“Cola is fine, Sir.”

“Javis, is fine. I promise. No one will jump out and scold you. Or me for letting you address me so informal.”

“Are you sure?” He scanned the area. “That Julian guy is pretty . . .”



“He can be. Most of the time is, but I know how to handle him.” He carried over his can of soda and sat it down in front of him. “How have you. been? I apologize for my lack of hospitality.” 

More than he knew. Each moment away from him had his mind wondering about him. Javis thought he had been a distraction before he saw him face-to-face it would be ten times worse now that the two of them had physically met. The urge to reach over and brush aside the stray locks of hair dangling across his forehead rushed over Javis. Took all his strength not to do so. What would Enapay have thought if he reacted in such an intimate manner? Would he withdraw? Come closer? Tell him he felt the attraction as well? How could he find out if Enapay felt anything unusual for him?

“I never doubted that you weren’t a busy man or that thought you did a shitty job running the country. I just think that you have stolen evreyone’s choices from them. It should be up to them whether they turn Vampire or not. Not forced upon them. Surely, you see how demoralizing being forced to do anything is.”

Great. Right off the bat he was handed a question that he could not answer honestly without making himself appear in a horrible light. Or a bad position. Julian would kick his ass if he answered this wrong and then Enapay ran out and told on him. He could not answer him before he knew if the man would choose him or not. He had to protect the object of Dracula’s assigned task. Didn’t he? Or did he? The man who asked was more important to him than Dracula, even if Dracula ruled over him.

“I thought we were going to get to know one another? Discuss my feelings about your harsh actions and you explain them to me. Give me a reason to come to terms with what is taking place among my kind. We can not do that if we are not going to speak with one another about the tough topics.”

He was right. Javis’ task at hand was not only to get him to accept him, but to get him to change his mind about Vampires and their way of life. More importantly, how he had been designated to lead his. That meant discussing the grit of the issues between them. 

“You are right.” Javis pulled out the seat across from him and sat down. Here went nothing.

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