Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Chapter 22 Part 2


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Chapter 22 Part 2

“You where off in your own head again.” Alexander sighed. “Tell me how your man got you to take him . . . how are you two going out on a date? You are the most well known man-vampire alive.”

“Somehow . . . I’m unsure what I did, but . . . he guessed I . . . in a round about way . . . guess you could say he knows that someone is in control of me.”

Alexander r scooted forward on the couch so fast he all but fell to the floor. “What in the . . . How did he figure that out? What did you say that tipped you off? You are not that careless. For fifteen years you have avoided giving that up. You would not do so now. You are dead. We have to leave. Now. Back. Gather him up. You can explain to him later. Get your ass in gear. I’m not kidding.”

Expected mouthful. No one got away with disobeying the Red Blood Society, not even a member. The member above all else knew who every vampire in the world answered to. Dracula. And they knew he lost any kind of empathy a thousand years ago.

“I’m not running.” 

And he would not. He’d face the music. Tell Dracula the truth. He put me in charge of making a plan come to life. He’d work hard for fifteen years without a single slip up and when a challenge came to life, Dracual was nowhere in sight. His advisor could only tell him to wait for him to call. That was something that one could not do among the human politics and maintain their status, which meant stepping up and making choices on his own to save the task at hand. If Dracula wanted to punish him for keeping alive his ultimate goal then so be it. He knew Dracual would not care one bit that his Heart Owner had arrived, so he’d make sure that aspect was not mentioned.

“What do you mean?”

“Just what I said. I have done nothing but work to keep Dracual’s ultimate goal that he tasked me with alive.”

“He will not care about that.”

“Then he is the fool. Not me. I will no longer cave to him.”

“Then you might as well take control of the entire world and do what is best for us all. Humans and Vampires.”

Monday, June 27, 2022

Chapter 22 Part 1


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Chapter 22 Part 1

“Alexander! Can you believe it!”

His best friend froze with his hand on the door handle, staring at him like he’d lost his head. Might have. He’d called him and told him to get his ass over here. Nothing else. Might have been wrong of him to frighten him like that. And Javis was sure he’d done so from the long, loud breath he released and the tight straight lips and pointy eyes glaring his way. 

“Sorry, man. I should have - -”

“Been cleared on why I was rushing my ass over here?” Alexander released another long breath as he smoothed down his shirt. “I take it there is no emergency.” He didn’t wait for an answer as he shut the door and made his way over to my supply of animal blood. “I take it your life is in no danger of any kind, so am I free to gather that this is regarding your Heart Owner.” Once again he didn’t wait for an answer. “But not that his life is in danger, or you would be shouting orders at every single person in this house, right down to Julian who would not know what to do to defend himself if his life depended on it. And if your Heart Owner’s life was in danger his would.” He tore open the end of the stored bag of blood and tilted it up, gulping it down, forcing him to wait until he calmed himself further wiht some of the most disgusting food our kind had. “Well . . . You going to answer me or stare at the empty bag of blood. I can get you one, but . . .”

Shit. He’d gone off in his own thoughts. Something he’d done a lot of lately. Elijah had been covering for him, but it was becoming an issue. He had to lock down his Heart Owner. And his opportunity to start that task was at hand. That’ why Alexander was there. He’d be able to provide him with life saving advice on how to attract and pull in his Heart Owner. A wayward one that just realized his worst enemy might not be.

“Guess who has a date tonight?”

“Say you, since you called me.”

“Guess with who?”

“Since the only man that would catch your fancy is Enapay Chavos I’d say him.”

“Quit being an ass.”

“Quit playing like I don’t know the answer to these questions to start with.”

“Lighten up.”

“Grow up.”



We both fell into a fit of laughter, holding our stomach until we both had to drop into a chair. Leave it to Alexander to break up the tight tension that had taken residence in the pit of his stomach the moment that Enapay realized he wasn’t the one who thought up forcing every human to choose a Vampirc’ life. If it’d been up to him it would have only been a choice they could have made. Many would have. He was. sure of that. Among those who had chosen a Vampire to Sire then they’d came to them begging out of respect. One of the questions loads of the vampires asked before they accepted anyone into their family was if they came of their own choice or simply because it was the law. Most of the Vampires would turn the human down if they lied on that answer. it’s what he would have done. It would have been the first question he’d asked all possible humans that came to him. He would not have a child that only chose a Vampirc Life because of a law. They would hold grudges. Be an unfaithful child. Unsteady child. Three of the most deadly things to have among your children.

“So . . . tell me how you got him to come around to you.” Alexander tossed the empty bag of blood into the wastebasket and walked over to the couch. “Did you plant him with one?”

He wished he’d stolen a kiss from the sexy man that belonged to him. Or would one day. Hopefully.


I can tell that you have thought of all this so . . . why did you put this stupid plan into motion? 

Enapay’s comment replayed in his head. He was sure it would turn into a repeating record by the end of the day. Or week at least. HIm knowing the truth might just get him in trouble. Damn. What had he done that gave himself away? How had Enapay picked up on the truth he’d hidden from so many people for the last fifteen years. There was only one, maybe two, that knew the truth. Alexander for sure. Elijah, possibly. Then again . . Enapy understanding the real him is what he’d wanted. Why he allowed him to stay here. It was the ultimate goal. He’d been willing to tell him the truth once they were bound to one another. Once he had the man’s trust.

Trust wasn’t built in one day. A man would not go from despising a man’s value to accepting him for who he was in a blink of the eye. It came with time. And was built on a foundation of truth. His initial method of attack with Enapay had been to keep him in the dark about his true feelings about his assignment. Not so much because of his feelings toward it, but because he’d been ordered to keep it hidden from everyone. And orders from Dracula . . .

Right then Dracula wasn’t in touch with him. The job he’d been assigned required constant contact. If the vampire didn’t care enough to be there then maybe he didn’t care enough to ensure his plan worked. That meant it was left up to him, giving him the right to go the path of his choice. Right?

“Ouch.” He reached down and rubbed his shin. “Why’d you kick me?”

Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Stolen Choices Chapter 21


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Chapter 21

He did, but not right then. Right then he deserved an answer to his first question. And Javis wasn’t sure if he had one. He made a great point. Going out in public was a circus. Press swarmed him. Security guards surrounded him at all times. That’s why he had all types of entertainment known to man kind inside his home.

“I can not take you out among others, but . . .” He waved his hand towards the office door. “Out there, as you have been told and shown, is major media setups. And I can have any kind of food we desire brought in and set up in a private room of the house without any guards watching us.”

Enapay took a seat on the sofa that resided inside the office. His head bobbed up and down a couple of times and a huge smile came over his face. Then he looked right into Javis’ eyes. “That sounds amazing. What would you like for us to do first?”

“How about we have dinner and a movie afterwards. There is an amzing pizzeria in town and I can send Elijah to pick it up. And there is all kinds of movies and if there is none we wish to watch we can rent one.”

“Sounds amazing.” He smiled over at him. “When can you have that Julian guy set up a press meeting for me.”

“I’ll get him on it.” He picked up his phone and sent off a text to Julian, who responded back immediately and said he’d have something scheudled for tomorrow morning.

“Well . . . I’ll let you get back to work and will see you tonight.”

“That you will.” He stood and walked over to the door and held it open for him. “Have a good afternoon.” 

Took all his strength not to reach out and pull him in for a kiss. Javis watched as he walked to the kitchen doorway and disappeared into it. He then shut the door and leaned back into it, letting a huge breath of air out. He stood there for a moment or two before he pulled out his phone against and texted Alexander to come to his office.

Best friend time was what he needed. Oh, he had plenty of work, but it all could wait.

Monday, June 20, 2022

Stolen Choices Chapter 20


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Chapter 20

What was he supposed to say? He did not want to lie to his Heart Owner. That would destroy them from the get-go and that was what he was aiming to avoid by having him here.

“There is more . . .”

Enapay was smart. He’d work things out on his own from my silence. Dracula could be told he said nothing and it be the truth. And maybe, Enapay would understand him a bit better.

“What is it? Or is it a Who? Is there someone else in play? Pulling your chain? Are you just a puppet? If you are . . . You can’t say.” Enapay ran his hand over his face. “I really don’t know you at all. Do I?” He looked up at me, shaking his head. “I’ve been spilling lies about you and all you’ve been doing is what you’ve been ordered to do. Haven’t you?” He groaned and stood, walking around the room, even going behind him.

Javis watched Enapay walk his office and mutter to himself. He made sure to cut the extra strong hearing he had down. Wasn’t something he normally done when people he needed to know thing about, but he wanted his Heart Owner to trust him and eavesdrooping in on his private discussion wouldn’t win him points. Might help him out in understanding him, but it might get his ass kicked to the curve as well. 

Enapay halted his pacing right in front of him and pointed his finger in his face. “I’m not going to force you to tell me what is really going on and you being . . . forced . . . ordered . . . controlled, or whatever the truth is, does not change my feelings on what is taking place among my kind. It sort of changes my view on you and makes me wish to know the true you a bit more and for me to . . .” his voice faded, but not so low that his voice was unhearable. “Gather an explanation for the hard-on I’ve get being around you.”

Ah . . . he is feeling a draw to him. Warmth seeped over him and made his skin flush. He hoped it wasn’t noticeable. And thank goodness Enapay was willing to let him pass on asking him a thousand questions that might lead to him slipping up on who was behind his plans for the Vampires coming out. The Royal Blood Society had to remain in the background. Unknown. He had to listen to them. When they gave him orders, until then . . .

“I would love to get to know you more. In more than a friendship mode. If you would allow it.”

“How do you presume we do that? You are unable to go to a movie or a diner without a crowd of security. And people will swarm us if they see us together, unless . . . I need to give that speech to the media.”

Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Stolen Choices Chapter 19


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Chapter 19

“Is that how it would feel to you to have to turn into a vampire?”

“Yes. I do not wish to spend an endless amount of time on this Earth without the ones I love.”

“Then your feelings towards our laws is based off your personal experiences.” He’d figured they were, but never expected Enapay to admit it so freely.

“For me, yes, but there are hundred of thousands of people out there that view being forced to give up their death as an act of sin. A crime against God. A crime against their personal choice of savor or Goddess.”

Least he included all religions, but Dracula did not do this because of any religion. Had nothing to do with that at all. In fact, Dracula was a devote Christian who had more than one discussion with his pastor about whether he had a soul or not. Pastor Chambers swore to him that all things among Earth had a soul and could be saved when their time came to an end. And even Vampire’s lives came to an end. At some given point.

“You do realize that Vampires can die.”

“It is rare.”

“We all do at some given point.”

“It is that given point that will become the issue.” Enapay laid his hand on the table. “Before you know it all mankind will cease to exist. What will you guys do then for a food source?”

“I do not allow them to drink from humans now. So there will be no difference.” 

Many of us still did drink from willing donors and it would suck ass when what he said came to be. And Javis knew that it would one day come to life thanks to Dracula’s suck ass plan.

“Once there is nothing but Vampires among the world, how long do you think it will take before the animal source runs dry?”

Another point Javis had made to Dracula and he’d said they replicate faster than the humans do. Dracula only saw what he wished to see and would not have his mind changed by a lonely ole subject, even if said subject was supposed to be his equal among the Royal Blood Society.

“I can tell that you have thought of all this so . . . why did you put this stupid plan into motion?”

Monday, June 13, 2022

Stolen Choices Chapter 18


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Chapter 18

Javis got lucky and Enapay agreed that since he would be listening to him, and sort of getting to know him, while he was there that he would let the press believe that to be the entire case if they discovered him being there. So far that had not happened and he’d been there for a month. During that month the two of them had little to no interaction thanks to some major territory talk that he had to proceed over. Damn Sector Operator was lousy as fuck. He thought when he appointed him that he would be more suitable for the position. Dracula to heavens, what a mistake that had been.

“Commander and Chief,” the backyard guard stuck his head inside the sliding door, “Mr. Chavos would like a word with you?”

Ah . . . First time they’d seen each other since he arrived and he came seeking him out. Yes. The Heart Owner aspect had came into play. He could no longer stand being away from him.

“Thank you for seeing me, Sir.” Enapay moved to stand beside the table, gripping the top of the chair nearest him. “I was wondering when we are going to have our sit down? I’ve yet to see or speak with anyone from your cabinet.”

Perfect time. Perfect place. His entire sides were on fire and his heart raced. The man was sex on a stick and he never once made use of it. Right the opposite. He wore lose fitting clothes. Hair was loosely combed back with no products. Basic down to the earth brands of clothing. Appeared as if he went out of the way to remain unseen. Unnoticed.

“Have a seat.” Javis sure noticed him. Every section of him. Those puffy, pouty lips that beckoned to be kissed. Those sweet baby blue eyes that begged to be full of lust and a haze of satisfaction. “Would you like something to eat?”

“Just a drink, Sir.”

“Javis, please.” He opened the fridge and studied the type of drinks that the guards had stocked. “What kind? We have cola, dew, lemon lime and tea.”

“Cola is fine, Sir.”

“Javis, is fine. I promise. No one will jump out and scold you. Or me for letting you address me so informal.”

“Are you sure?” He scanned the area. “That Julian guy is pretty . . .”



“He can be. Most of the time is, but I know how to handle him.” He carried over his can of soda and sat it down in front of him. “How have you. been? I apologize for my lack of hospitality.” 

More than he knew. Each moment away from him had his mind wondering about him. Javis thought he had been a distraction before he saw him face-to-face it would be ten times worse now that the two of them had physically met. The urge to reach over and brush aside the stray locks of hair dangling across his forehead rushed over Javis. Took all his strength not to do so. What would Enapay have thought if he reacted in such an intimate manner? Would he withdraw? Come closer? Tell him he felt the attraction as well? How could he find out if Enapay felt anything unusual for him?

“I never doubted that you weren’t a busy man or that thought you did a shitty job running the country. I just think that you have stolen evreyone’s choices from them. It should be up to them whether they turn Vampire or not. Not forced upon them. Surely, you see how demoralizing being forced to do anything is.”

Great. Right off the bat he was handed a question that he could not answer honestly without making himself appear in a horrible light. Or a bad position. Julian would kick his ass if he answered this wrong and then Enapay ran out and told on him. He could not answer him before he knew if the man would choose him or not. He had to protect the object of Dracula’s assigned task. Didn’t he? Or did he? The man who asked was more important to him than Dracula, even if Dracula ruled over him.

“I thought we were going to get to know one another? Discuss my feelings about your harsh actions and you explain them to me. Give me a reason to come to terms with what is taking place among my kind. We can not do that if we are not going to speak with one another about the tough topics.”

He was right. Javis’ task at hand was not only to get him to accept him, but to get him to change his mind about Vampires and their way of life. More importantly, how he had been designated to lead his. That meant discussing the grit of the issues between them. 

“You are right.” Javis pulled out the seat across from him and sat down. Here went nothing.

Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Stolen Choices Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

Javis had head the door open and he was sure that Alexandar asked the question to insert Mateo into their conversation. Javis knew that Mateo was not pleased with how he was going about things with Enapay. And he had right to be pissed. Mateo was incharge of his security. Stupid as hell for him to have the man who openly voiced hostility towards him running free around his main home with only two restrictions.

“Better yet . . .” Mateo crossed his arms after he shut the door. “What was you thinking giving him such freedom?”

“It was the only way I could think of the two of us getting to know one another. He has to get to know the real me. My core self. Who I am deep inside. If he doesn’t then . . .”

“Thought if you two met face-to-face that you . . . Rejection from him would lead to a . . . No more Commander and Chief.”

“He’s decided to take the risk.” Alexandar sighed as he flopped into the chair beside my desk, making the antique wood squeak. “As much as I dread the possible results . . . I can’t blame him for doing so. Heart Owners are . . . Special beyond special.”

Javis hated the pain laced tone, but he knew how sincere Alexander was. He wanted the best for me, even if seeing someone else walking around with something he could never have again . . . It wasn’t fair, but . . . that was life. Even I couldn’t change that. Humans might complain and bitch about the hardship of their lives, but becoming a Vampire did not change that. What you had in one part of your life followed you into the next. It had been a hard lesson for the Humans to realize. Quick one though.

“I know how much of a risk I am running.” And Dracula would kill him if things went wrong. Might even if things went right. “But I would never be able to live with myself if I gave up what should belong in my life.”

Mateo tapped his foot then nodded his head. “Then there will be an increase in guards on the grounds and inside the house. Do not argue this with me. Only time you will have your normal ones is when you are in meetings. Are we clear?”

Small price to pay. And what I expected from him. Only thing left was to find a way to explain why he was on the Commander and Chief’s grounds after spilling such a vile message about him.

“What do you think we should tell the press if they catch wind of him being here?”

“You mean you aren’t. going to let Julian take care of that.” Alexander snorted and twisted his face into a grim expression. “He could never turn something like this into a piece of gold.”

Alexander never gave Julian credit for his work. Julian was actually great at his job, but Javis wanted to remain on top of the entire Enapay situation. It was a too delicate to have anyone other than someone who had a deep understanding of Heart Owners. And of course, security had to be involved since he had to have someone to bring Enapay to him.

“See if Enapay will agree to saying he is giving you a chance at showing him what it is truly like to be a Vampire. Or something like that. Or a chance to change his mind.” Mateo gave a shrug at his nonchalant suggestion that was the perfect one.

“We just have to get him on board.”

Javis believed he could do that. And if so . . . it would go a long way to presude the humans that Enapay’s speeches were being given a second thought by him. Just what he needed.

Monday, June 6, 2022

Stolen Choices Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Alexander followed behind him, silent and tall like a predator ready to strike. His best friend wasn’t, but was. He would tell him how much his plan held merit and sucked at the same time. Sucked didn’t fit. Deadly fit. Dangerous fit. If things went awry . . .

“You are taking a major risk going down this path.” Alexander shut the office door behind him and headed right over to the fridge kept behind the photo of George Washington. He snatched up some of the blood that was kept there for when he came over. “What made you think of this track?”

Javis shrugged his shoulders. “Just hit. Praying to Dracula’s stupid ass that it works.”

“What do you think he will say about it?”

“He’d kick my ass for going off the hoof.”

“True, but if he had time to think things through . . . What do you think he would have you done?”

What would he have had him done? Lock him away until he caved and changed his attitude towards them. Tortured him until he changed his mind. Gave them time to get to know each other. No. He would have gone down the quickest path to him. Force. He would not have taken into consideration that he was someone’s Heart Owner. That would not have mattered one bit to Dracula.

“You are limited on time, don’t you think?”

“Four or five months.” If he was lucky. Dracula had failed to already reach out to him, which meant he was in a mood of hiding himself away from everyone and everything. Those spells of his usually lasted several months. Question was . . . Had he caught him in the middle of his spell. The start of it, or was Dracula nearing the end?

“How often are you going to bump into him?”

“That is a great question.” Mateo asked from the doorway.

Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Stolen Choices Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Javis wasn’t sure how to react when Enapay’s hands flew over his mouth and sadness rushed across his eyes. Alexandar spoke the truth, but it had been like a stake to the heart to Enapay.

Enapay cleared his throat a couple of times and. then gave a nod. “That might be my case, but there are many out there who plan out wish to leave this world and go to the next to be with their savor. You prevent them from doing so. Is that fair? No. You are stealing their choice.”

A fact that he’d expected many Christians to bring to him when he issued the law, but none had. Shocked him. Shocked all of his political staff, but life went the way it was supposed to.

“What do you suggest he do about this?”

“Put things back the way it was.”

“Reasonable suggestion.” Alexander replied.

“Does he have a reason for his actions? If so . . . Explain them to everyone. Unearth the lies he has told.”

Seemed logical to Javis, but not something he could do. Not to everyone. He could tell them to his Heart Owner if he chose him, but as it was then . . . Enapay would never choose him. He hated him. Everything about him.

Would the man every come to an amendable agreement with him. Wasn’t enough to become his Heart Owner, but it might be enough for him to lay off of him about being someone who did nothing but stole choices. Then again . . .

“Time changes everything.” He muttered at vampire hearing level.

Alexander turned to face him, quirking an eyebrow. Javis had no way to explain his plan to his best friend, but he knew . . . Okay, Alexander would agree with it, but Dracula would skin him alive for going off script. But, he had not contacted him since Enapay made his first speech and things had to be addressed. Had to be handled before their entire plan went awry. Meant he had to step up to the plate and do so or what he worked for the last fifteen years would fall to pieces. That would not happen on his watch. He might disagree with how Dracula handled most of what went down since he had him take over, but he loved being the Commander and Chief. Over all he did.

“I think,” he interjected himself into the fry of things before giving Alexander or Mateo a sign he would. “a sit down between us would be nice, but as you can expect,” he spread his hands wide open, “that until things between us are more amendable they must be handled in such a manner. But, they can be just between me and you.”

Enapay titled his head to the side twice then gave a curt nod. “Will I be held behind bar until I agree to your way of thinking?”

Alexander reached out and hit the mute button. “He will leave as soon as you let him outside these walls.”

“I don’t think he will.”

“You are running a huge risk with your Heart Owner if you let him leave these walls.”

“Then we don’t let him leave the walls.”

“You can’t have him running around this area free either. What if he takes you out?”

“What if he gets to know the real me?” Sounded like the perfect plan to him. Gave Enapay to see him in action. Sort of. he’d be kept from seeing him in the midst of any day-to-day activity. That was kept behind closed doors and windows. All major events were held off grounds. His downtime would be privy to Enapay and he’d see that he was just like anyone else. Typical person.

He reached out and unmuted the conference call. “You will be given free run of the grounds, excluding all closed doors. If you are caught behind one then . . .”

He held his hands up. “Got it. Locked away for the rest of my life.”

“Mateo will sort you out.”


“You heard me, Mateo.”

“Yes, Sir, then may I have a word with you?”

“Course so. Come find me and Alexander in my office afterwards.”