Monday, September 25, 2023

Weekly Free Written Scene


Free Write Scene

Jamie started at the cotton strewed spewing from the chairs and sofas, falling onto the glass-covered floors. Every picture in his house had been thrown from their shelves and yanked from the walls with vengefulness. The entire place held a perfume of sourness so thick it stole his breath worse than seeing five years' worth of his life lying in ruins.

“All I smell is their vengefulness.” Michael came up beside him. “Do you catch any hint of anyone?”

He didn’t need to to know who had done it. Only one man held so much disdain for him and he had no reason to do so. He was the one who destroyed their lives. Not him. He was the one that dipped his . . .


“Any idea who would hate you this much?”

“You have to ask?” Jamie picked up a stack of stuffing, letting it fall between his fingers.

“You mean . . . Why would he?”

“He’s a bastard from Hell who can hide his scent from our kind.”

“How can he . . . Oh, right. Warlock. Forgot that.”

Warlocks and Witches were able to cast a Cloaking Spell to block their presence from all, right down to their odor. The only way anyone, Werewolf, Vampire, or other Supernatural would be able to pick them up was if they cast a spell while under the cloak. Darrel Jefferson the Fourth held to much sense to give himself away. He would be on his tenth strike with the SPD if he got caught and they knew his scent all too well. Not to mention his father threatened to disown and disinherit him if he brought more dishonorable light to their name.

“You want to call the SPD?” 

“Won’t do any good.”

He’d have to go about this in a more direct manner. A Werewolf to Warlock manner. Seemed like it’d be the only way Darrel would get the message. He’d have to be discrete about it, or he’d get himself in trouble.

Monday, September 18, 2023

Free Write Scene


Punch after punch a guy threw, sending vampires every which way as his knives sliced through the air with each kick he delivered, creating falling dust. He jumped and leapt out of the way, spinning this way and that way, dodging hits with such grace he looked like a preprogrammed robot. Otto never saw anything like it, nor had he ever been in a building that rained thick, hot blood before, which had him curling up like some coward in the corner of the large run-down dance room of an abandoned hotel room at some rave his ex-lover told him about.

What had he been thinking going somewhere Elias told him about? The man was so irresistible. Trouble with a capital T and could do nothing right. Why had he broken his six-month streak of remaining inside and away from people on the weekends?

Oh, right. He wanted companionship. He thought he might find someone. He’d found right the opposite. A world like nothing else.

“Sir, sir, are you okay?” A squeaky voice asked.

Otto looked up into the most dazzling pair of round, hazel eyes and lips that were beyond kissable. He bet they were soft and tender. He knew they had to be perfect to nipple on.

“Uh, thanks for the compliment. Can I take that as you are well enough to stand?”

“Oh shit! Did I say that out loud?”

“Yes, but I sort of like hearing my atractableness.” The mystery guy held his hand out. “Let me help you up. “What are you doing in a place like this?”

Monday, September 11, 2023

Free Write Scene

The water shimmered above him as he held his breath, counting to himself as fire consumed his chest. The people above him were taking too long. He was only able to hold his breath for twenty minutes whereas full-blooded Seamen held no restrictions. If only his father kept his dick in his pants when he was fifteen hundred years young.

“He has to be around here somewhere.” Ronnie, the one Java knew to be the ringleader of the Seamen Seek and Finders Group, said. “Did he get into that water?”

“Ronnie man, it’s not deep enough. It only goes up to my ankles.”

Good the guy didn’t know about the sinkhole in the middle of the washed-out area. What a break for him. Java didn’t get many of those, he’d take them when they came his way.

“There is nowhere else for him to be hiding around here.” Another person said.

How many had Ronnie brought with him? That was two different speakers, and Ronnie was known for traveling with at least five at all times, but did all of them follow him when he came after him? How did they even locate him? He’d stayed under the radar for the last sixty years and one hundred before then. He was talented at avoiding the Seaman Seek and Finders Group. A talent his father taught him. About the only thing he could thank the man for, besides giving him life. Then again, he wasn’t so sure he could go that far. His life sucked, majorly most of the time.

“Fine.” Ronnie’s wavering image faded out of sight from above him as the man stepped away from the semi-muddy puddle of water Java hid in. “Let’s go. We’ve lost him again. I swear to the Heavens Above, I will catch that piece of Seamen Fish Ass one day.”

Java would make sure his ass was dead and useless to him if he ever did. He wanted nothing to do with the cruelty the Seaman Seek and Finders delivered upon their captives. The rare few who survived their torture and found release were left a comatose shell of themselves. Those who escaped, which were even rarer, swore living a million and one days in the pits of Hell would be better than spending five seconds inside their walls. Java wanted nothing to do with what the Seaman Seek and Finders believed they were doing for society as a whole by capturing and studying the unusual species that walked out of the edge of the Florida coast two decades ago.

Bubbles began to flow from the corners of his lips, forcing Java to surface. It’d been quiet for several seconds. Java prayed Ronnie and his men were gone. As he surfaced, he felt the spear slam through his upper arm. His right hand flew up to the pole, yanking it free as he leapt from the water, floating over a short, choppy black-haired guy. He landed on the other side of him with his own knife pulled and held steady in front of him. A quick scan proved Ronnie only left one guy behind.

Monday, September 4, 2023

Free Write Scene

Happy Labor Day,

Hope all have had a great Summer and enjoy the last day of it. And for any of those college football fans, hope you've enjoyed the return of it. Now, it's time to take a small break and enjoy escaping into a short scene of creativity. 

Hope you enjoy and are able to let your imagination soar.

He couldn’t believe he just shifted into a wolf. How had it been possible? How long had it been possible? Why had no one told him he’d be able to do so?

“All stupid questions, Sal.” He said to himself as he hung his head, staring at the shredded pile of clothing laying at his feet. 

Simple answer to all the last one was he’d been dropped off at the rectory’s back door when he was two days old. As to the other two, he was sure no one around him thought such was possible. He sure hadn’t. Why would have his foster mother? Heck fire, she didn’t even have to let him remain with her after he turned eighteen and entered college last year. There is no way she’d do so if she knew he could shift into a wild animal. What was he going to do? How did he keep this a secret? Did he even have control over when he shifted? Lord haver mercy, there were so many questions forming and he had no one to answer them.

His hand flew to his chest. He leaned over, holding his stomach, taking in deep, short shallow breaths until he was dizzy and thought he’d pass out. The room began to fade into blackness when he felt a soft hand on his shoulder.

“Sal, I’m sorry I wasn’t here when it happened.”


“Yeah, sweetie. I’d planned to speak to you before it happened, but I didn’t think you’d have your First Shift for another month or so.”

“You knew.”