Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Inherited The Mob Chapter 6


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Unedited Free Written Story

Adult Content. If under 18 leave the site.

M/M Content

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Chapter 6

Bobby waved at Tommy as he walked to the book in the back corner of Super Ben’s Bar and Grill. Five minutes later, he joined him with two beers and burgers and fries. While the two of them ate, Bobby filled him in on what the Alpha said.

“So . . . You sure I’m . . . You want to . . . Try this with . . . Me?” Never lacked so much confidence in my life.

He nodded.

“You realize I live from paycheck to paycheck.”

“What’s that got to do with anything?”

“You live in the middle of the pack.”

“Hold up.” Tommy slid our empty baskets aside. “I may live in a huge house, but I only own it because Uncle Tony bought it for my graduation. I have a trust fund that is mine to use at any time, but I don’t like to use it at all. I was raised to live off what you make.” He took hold of my hand and ran his thumb over my knuckles. “So, yes I want to try a relationship with a man who lives from paycheck to paycheck.”

Tension in the bar went up as it went silent. Both of them looked around, spotting James at the doorway. He met Bobby’s eyes, but cast them down quickly as he walked over to the bar. There was something that did not set right inside Bobby’s gut with the lack of actions.

“I hate leaving you with him in here. I can’t protect you if I’m not here.”

“I’ll be fine, but if you don’t leave now, you’ll be late.”

Tommy was right. I scooted out of the booth and gave him a peck on the cheek, handing him the money for the check.

“I’ll see you at the back of the store at five.” He nodded at me. “Call if you need me.”

Bobby took one more look towards the bar as he made his way to the door. James met his eyes again, smiling at him. There was something there, but Bobby could not tell what it was. He could not put his finger on it. If only he could then . . . The entire situation would be different. He was sure about it.

He caught sight of Tommy walking into the office. Bobby wasn’t sure why, but he hoped that he was asking the boss to put the bouncer on alert while James was there. Bobby made it back to work on time and the rest of his shift went by slow. Might have been because he kept looking at the clock to see if it was five.

When he walked outside, Tommy was agaisnt his bike with his arms crossed.

“Want me to cook you supper tonight?”

“Sounds great.”

“Follow me home.”

Monday, March 29, 2021

Inherited The Mob Chapter 5


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Unedited Free Written Story

Adult Content. If under 18 leave the site.

M/M Content

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Chapter 5

After dropping Tommy off at his bike at the bar, and promising to meet him for lunch at the bar tomorrow, Bobby followed him home, insuring he made it safely. Kind of stupid considering Tommy ended up living in a gated community in the most richest section of the pack community. Huge family house. Had to still live at home with his parents. Kind of twisted Bobby’s stomach when Tommy walked in and he made his way to his small one bedroom trailer that sat at the far edge of the pack land with the rest of the run-down places. First time ever that living on his own in such a place had made him doubt himself and his actions over the last several years. Right then, his life looked to be turning a corner, one for the better.

* * *

Bobby was at the Alpha’s door at seven like he’d promised Tommy he’d be. Didn’t need words to know his Alpha was thrown for a moment. His wide open eyes and lifted eyebrow did the trick.

“Well, if it isn’t Bobby Timber. I assume this regards the threat that James gave Tommy last night.”

“Yes, Alpha.” Bobby entered the door after the Alpha opened it and waved him in. He took the seat in front of the desk and waited for the Alpha to hang his coat up and take his seat. “James and I have been friends f or years. I thought we still were. If I had thought more I would not have asked him to go get a beer and see who we could find.” He sighed, shaking his head, hating how much trouble James had created for himself. “Also, when we got to Fig Hill last night we could smell James there. Could have been a coincidence, but it was there the whole time we were. Never saw him.” Bobby sat up taller, squaring his shoulder and he was sure his eyes lit the room, but his stomach spun faster than a tornado, which might be why fell straight into his pitch for approval. “I’d also like for you to put me and Tommy in the Relationship Book as Working on Relationship. I know Tommy is young. He’s innocent. Very smart. Also know, I will have to take things slow with him.”

“You sure have through everything through.”

“Tried to.” He stayed awake all night laying out his defense plan.

“Here is what I will do.” Alpha sat forward in his chair, resting his elbows on his desk. “I will put your and Tommy’s name in the relationship as a Couple on Trial. This gives you more protection from James if he’s up to something. I will call James in and remind him of his restrictions and tell him he has one more chance before he is out of the pack.”

Didn’t like Couple on Trial, but it did fit the taking things slow aspect better than jumping right into a Working on Relationship. The rules of a Werewolf’s Relationship is tricky. Had to be handled just right or one of the two partners could get hurt in the end. No Werewolf wanted that. That’s why there were no relationship of any kind without the approval of the Alpha and they were all listed in the Relationship Book. No Pack had the same kind of book that held the list of relationship that were being worked on then, or had been worked on, completed or broken in the past. Didn’t even have to be a book. All it really had to be was a list of people’s names and the status between them and the date of approval of their agreement between the two in the relationship and the alpha. No one had to sign anything, simply had to be written, or in some cases these days, typed in.

“Hey, Bossman.” 

Bobby nodded to Kyle the owner of Sable’s Book and Coffee. Then went right to opening the boxes stacked behind the resgister, sorting them into piles by genre so Kyle could stock them.He’d worked there since he was fifteen. Running the register wasn’t the nicest or grandest job, but it paid his bills and kept food on the table, for the most part. Just like any other minimum wage job did for anyone else. Least here he was guarantee forty-hour weeks and was not hard labor. Simply stock books and stand behind a counter. The coffee was made by another lady in the center of the store. Loved his job, not the pay, but the job fit me perfectly. He loved to read and always knew when great releases came out. Problem was . . . The job would never allow Bobby to give Tommy the lifestyle his house showed he was used to. The two of them might enjoy each other’s company, but there was nothing in this life that could happen that would give Bobby the chance to provide for Tommy the way he lived. The nice fancy house in the dead-center of the pack lands spoke for itself. Location told everyone all they needed to know. The owner had more than a million dollars. Tommy might not tire of him physically, but when Bobby could not afford to take him to the fancy places he was accustom to . . . He’d kick him to the curve.

“Lunch time, Bobby.”

Where had the day gone? Time flies when one is lost in their thoughts.

Sunday, March 28, 2021

Cover Reveal: Marked Ones Caleb and Taylor


Just got the cover for the final book of the Marked Ones Series. Finally time to find out who Caleb's Keeper is. Do not have a release date yet, but it will be in April. But first, I wanted to let you see the amazing cover.

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Inherited The Mom Chapter 4

 * * *

Unedited Free Written Story

Adult Content. If under 18 leave the site.

M/M Content

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Chapter 4

Tommy climbed on the back of the bike behind Bobby, wrapping his arms around him. As low as possible. All but rested his grasped hands over his cock. The ride up to Fig Hill was short, but intimate. Or the closeness of James sure had Bobby’s hormones working overtime. With the bike they did not have to park and walk up to the top. There was a bike trial for him to use. Soon as they park and climbed off both of them groaned. Not in a good way, either.

“This is fucking ridiculous.”

“Tommy, I’m sorry, if you want me to take you back till I can get in touch with the Alpha . . .”

Tommy walked over and sniffed his neck, nuzzling it twice, inhaling deeply. “Where is that blanket? He’s not ruining this night if we can help it.”

Bobby cleared his throat and took a deep breath, hating and liking that James’ scent was mixed in with Tommy’s. What was wrong with him. Still, he was here with Tommy and that was who he wanted to be there with and that was what mattered. James’ was just a friend and needed to get that picture in his mind and back off.

“In the seat of my bike.”

Tommy pulled the blanket out and shook it out. “Close to the stream or flowers?”

“Stream. Love the smell of it.”

Bobby took Tommy’s free hand, leading them over to a spot next to a tree that the roots ran to the stream. Bobby took the blanket from Tommy and spread it out. Waved for him to take a seat and then sat down beside him. He knew he was on the right path to winning Tommy’s heart. Bobby had gathered the clues correctly from the time they’d spoken at the bar. Tommy preferred to be led in a relationship, not take the lead, but he could step up when he needed to. Bet he’d be a bad son-of-a-bitch if need arose.

Tommy shivered, giving Bobby the perfect opportunity to wrap his arms around him, tugging him back and down beside him.

“There that’ll warm you up some.”

Tommy rolled onto his side and snuggled closer until his ass was tucked into the curve of my midsection. There was no way to miss the hard-on Bobby sported. Not that he minded feeling it. Kinda liked knowing he’d worked up the man.

“Love the smell of this place. It makes the perfect picture.”

“Agree.” Bobby stared up at the sky. “Let’s watch the stars.”

Bobby wrapped his arm around Tommy’s waist, taking the hand that rested on the ground in his, tangling their fingers together. He lifted it, bringing it to his mouth, nipping the pads of his fingers, laving the sting away before sucking each digit into the heat of his mouth. Tommy groaned and wiggled.

“Like how that feels, baby?”

“Feels great. Get’s me hard.”

Tommy gasped as Bobby shifted so he lay on his back with him hovering over him. Bobby’s lips came down over Tommy’s and pressed against his. Softly. Tenderly. He tugged at the lower lip until the lips parted and he slipped inside, tasting every corner of the sweetest heaven he’d ever been in. Bobby lowered his body over Tommy’s so their cocks were touching, but felt Tommy stiffen. He pulled back, easing up on the kiss. He wasn’t sure what was wrong, but he would not do anything to spook Tommy. What could it be?

He did not know Tommy well. They’d not spoken long at the bar and Bobby all but jumped him here. Time to get to know him. Find out how slow he’d have to take things. Something about Tommy was different and he was not going to blow his chance with him.

He ended the kiss and rolled to the side, still keeping a hold on Tommy. “Tell me about yourself?”

“What you want to know?”

“How old are you?” Should have asked that at the bar. Tommy looked very young.

“Great.” Tommy huffed. “Here’s where you go tell me to fuck off.”

“Uh . . . Try me.” Unless he was underage . . . Doubtful.

“Twenty-two, but I’ve been out of college since I was seventeen.”

“Wow. Smart.”

“Hate it to.”


“People dismiss me as a nerd and ignore me because of it.”

Could see people doing that. Bobby have to be careful not to do so. Where did leave Bobby? Bobby wanted a relationship with Tommy. He was not too young. He was extremely smart. Did that mean he should be upfront and open about what he wanted? Would that be the best way to go? Even though he got a feeling there was tension about moving fast in a relationship there had to be honesty in it. And with them both being a werewolf there were rules to be followed about relationships.

“What do you think about us?”

“I like you.” Tommy wiggled a bit closer, nuzzling his neck.

“Do you want us to be in a relationship?”

“Have since the first time I saw you.”

“Then we take this nice and slow. So you can learn a lot of new things.” Bobby wasn’t sure how innocent Tommy was, but there was an age difference between them, so . . . “Fair?”


“One question, though.”


“Will we be seeing others?”

“No. I would prefer us not to.”

“Then . . .” Bobby ran a finger across Tommy’s smooth straight-angled face. “I’ll let Alpha know we are working on a relationship while I take care of the other problem.”

“Sounds good.”

Bobby and him laid there about an hour before Bobby took Tommy back to his bike.

Monday, March 22, 2021

Inherited The Mob Chapter 3

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Unedited Free Written Story

Adult Content. If under 18 leave the site.

M/M Content

* * * 

Chapter 3

Something was wrong with James. Wonder what? We’d done had two shots and two beers, but anger still radiated from him. James had excused himself to go to the bathroom and Tommy walked over with two more beers and two more shots. Sat them on the table and said, “One me darlin.” His smile had me wiggling in my seat like a young teenager. “Darlin, make sure your friend keeps your anger in control.”

“I will.”

Tommy nodded, winking as he spun and walked back thru the crowd. James came back and slid into his seat, still spilling anger. Bobby took in a deep breath and said, “Man, you’ve got to chill out with the anger waves. Everyone can feel them.”

“Shit. Sorry, man. I’ll be fine in a minute.” He picked up the shot and tossed them back one behind the other, chasing them with the beer, taking some deep breaths afterwards. Would have had my head spinning, but James’ shoulder relaxed and the ripples of anger that had been flowing from him faded into nothingness. 

The rest of the evening was full of great chatter, excellent food, amazing games of darts and pool. Before Bobby knew it, it was midnight. He hated to end their time together, but Tommy was getting off of work and he had plans.

“Been a blast, James.”

“Has. Let’s do it again.”

“Love to. Call you later.” James rubbed the back of his neck, hating himself for leaving, but longing to see Tommy as well. “Tommy’s getting off of work. I’m heading out to wait for him. Have a great night.”

“Will do. Since there’s no one here worth looking at, I’m heading home.”

The crowd had only gotten thicker, so he had to push himself thru a hoard of people to get so Tommy could see him point toward the door. Once he did, Bobby headed outside to his bike. He’d been kicking at the rock gravel for about five minutes when Tommy came out with a sour expression. Soon as he came up to me, he put his hands on his hips and said, “Thought you two had nothing going on?”


“James and you?”

“We don’t. Friends. Why?”

“He just came up and told me to leave his fucking man alone or I would regret it. You know I have to report the threat.”

Crap. Why would James do that? He knew what a tight rope he walked with our Alpha. Not to mention we were just friends. Bobby might have thought some wild thoughts about him, but never mentioned anything to him. Never would have. They were just off the wall thoughts. Did not poach on my friendships. Never had.

“Listen, Tommy, I don’t know what’s up with him, but I’ve never had a relationship with him. If you don’t want to go tonight tell me and I will go home.” Would fell like kicking James’ ass, but would respect Tommy’s wishes.

“Nah, man. It’s fine. I’ve just waited . . . Uh . . . Four weeks for you to get off restrictions to ask you out. Then got slammed with that.”

He waited to ask me out? Cool. Yes. Sweet.

“Then . . . Let’s go have some fun.” Bobby pushed away from his bike. “Who’s bike?”

“We’ll take mine since I work here. Boss won’t tow it.” Tommy sprinted off saying he’d be back with his helmet.

Bobby’s mind was stuck on the fact that someone had waited to ask him out. It’d been a long ass time, if ever, that someone had been interested enough to do something so sweet.

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Inherited The Mob Chapter 2


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Unedited Free Written Story

Adult Content. If under 18 leave the site.

M/M Content.

* * *

Chapter 2

Don’t get him wrong, pack grounds are amazing. Beautiful. Nice and green, plush grass with lots of woods to run among and hunt game. The community part had a glitz and glamour aspect to it. Rich. Hollowodish style. For the most part. Like any good community there were areas that weren’t as high and mighty as others. That’s where he lived and he loved it. But after four weeks of being confined to pack grounds he was bored and wanted a night out. Only good thing about it was that him and James had rekindled their friendship. Fighting over Shawn seemed kinda stupid. Turned out that Shawn had two other men on the side that James knew about. Bobby hadn’t know about any of them. He’d been blinded by what he thought was true love. Least hearing Shawn state he never said they were in a committed relationship made it easier to believe James when he told me about the other guys. That’s what made it easier to rebuild out friendship. It also why he’d taken a personal pledge to only date werewolves from here on out.

James and him had known each other for ten years and over the last four weeks they’d discovered so much they didn’t know about each other. James’ loved pizza, horror movies, reading, and history channel. Major sports buff and was usually a submissive in all ways, but he loved to top from time to time. All these facts coming to life had led to us setting up our meeting at the Super Bar.

Bobby sat halfway on a barstool, giving James a perfect line of sight of his nice ass. James had taken in that sight over the last four weeks many times. Man sure knew how to fill out a pair of hip hugger jeans. Bobby had enough muscles for someone to spend hours licking a map of his entire body. His hair was always braided and hung down to his ass, making James wonder if it was as silky as it looked. Many times over the last four weeks, James dreamed of Bobby throwing him down and taking him right there behind a bush or tree.

Fire flashed through James’ mind as Bobby casually chatted up Tommy Stakes. His wolf howled and snarled as he walked closer.

“Why don’t we go up to Fig Hill after I get off work.” Tommy Stake ran his finger across the edge of Bobby’s hand.

“Sounds great to me.” Bobby smiled up at Tommy.

“Hey, Bobby, man.”

“Oh, hey, James. About time you showed up.” Bobby nodded toward Tommy. “Tommy, you know James.”

“Yeah, didn’t know you were with him.”

“We’re just friends.”

Tommy picked up the empty beer bottle and wiped down the counter in front of Bobby. “Then I’ll see you outside at midnight.”

“See you then.” Bobby spun around on the barstool. “Let’s get a booth.”

They walked over to the back of the bar, sitting down in the furtherest booth across from one another. Tension clung to James, making Bobby wonder what had gone wrong. He kind of hoped nothing major, but hoped he could help him. “How was your day?” He asked as he slid across to the corner of the booth.


Words ground out through gritted teeth. “Sorry, if I hit a sore subject.”

“Nah. Sorry. Just lots of paperwork.”

“Bet that did suck.” Always hated that. Luckily his job did not require much.

“Want another beer or shot?” James was up and out of the seat before Bobby could answer. He did hear Bobby say one of both. He was on a mission and nothing was going to detour him. He dodged one or two people as he made his way straight to the end of the bar that Tommy was working. Entire time he made his journey he tried to calm Tay, his wolf, down. Told him over and over that he had to quit shooting off so much anger. Shocked him that no one did not see streaks of fire shooting from him. Not like Bobby was his man or anything. They were just friends.




Monday, March 15, 2021

Inherited The Mob Chapter 1


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Unedited Free Written Story

Adult Content. If under 18 leave the site.

M/M Content.

* * *

Chapter 1

“Oh God, baby, right there. That’s the spot. Love it when you are that deep in me. Faster. Faster.”

“What the Hell!”

He refused to rub his eyes. There was no erasing what he walked in on. James, with all his long blond hair that swung around his body, had been fucking his man. Undeniable. If walking in on them while James’ hair covered them like a blanket wasn’t bad enough all he had to do was look down and see his man’s slick covered, stretched hole and Jame’s unwilting dick. Nothing made any sense.

“You son of a bitch. You slept with my man behind y back. You know how much I love Shawn. His baby blue eyes and sandy beach colored hair.” The way the man tossing it to the right just sets my dick on fire. Shawn’s entire body was finesse on a stick.

“Bobby, man, let’s not let this come between a ten year friendship”

“Why not, James. I loved Shawn and you knew I wanted him as mine.”

The room expanded as Bobby’s wolf grew closer and closer to the foreground. He tried to reign him in, but there was no doing that. From the way James’ body shook and glowed orange he was having as little control as Bobby. Shawn sat stiff on the bed, watching wide-eyed as a solid red waist high wolf appeared where James had stood and a solid black wolf took the place of Bobby. His mouth fell open as if he tried to scream, but no sound existed.

“Down wolves.” Both wolves dropped to their bellies and rolled onto their backs, offering their underbelly to the tall, dark haired man who had barged into the Shawn’s bedroom. “I take it you are the famous Shawn Steeple.”

“Y- - Ye - - Yes.”

“Cover up and take a seat. They won’t move until I tell them to.”

The man walked between the two wolves, who followed his every step with their darken brown eyes. Neither had brown eyes when human.

“Who are you?”

“I am Alpha Simon Tate from the Stony Pack of Hillside.”

“The community that don’t allow visitors without the owner’s permission?”

“The place where James and Bobby both live.”

Shawn took in a huge breath and scanned the room, shaking his head as he saw the two wolves that had once been two of his lovers. Crap. “Don’t mean to be rude, but what the fuck have I been fucking?”

“Doesn’t sound rude. Honest question.” The man pointed at the black wolf, or Bobby. “I believe Bobby had planned on getting permission to talk to you about all of this, this afternoon. Someone set the two up. Bobby got a call you were in trouble. Before I could stop him he was halfway here.” The man’s disappointment showed not only in his navy eyes, but on his slimeline face. “Are you seeing anyone else outside or inside our community that would want to disclose your relationship with James to Bobby?”

“Sir, I never told Bobby we were in a committed relationship.”

Bobby whimpered and wiggled as if he was going to turn over.

“Remain still.”

Bobby the wolf grew still and quiet, but Shawn saw the pain laced through those odd brown eyes of his. Odd fit perfectly. What the heck was the man? A beast? Sure not human. Not real. No way.

“Why does he listen to you?”

“I am his Alpha. Leader. He swore an oath to me and my Pack.”

“This is all too crazy.” Shawn scooted to the edge of the bed, taking the sheet with him. “James slipped something in my drink and I’m hallucinating. Right. None of this is happening. Couldn’t be.”

Alpha Tate ignored Shawn, directing his comment to his wolves, mainly Bobby. “You know what I have to do and that both of your are forbidden from seeing him again.” Bobby whimpered right along with James. Didn’t stop Alpha Tate from taking hold of Shawn’s forehead and pressing his to his. “With the power of Stony Pack I erase all memories of his knowledge of wolves, James Taylor, Bobby Timber and any other wolves he knows of even if he doesn’t know they are wolves. Power Blessed by Mother Earth.”

Shawn went limp in Alpha Tate’s arm and he laid him back on the bed. He made sure he was covered then made his way back to the door. He paused and said, “Wolves change and dress. Bobby here are some sweats for you. You two are in major trouble. Both have four weeks of yard work from five in the evening till nine at night. During that time you are not to leave the grounds and if you two are caught fighting in the next five years then you will serve jail time. Is that clear wolves?”

“Yes, Alpha.”

“Yes, Alpha.”

“Let’s get out of here before he wakes up.”

Monday, March 8, 2021

Trade In and Up Chapter 19 (Final Chapter)


There will only be one post this week since I'm concluding the story today. 

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Unedited Free Written Story

Adult Content. If under 18 leave the site.

M/M Content. BDSM Content

* * *

Chapter 19

“How much longer do you think it will be Andrew?”

They’d been inside the safe room for an hour. He’d felt rage flowing through Master Preston for two-thirds of that time, then a huge rush of pain rushed over him before everything inside him became empty. It was as if Master Preston had been ripped from him. He’d asked Andrew about it. Andrew refused to answer him, but the eye exchange between him and Robert put unease coursing through me.

“I’m sure it won’t be much lon - -“

The safe door flew open and Jackson’s huge shoulders came in first. He said noting, simply pointed at him and crooked his finger. He ran passed him, shoving him aside. The safe room was in our bedroom, so the first thing he saw was the bed, but what had him screaming was Master Preston laying bloody and prone on the bed.

Jackson gripped my arm and pushed me over to the bed. “Sit up beside him and hold his hand while we wait for the doctor.”

“What happened?” I finally squeaked the question out.

“Mr. Julian brought a rogue wolf with him. Three of them. They all attacked him at once.”

Wasn’t quite sure what rogue wolves were, but knew it couldn’t have been good considering his Master’s entire chest were shredded. Blood oozed onto our bed as he labored to breath.

“Can’t we do something to help him?”

“His wolf is healing him, working hard at doing so, but the wounds are deep. He just needs a bit more help. That’s all. You beside him is all the help he needs right now.”

He picked up his Master’s hand, rubbing his finger back and forth.


“I’m here, Master.”

“You do not have to worry no longer.”

“You are torn up, Master. I have to worry. You are mine.”

“You are mine, Boy. I worry. You submit.”

“I know, but I,” what did he do? Care for him? It was more than that. Did he . . . At some point and time he had . . . fallen for him. How? Didn’t matter. It had happened, and he needed his Master to know it. “I love you, Master.” He leaned forward, pressing his hand to his shirt, making sure it did not fall forward and brush against his Master’s torn up stomach as he pressed his lips against his Master’s.

He’d meant the kiss to be simple and comforting, but Master had other plans. Master grunted around the kiss as he lifted his hand, pressing it against his head, forcing the kiss to go deeper. There was no pulling back. No stopping the intensity. Or the stiffy that formed so fast he groaned around his Master’s tongue.

“Uh . . . Alpha,” Jackson’s voice was like cold water on his desire. “The doctor is here.”

Master ended the kiss, nipping his lower lip. “This will continue soon, Boy.”

“Yes, Sir.”

He sat up, scooting to the edge of the bed and watched as the doctor began to stich the skin back together. Master never once winced or complained. He kept his eyes locked onto him. He could feel Master’s smiling and it warmed him. He knew the two of them had a unusual start, but their ending had became one of a fairytale of sorts. Or in his mind it was.


“Yes, Boy?”

“Thank you for not allowing me to see the fight with Mr. Julian.”

“You did not need to see your tormentor be taken down. All you needed to know was that you were safe and he is no longer a threat to you and the ones you love.”

The doctor patted Master’s shoulder. “All patched up, Alpha.” The doctor shifted his eyes to me. “Alpha is correct. All you need know is to focus on your future and take care of you and the future alpha.”

Master scooted up, tugging me under his shoulder, kissing the side of my face. “He is right. Our future is all that matters.”

He rested his hand over his stomach, nodding as his Alex came forward. Our Alpha is correct. Our future is all that matters. He had cleared the way for it. Just like he said he would. Let him take care of us in all ways.

I agree.

“Our future is all that matters.” He snuggled against Master Preston, all but crawling into his skin. “Master, what do your require from your Boy?”

“This right here. Just this right here. For the rest of our lives.”

Master Preston lifted my chin, forcing him to lock eyes with him as his mouth descended onto his. It was a life that he could get used to for the rest of his life.

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Trade In and Up Chapter 18


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Unedited Free Written Story

Adult Content. If under 18 leave the site.

M/M Content. BDSM Content

* * *

Chapter 18

He knew it. Mr. Julian would always locate him. Noway he could live a life without running. He had to get out of there.

“How far away is he?”

Did not matter. Other than how much of a headstart it gave him.

“Two days out.”

Not bad of a start. Had less in the past, but had Master John to arrange everything. He was on his own then. Least he would not have to worry about Master Preston. He could stand on his own. He had the entire pack to back him up.

“Boy, I can tell what you are thinking and it will not happen. We are in this together. You are part of this pack. You are my Alpha Mate. That means this pack stands in front of you. We clear?”

Was not going to allow anyone to give their lives for him. He was no one. Nothing to sacrifice an entire life for. Nope. Mr. Julian had done taken too many lives in his journey to eliminate him. No more would be taken.

“I will keep you tied to this bed if I have to, Boy.”

His gut said that Master Preston would do so. They were too connected. There was no way he’d be able to leave. If Master Preston was not on him, then he would put someone like Jackson on him. He had many people as huge as Jackson to guard him. Was that a bad thing? No. Would that keep him safe from Mr. Julian? No. He’d walk right through them. Or buy them off, then kill them once their backs were turned.

“Jackson, leave us for now. I’ll be out soon as I can.” A gentle hand brushed across his face, swiping back some hair from his sweaty face. “He will not get to you my, Mate. I promise you. You and our son,” his hand swept down to rest over my stomach, “will be fine.”

“Son? Huh?” Never heard anything about a son? “I’m a man. Can’t have children?” Not humanly . . . ah shit. I’m a werewolf, not a . . . “Is this a werewolf thing?”

“It is an Alpha Mate thing.” Master Preston leaned down, licking over the fresh bite mark. “Soon as I made the second bite while we were in human form, your body changed to what our world calls an Omega Alpha Mate Werewolf. Those are men mated to male alphas. It allows them to ensure that their alpha line continues. It is why we are locked together so tight right now.”

Ah, the strange growing cock. Magical way to ensure his sperm did not leave his body. Weird. “Why did you not tell me about this?”

“Did not think it mattered to you? It is my decision what happens to your body, right Boy?”

Right. “Still would like to have known, Sir.”

“Okay. I am sorry. Should have considered your feelings. Will do so in the past.”

“Is this the only time that we will be locked together?”

“No, Boy. It will happen every time your body goes into a fertile cycle.”

“How often is that?”

“Varies from Alpha Mate to Alpha Mate. Most is five to six months. Most do not catch each time though.”

Good. Would not want to have more children than one could manage running around.

“Are you upset, Boy?”

Was he? Not really. Confused? Yes. Shocked? Definitely. He’d always wanted children. Figured when him and Master John managed to run far enough away from Mr. Julian that they’d adopted a couple of children. Never considered giving birth to them. Then again . . . he never thought he’d be a werewolf. Shit, his like had done a one-eighty.

Master Preston slipped from his ass, but not one minuscule of his seed came with him. It all seemed to have been absorbed into him.

“There is no mess.”

“It was all inhaled by your body, creating our son.”

His hand went to his stomach.

Boy, I can feel our son growing inside us.

Alex, are you sure? If his wolf told him he did then there had to be a child growing inside him. His wolf would be more connected to their body than anyone else.

I can. I promise Boy. We are expecting a boy.

Then we listen to what our Alpha tells us. He laid his hand on Master Preston’s cheek and smiled up at him. “What do you want me to do, Master Preston?”

“You are going to the safe room with Robert and Andrew. They will keep you safe and hidden in there. The rest of us will go and meet Mr. Julian before he arrives.”


Monday, March 1, 2021

Trade In and Up Chapter 17


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Unedited Free Written Story

Adult Content. If under 18 leave the site.

M/M Content. BDSM Content

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Chapter 17

Was he ready for that big of a step? Might as well be. He’d committed himself to him heart and soul soon as he accepted him as his Master and allowed him to claim him as his in front of the pack. Nothing bigger than turning into a werewolf for a Master. Another entire species. New concept entirely.

“Come here, Boy.”

Master Preston pointed at the spot in front of the huge iron railed bed. There was not one inch of rust colored on the silvery black stain frame. It shined as bright as the sunset orange furry cuffs linked to the foot post and the head post of the bed. Mere sight of them had his cock plumping up.

Master Preston gripped my cock, squeezing. “My Boy likes something he sees.”

Lots of something. There were lots to take in. He’d never been in his Master’s room before. Everything had taken place in his room. Not that much had gone down between them. Mostly chores and groundings spankings and steadying punishments. Stuff that he needed to balance his days out. But the more sexual aspect of a relationship had been put on the back burner. Saved for that very moment and all he could do was take in the entire room. It was a garden of fun. A huge black leather padded cross stood in the far left corner of the room with a matching spanking bench to it’s right. Opposite of the bed was a nice set of metal linked chains hanging from the wall and a set coming up from the floor. He could all ready see himself chained up and sleeping in the corner under a warm blanket as his Master slept peacefully in the bed dreaming about ways to bound and gag him into submission the next day.

“Oh yeah, my Boy is loving what he sees.” Another hard squeeze to the balls pulled a whine from me. “We are going to have lots of fun in here and in my play room downstairs.”

Shit. He had a playroom downstairs. Seemed like his bedroom was one. They could spend hours, or days, lost among one another in there. How long could they get lost in what he called the playroom?

“Onto the bed, Boy. Legs and arms spread wide, just like you where ready to make a snow angel.”

He quickly took position, sucking his lower lip between his teeth to keep from asking, more like begging, Master Preston to bind him to the bed and fuck him senseless. Only good Boy’s got what they earned. He always earned a good fucking from his previous Master, he could do the same from Master Preston. He knew it.

The clicks of the cuff had him sucking in deep breaths. Soon as the last cuff was in place, warm hot lips pressed against his. Out of reflex he opened his mouth, letting his Master have access to him. He was rewarded with a tongue swooping in, tasting every corner of his mouth, pulling a deep throated groan from him. Vibrations radiated from his chest up his throat and out his mouth, but his Master ate the sounds as if he’d longed to hear them.

Large hands caressed his side and up and over his left nipple, pausing to squeeze until an intense sting had him jutting upwards. The hot, luscious mouth left him only to latch onto the abused nub.

“Oh, God, Master.”

Shit. Was I supposed to be quiet? Before Master Preston it had not been required for me to remain silent during sexual exploration, but what was Master Preston’s rules. He had not stated them.

“That’s it, Boy. Let me hear how much you love my touch.”

Now that he could do. Would love to do.

“Master Preston . . . Oh man, I’m so hard, I can’t . . . Need something . . .”

A hand slid around my throbbing cock, stroking up and down with a light squeeze. A barely there touch. Just enough friction to draw frustration from a saint.

“What’s wrong, Boy? What do you need?”

“You, Sir. Just you. Whatever you will give me.”

“Just what I thought, Boy.” Hands gripped my legs, tossing them over Master Preston’s shoulders. “I’m sure Master John took you many ways, but did he take you bare?”


“Being a werewolf gives you certain abilities. Fast healing being one of them.” There was no time to filter through what he meant before he thrust in and was balls deep. “That’s it, Boy take my dick. It’s all yours.”

Most would think there was a shout for help or a stop word screamed, but neither left his mouth. All that came from him was a deep, satisfying groan for more. There was only a flicker of pain and then his wolf was there taking over every sensation that might have been uncomfortable for his human body, leaving behind only pure pleasure and desire for his Master.

“More, Master. Please. Need . . . Oh God, Sir, Please.”

His body was thrashing up as Master Preston thrust deep. The cuffs clanked against the metal as he tried to reach for his Master’s wonder, sweaty body. Not the body so much as he wanted to brush his fingers across the wonderful, sexy smile glowing from him.

“Boy, you are clinching my cock so hard I can barely leave the sweet haven of your ass.”

“it’s your ass, Sir.”

“That it is.” Master Preston slammed into him so hard his body jerked upward. “You belong to me completely, don’t you, Boy?”

“Yes, Master Preston. All yours, Sir.”

He knew what was coming before Master Preston’s head reared back and lights flickered off white fangs. All he could do, and wanted to do, was bare his neck. Pair seared through him as his Master’s wolf’s teeth latched onto him. It was as intense as it had been when he bit him earlier, but different. Instead of him greeting his wolf, his wolf came forward and greeted Master’s wolf. Not wolf to wolf, like they’d done earlier, no, in human form.

Alex, do you hear me?

Yes, Sir. I do.

Hearing the two wolves speak so clearly was funny, and it tickled, but it gave him a sense of peace to know that there was a way for him to always be connected to Master Preston in both forms.

We are completely one now, Alex.

I am more than pleased to be one with you, Sir. So is Boy.

Glad to hear it. We are thrilled to have you both as our mate.

Master Preston’s teeth left his neck and he lapped at the wound as he slowed his thrusting down. Not because he wanted to. Nope. He had no choice but to do so. His cock had swollen, forcing him to remain buried deep. There was no leaving. The channel was too narrow for his swelling occk.

“Oh God, Boy . . . This is fucking . . .”

“What is . . . Oh man . . . I’m going to . . . Sir, . . .  I can’t . . ..”

“Don’t you cum. Not until I give you permission.”

Master Preston continued short small stabs until he could not longer move in and out. His last inward motion left him pressed right against the prostrate. Not sure which one of us groaned the loudest. Either way, it pushed him over the edge and there was nothing left to do but to feel every spurt that left his body. Took every ounce of control learned over the years to keep from losing it, but he managed not to.

“Now, Boy. Do it.”

Soon as he gave permission juices erupted, landing on his chest, painting it milky white. He had just leaned down to initiate a kiss when the door flew open. His head whipped around, snarling until he saw Jackson with his hands held up.

“Alpha, Sir, sorry.”

“What is it?”

He’d never heard anyone sound so tense and tight before, but it was comforting. Eased the fear that the sudden appearance of Jackson had created.

“Looks like Mr. Julian has located your Boy.”