Monday, December 28, 2020

Trade In and Up Chapter 3


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Unedited Free Written Story

Adult Content. If under 18 leave the site.

M/M Content. Some BDSM may apply to the story at some point and time.

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Chapter 3

Pop. Pop. Pop. Bang. The van rocked as the metal rattled and bowed in on me. Seemed like it at least. Sounded as if War War Three was taking place outside me. Longer the firestorm raged the less hope I had for Special Agent Preston Clarkson returning. No matter how determined he seemed about being my rescuer, I knew better. Many had said the same over the years. None achieved it. Me and John had to run each time. In the end, we left the Marshalls and went at it on our own. We did good until we visited the clubs or bought some bondage equipment for our home. Not sure why that always tipped Julian off, but it was the only link we could figure out. We tried to avoid doing so, but our desire to express our true emotions for each other won out in the end. We both knew it would catch up with us one day. Guess that day had came.

The driver side door was jerked open just as the passage side did. Special Agent Preston Clarkson jumped inside the passenger side, holding the left side of his forearm as another man wearing a tight black shirt with blood soaked blond hair.

“Get us out of here, Jackson.” Special Agent Preston Clarkson glanced back at me. “Sit down and hold onto the bar above your head.”

I’d barely gotten on the bench before Jackson had gunned the van and pebble like sounds bounced off the outside of the van.

“What is going on?”

“Tell you later, boy.”

Fuck the boy shit. There was a time and place for it and it wasn’t now. Not to mention he wasn’t my Master. “Now, or I’m taking my chances by jumping out the this back door.” Not that I would survive it, but I was starting to believe I might not survive with him. Second thought, what proof did I have that he was FBI. I’d only heard a gun fight from hell take place outside the van. Only had his word of who he was. No identification had been given. Yes, sirens had been heard, but I’d not seen any coppers. Damn it, why did I listen to him. “I want to see a badge.”

“Now you want proof.” Jackson huffed. “Fucking unbelievable. We just saved you ass and you don’t even thank us.”

“Shut it, Jackson.” Special Agent Preston Clarkson pointed at the bag sliding from left to right each curve we took. “Catch the bag. Give me the cause inside and look inside the front pocket. You will see my credentials.”

I scooted to the edge of the bench and waited until Jackson took the next curve and snagged the bag. Tossing him the cause and then opened the front pocket, tugging free a zip lock baggie. Before I even I opened it, a shinny gold badge shined through it. Didn’t set my mind at ease though. Why did he keep it so close to him? What if someone philftered through his stuff. Not like Julian’s men were loyal to anyone other than Mr. Julian. Definitely not each other. Keeping his Federal Identification on him did not seem wise. I opened the bag and pulled out the wallet like ID, studying it. Not sure why. Not like I could tell if it was fake or not. I put all of it back in the baggie and inside the pocket of the bag.



“Fucking God. I’m going to kill him myself.”

The car sped up as he swirled around another curved.

“You going to kill us all if you don’t slow the fuck down.” Special Agent Preston Clarkson said in that voice that sent shivers down my spine. Any other time, I would have loved to bow at his feet and offered my service to him. Me and John loved each other, but we enjoyed playing with others. I loved to put on a show for John and John loved to watch other dominate me. Fuck. John was dead.

My free hand flew over my chest as a sob ripped through me. My chin pressed against where there should be a huge hole, but all there was a salt watered wet shirt. Why had that goon brought me back to life. I should have died right alongside John. It was my right to go with my Master. I had no one to take care of me. To care for. To serve. To live for. I might as well give myself up to Mr. Julian and let him kill me. Send me to be with John.

“Stop this van. Let me out.”

“What? Hell no.” Special Agent Preston Clarkson clambered through the small opening between the seats and stumbled back to the bench, sitting beside me. His arm went around me, tugging me against him. “Why would you want us to do that, Boy.”

“I’m not your boy.”

“Not yet.”

Monday, December 21, 2020

Trade In and Up Chapter 2



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Unedited Free Written Story

Adult Content. If under 18 leave the site.

M/M Content. Some BDSM may apply to the story at some point and time.

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Trade In and Up Chapter 2

Charcoal eyes glared down at me through a halo of blonde hair. “Ugh . . . Why do you hate me?”

“Why do you ask stupid questions.”

Mr. Julian jerked me up by the arms, tossing me over his shoulder. Any other situation I would have gotten off on being man handled, but . . . Not by him. He was a monster who though he controlled the world.

“Damn it.”

Yes. Sirens blared in the background. Not that they helped me in the passed, but their distraction might give me a chance to get free. Air whooshed out of me as I landed on the hard metal. Didn’t lay still to take in the impact, I lunged up and forward, only to slam into a flat outstretched palm. Not Julian’s. Much bigger. Much larger. Much stronger. Knocked me back three good inches.

“Where do you think you are going?”

Who was . . . Over the long running from Julian’s men I’d seen most of his henchmen. Not that one. He did not fit the MO of the others. He was tall. Muscular. Not bulky like most of the ones that came after me and John. Man did not appear to have drank a beer a day in his life. The other guy’s gave off a vibe of eagerness of meanness. This guy . . . Reminded me of John. Dominant. Controlling. He knew how to get what he wanted from a person without violence. Without raising his voice. None of those aspects fit with Julian. There was not another person associated with Julian that held such an air about them.

I titled my head from side to side, studying the angular cheeks that led up to nicely rounded eyes that held bright pine green eyes. Unique eye color.

“Don’t think about it.”

“About what?” What was I doing? Talking to him was going to get me nowhere. I knew it. So why interact with him?

“Getting by me. Not going to happen, boy.”

Shiver ran up my spine.

“Ah . . . Would not let Mr. Julian know that little secret about yourself.” The man winked at me. “Boy.” He climbed into the van, tossing his head towards the bench behind me. “Sit, boy.”

He was not my Master. I was not going to listen to him.

“Now, Boy.”

“Not my Master.”

The man reached behind him and tugged the door closed. He glanced behind me and then nodded. “I am not.” The yet part hung in the air, even if I did not like the thought of it. “But I am here to help you.”

“Huh?” Help me?

“My name is, Special Agent Preston Clarkson.”

FBI. What would they be doing inside Julian’s group?

“I’m sorry it took me so many years to work my way so close to the inner rankings of Julian. It is not easy, but today was my lucky day.”

“Doesn’t feel so lucky to me?”

“Sorry. Lucky might be wrong considering . . . What I meant was I can get you away from him and take him down for murder, drug trafficking, as wells as human trafficking, all in one swoop.”

That would be good, but Mr. Julian would find some way to escape the charges they brought against him. Just who he was.

“Give me five minutes and stay inside here like you are supposed to. You are safe inside this van. There are gunmen watching after you and if it leaves there are trackers on it. We clear, Boy?”

“Don’t boy me.”

“You listen to it best.”

True, but he was  not my Master. “Fine.”

“Five minutes and Mr. Julian will be out of your hair.”

He might think so, but I did not.

Monday, December 14, 2020

New Story Trade In and Up (Small update)



Hope all are staying well and safe. Keeping their distance, wearing their mask, and washing their hands often. It has to be getting tiring of hearing that, but it is the best way to keep yourself safe and the ones you love and care for safe. Going through the virus with my entire family has proven it is no joke. I all but lost my dad to it, and I do not wish for anyone to suffer the way me and my mom did while we were stuck at home while he laid in the hospital unaware of what was taking place. It is terrifying and the hardest thing I think I have ever lived through. So, I wish everyone to stay safe and healthy.

Okay, enough of the soap box issue, that I did not mean to get off onto. Sorry about that guys. Today I have started a new blog story. I debated whether to start it before the new year or not, but I thought we could all use a good read with all that is going on. But there will be just one chapter a week until the first week of January. Lots to do for Christmas, so I have to budget my time. Plus, I’m working on revising the finial book in the Marked Ones Series.

So, I have started the story below, but I’m not sure where it is going, so I’m going along for the ride with you guys this time. More so than normal. I hope it turns into a great little story for you folks. We will see. Until then, enjoy chapter one for this week and remember

Let Your Imagination Soar When You Read.



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Unedited Free Written Story

Adult Content. If under 18 leave the site.

M/M Content. Some BDSM may apply to the story at some point and time.

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Trade In and Up Chapter 1


Rushing water swirled around me, pressing me further down. Hands of seaweed reached up ready to welcome me to the bottom. My lungs felt like fire raced through them as they begged and pleaded for air, but all that they received was salt water. My eyes had fixed themselves on the lifeless body of my lover of ten years, John. Life had been hell on us for the last five years, running from place to place, barely avoiding the Julian Gang from South Africa. Who knew one party would ruin our lives. Take our lives in the end. We figured after we witnessed Mr. Julian’s youngest boy strangle an underage boy to death at the party that our days were numbered. Didn’t stop us from going to the police. Testify against him. He is serving time in jail, but his father swore our lives would end or take the place of his boy. Neither appealed to us, so we decided to go into witness protection. Little good that done us. Mr. Julian’s men always found us and chances us before we could get relocated. It was why when I heard the bullet shattered the windshield and pierce my lover’s forehead, taking what joy John had in his eyes, I . . .  Shock stole all function. Or common sense. I jerked the wheel left and right over the Lighting End Bridge, fifty feet drop into the bay that led to the bay we’d spent our day picnicking on. It had been a picture-perfect day.

“Breath damn it.”

“You best hope he makes it.”

“Sir, I’m doing my best.”

“You where the fool that caused him to wreck.”

“Breath dam it.” Hot air rushed across my salt-soaked cheeks. “Please. I do not want to be where your boyfriend is.”

As much as I’d like to say I did not listen to the fool who wanted me to be handed over to the one who had just taken the life of my partner, I had no true say in it. Water spewed from my lungs and I was titled onto my side and hard pats to my back had me wincing.

“Not so hard, you jerk ass.”

Right. Don’t bruise the man he’s going to murder. Made lots of sense.



Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Marked Ones Franklin and Christopher Live

 It's here.





The Bombardians had came out to the world, but it had not been as accepted as the Royal Leaders expected. Franklin and his four cousins had been putting out fires since the day the news broke. The biggest hate group was the Death To All Bombardians. Little did Franklin know that they’d located one of his homes. The day they invaded his house was the best and most confusing day of his life.


Christopher had been forced to live with his Uncle after his mother was killed. The man was right the opposite of his mother. Abusive and a major bigot. His Uncle hated everyone who did not conform to his way of thinking. Biggest hatred was aimed at the Bombardians, or as he referred to them, aliens. Christopher wasn’t sure where he stood, but he knew he needed leverage against his Uncle. Soon the man was going to step over the line and be put on the Most Wanted list. His chance came, but what would it cost him.


Monday, December 7, 2020


 Sorry, there be no new story for the blog started today. I've been down with migraines all weekend and have not felt like writing. Hope to start something during the week or over the weekend.

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Life and Love Lessons Chapter 37 (Final Chapter)


Life and Love Lessons

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Adult Content if Under 18 Leave Site, Please.

M/M Content

Unedited Story

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Chapter 37

It’s okay. I invited them.

What? Why?

Wanted us all to talk as a group. Had not expected us to get . . .

Lost in each other’s body.

Yeah. Sorry, Alvin.

“Have a seat gentleman.” Alvin slid back, tugging Rex’s jeans up and over his throbbing cock. “Afraid these aren’t going to fasten.”

“Don’t mind seeing him.” Fabin chuckled. “He’s a beauty.”

“That he is.” Alex smiled over at Rex. “But I doubt he called us here to catch you two in the act.”

“I didn’t.”

“Think Rex had all us getting on the same page on his mind and his little mind took over.” Fabin winked at Rex, getting a growl from him. “Couldn’t resist baby. You looked amazing with your cock down his throat. Just needed mine in your mouth to complete the image in my mind.”

That was a picture Rex could get behind.

“Was not expecting to get so . . .”

“Distracted.” Alvin sat Rex between his legs, hugging him in tight. “We are all a family now, so time we start working as once. Don’t you two think?”

“We do.” Alex and Fabin said in unison.

“Long as Rex is on board and I’d say he’s mor than on board.” Fabin snorted.

“With him on board,” Alvin kissed the side of Rex’s neck, “it is up to each of you when your bond with him. The rest of our time will be worked out as we go. I have to figure out a place to buy that is off of Coven Land that we can all reside on.”


Rex winched when Fabin and Alex both shouted.

“I can not live on Coven Land and lead the Mixed Breed world.”

Rex had not considered that, but he was sure that went the same way with Alex and Fabin. And himself. Or did he have to live on anyones’ land since he was Mixed Breed.

“Still some things to work out, but we will get there.” Rex sighed. “Until I decide when I will mate with each of you, I will remain at my fathers and continue to learn about being a Mixed Breed.”

“Sounds fine to me.”

Rex relaxed against Alvin at the first agreement between all of them. Things would still be dicey until they came to learn each other, but working as a group, as a family, would make it easier. Meaning he’d be able to focus on learning about who he was.

“Life is going to be much better now.”

“That it is, Rex.” Alvin rested his chin on Rex’s shoulder. “And to make sure, we will check in with each other weekly to make sure that we are all getting our needs met. Especially, our mate.”

It had been a strange road to get to where he was, but Rex had to admit, it felt nice to know that so many people would care for him for the rest of his life.

Monday, November 30, 2020

Life and Love Lessons Chapter 36


Life and Love Lessons

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Adult Content if Under 18 Leave Site, Please.

M/M Content

Unedited Story

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Chapter 36

He’d spent all night curled up on the bed in the fetal position, going back and forth about what to do. It wasn’t until the sun come up and that Rex strapped on his shoes and socks and marched out of the house that his next move cam to him.

Mixed Supernatural Councilman Alvin Thomas, I’d like to speak with you.

Where are you?

Backyard under the willow tree. Come sit with me.

He sent a text to Fabin and Alex, asking them to join him in an hour. Gave him just enough time to strike up a new arrangement with Mixed Supernatural Councilman Alvin Thomas, if they were able to work one out.

“Hey, beauty.”

“Alvin.” Usage of his first name felt wrong, but it made it feel more less formal. “Join me. We have to work through this.”

“I’d like that.”

There was something different about his tone. His face wasn’t it’s normal perky self. There was a . . . ‘What is wrong?”

“I spoke with your father last night.”

“You know about Alex then.”

“I do. I also know you ran from him.” A loud sigh escaped him. “Was that my doing as well? Have I driven you to hate your Mixed Breed side like your father believes?”

Last night Rex debated on that. He didn’t hate Warlocks. Werewolves. And he did not hate . . . There was nothing wrong with being a Mixed Breed. Not one bit. Rex just did not understand what it meant to be one. He had to learn. That took time. He was all for that, or he had been until Alvin  came onto the scene.

“I do not hate anyone, not even you.”

“Then if I give you time and space, do you think we can work through our differences.”

Rex wondered about that too, and he’d came to the conclusion that they would be. Soon as he opened his mind to what was taking place around him.

“It is me pushing away as much as you pushing forward.” Rex took hold of Alvin’s hand, tugging him down beside him. “How about we both work on less pushing and just be ourselves. Get to know one another. Let what happens between the partners happen. Not worry about who gets bragging right. It’s not a competition. After all, we will be a family from this point forward. Right?”

A full fledge smile spread across Alvin’s face as he leaned in and claimed Rex lips. Instead of rebelling at his touch, Rex pressed into him, soaking in the warmth from his manly hands that rested on his hips. The longer their lips pressed into one another the clearer his mind came and the wider his desire for Alvin grew. Desire hit him so fast, that he did not even realize he had shoved Alvin onto his back and straddled his hips.

My Mate, I love the feel of you, but . . .

I know. I did. It made no sense. Rex had not came out here to jump the man. Never even crossed his mind. Something inside him had broken wide and all he could taste was his own desire mingled with Alvin’s.

Do we stop?

No. Don’t want to. Think now that I’m not pushing you away I’m more open to what my mind is truly saying.

Stupid as it sounded, he must have been blocking his own feelings with his refusal. Ugh. Life was so complicated. Mom always told me it was. Never believed her. Not sure she meant quite that way, but . . .

His mind spun as his back was pressed onto the ground and Alvin’s midsection thrust against him. Rex spread his legs, letting Alvin’s body fall between them.

You feel amazing, My Ture Mate.

You do to. Don’t stop.

Warm hands slipped under his shirt, coming to rest over his puckered nipples. A light pinch to them had Rex’s hips thrusting upwards, groaning.

Love hearing you making sweet noises for me.

Keep touching me like that I’ll make more than noise. He’d be shouting for all the Coven to hear.

Moisture against his bare chest pulled a gasp from him and had his arms wrapping through Alvin’s hair. A light push down was all it took for Alvin to move faint little bites down Rex’s chest as his hands fumbled with the button on his jeans. The material parted and Rex lifted his hips, letting Alvin push them past his hips, accepting the tiny nips.


Going to get lots better, My Ture Mate.

Warm heat wrapped around Rex’s cock just as the grass crunched around them.

Alvin whipped his head up, snarling.


Monday, November 23, 2020

Life and Love Lessons Chapter 35


Life and Love Lessons

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Adult Content if Under 18 Leave Site, Please.

M/M Content

Unedited Story

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Chapter 35

Single bag packed and window opened. One more look around the nice room Dad had given him. Dad and him had not had enough time to get to know one enough, but it was best if he left before that happened. His life was going down the wrong path and it was time he took control of it again. He threw one leg out the window and then the other, dropping down to the ground. He made three steps, running into a solid brick wall.

Arms wrapped around him, tugging him into a hot body. His leg game up, landing right where he aimed. All he got was a loud grunt and to fall to the ground along with whoever had him.

Will you quit fighting me, My True Guardian Mate.

Damn. He’d been caught. How? No one knew what he had planned.

I can feel every emotion and thought you have, My True Guardian Mate.

What the fuck? Not fair.

I do not like using that on you, but until you begin to open up to me. Accept me as yours. Give me the same chance you give your wolf mate . . . I will do what I must to protect what my animals know is mine. You would do the same if you gave us a chance.

“I belong to no one. Get that through your head. I am my own person and always will be. Until you get that in your fucking mind we have nothing to say to one another.” Rex slammed his fist into his chest, breaking free this time and marched around the house, running smack dab into a tall drink of water.

“Wow! Beautiful. Where did you come from.”

“Could ask you the same thing.” Rex had never seen the man before. He had to be a Warlock. But what shocked Rex more was the draw he felt to the man. “What’s your name?”

“It does not matter what his name is.” Mixed Supernatural Councilman Alvin Thomas came around the corner. “He has nothing to do with you, mate.”

“Fuck off.” I titled my head at the hottie and walked by him, taking one backward look at him, liking that he watched me walk away.

Rex  made it back to the porch before the door was open and Dad appeared in the doorway. He did not look happy, but he was not angry either. He simply opened his arms. Rex needed the safety of his Dad. The loving embrace of a parent. His life was out of control. Had been for so long. He thought it would get better when his Dad help him bring Mr. Chamberland down, but it had only gotten worse thanks to Mixed Supernatural Councilman Alvin Thomas.

“Was you just talking to Alex?”

“Tall. Auburn colored hair that covers his brow and ears, but shaved in the back. Bright blue, rounded eyes that no one could take their eyes away from?”


“Yes. But asshole interrupted us.”

“He also caught you sneaking away he said.”

“Was trying to leave him.”

“What about those who care about you as much as he does?”

“He does not care. He wants to control.”

“He wants to be your mate. That is all. You are stubborn as your mother.”

“Like that idea.”

“Not a compliment, son.”

Felt like one.

“You have to take time to get to know him.”

Did not.

“Coven Leader,” the soft voice from a few moments ago had my cock stirring, “Aspen, I know it is late, but may I speak with you and your son?”

Dad looked down at him, getting a nod. Rex did not mind talking to the sweet looking man. What was wrong with him? Why was he so attracted to the guy? He was not Fabin. Fabin was his mate. The one that deserved all his attention. That was . . Rex did not find Mixed Supernatural Councilman Alvin Thomas attractive. Did he? What did he look like? He was not hard on the eyes. It was his . . . he had to learn that he could not control everything in his life. Once he got that they might could speak.

“Come inside.”

Rex followed his dad inside with Alex bringing up the rear. His eyes were on Rex’s eyes, which only increased Rex’s desire for him. Also his confusion. His dad took the recliner, leaving the sofa for the two of the. Alex seemed to life it. Rex was a bit uneasy about it, but . . . not either.

“I’m not sure if your son picked up on why I am here.”

“I do not think he has.” Dad’s comment had him sitting up taller.

“He is having a hard time accepting his Mixed Breed side.”

He was not. Was he?

“I’m not sure if I know what you mean? I am not up to date on what has been going on with your family. I do not listen to gossip and have just returned from visiting my family out West.”

Rex listened as his dad quickly explained about him being a mixed breed and that he had a true guardian mate as well as a werewolf mate. Alex sat there with a wide open mouth, shifting his attention back and forth between dad and him. Rex was still trying to grasp that the man though they were mates. It did explain why he was attracted to the man. It also . . . if he had a Warlock mate, and a werewolf mate, then that meant he could at some point and time meet a mixed breed mate, leaving him with . . . Fuck. Meant that he did indeed have a True Guardian Mate. Even if he did not like the prick. Okay, prick might be a hard description. He was controlling. Came along with his position. It also meant that Alex had to sit down and speak with Mixed Supernatural Councilman Alvin Thomas before anything could take place between them as well. Fuck. Life really sucked ass.

Rex jumped up and ran to his room, slamming the door. He heard his dad tell Alex it was not him being his mate, that everything was becoming overwhelming and that Mixed Supernatural Councilman Alvin Thomas was not making things easier on him.

Understatement. Maybe he wasn’t making it easy on Mixed Supernatural Councilman Alvin Thomas either. Maybe the two of them need to sit and have a indepth conversation. Or a mind to mind one.

Monday, November 16, 2020

Life and Love Lessons Chapter 34


Life and Love Lessons

* * *

Adult Content if Under 18 Leave Site, Please.

M/M Content

Unedited Story

* * *

Chapter 34

“Hold up, baby.” Fabin snagged his arm before he could retreat into his bedroom.

“I need space.” Rex’s words had not been meant to hurt Fabin, but the sting of them was more than apparent when he stepped back. “not from your, honey. Come here.”

“I will not force myself on you in any manner.” Fabin remained motionless with his head down.

“I know that, honey. Come inside with me.” Rex took his arm, tugging until Fabin came across the threshold. “My comment was not directed at you.” He shut the door behind Fabin and then pressed himself into the front of Fabin, letting his arms slipped around his body, hands resting as low as possible on his back. He all but had a handful of his ass. “I never want space from my Wolf Mate. Never.”

Fabin rested his head on top of Rex’s and sighed. “I told him you would not like how he handled things, but . . .”

“I do not care about him.” Rex cared less about him than he did . . . Okay, maybe he wouldn’t go as far as to say Mr. Chamberland, but . . . . Mixed Supernatural Councilman Alvin Thomas ranked right down there with him. “He is going to be a thorn in my side, just like Mr. Chamberland was. I eradicated him, I’ll do so with this asswipe.”

“Baby,” Fabin squeezed him tighter, sighing as their bodies rubbed against one another. “As much as I long for the day that we are together, I know that day will not come unless you come to terms with Mixed Supernatural Councilman Alvin Thomas. He is your True Guardian Mate. That gives him the say over all your other mates.”

Sucked ass. “I’ll find away to get him to release me.”

“He will not do so. I would not do so if I was in his spot.”

“You would if your Mate asked you to.”

“You think way to kindly of me.” Fabin kissed his head. “Come, let’s sit.” They walked over to the bed and sat down. “Least you got him to change the order he initially gave me.”

“I did.” Rex was on Fabin’s lap before he took his next breath.

Their lips locked as his hand slid up and under Fabin’s shirt, pushing it up. The shirt was just hitting the floor when someone knocked.

“We’re busy.” Fabin growled.

“Sorry, Beta Fabin, but Coven Leader Aspen sent me to bring you and your mate to his room.”

“Damn dad, cock blocking me.”

Fabin’s loud chuckle shocked Rex so bad he fell backwards. Would have hit the floor if Fabin’s large hands had not stopped him.

“Smooth move, honey.”

“What’s smooth is your gorgeous skin. I can’t wait to taste every inch of it.”

“Dad can wait.” Rex reached for Fabin’s jean buttons, but Fabin’s large hand stopped him. “Soon, Wolf Mate. We will have one another soon. First, we deal with the matters at hand. Then . . .” he leaned in and claimed Rex’s lips, pressing so hard that there was sure to be bruises.

They parted and Rex clambered to his feet. Bit dazed, which meant Fabin had to hold onto him until his mind cleared enough to work. Then they made their way to his dad’s bedroom.

Rex knocked and then opened the door. They were waved in. “Why are we in your bedroom?”

“My office has been taken over.”

Lord this is all his fault. He just needed to leave and be done with it all. Fabin did not need a mate who he could not bond to. Dad did not need Mixed Supernatural Councilman Alvin Thomas up his ass all the time. Not like he did not have enough high powered people among his house from day to day with his dad, grandfather, and great grandfather. He did not need one more. Best thing for them all was for Rex to leave.

“I wanted to make sure you were okay, before Fabin and I discussed a few Mate related things.”

“What?” Rex lifted an eyebrow. “Thought Mr. Jackass From Hell had all the say about that.”

“First,” Dad might have his stern tone on, but his smile refuted his rebuff. “Do not disrespect higher ups. I’m sure your mom taught you better than to be disrespectful to anyone.”

He was right. She would kick his ass for behaving so, but he was tired of everyone trying to live his life. It was not in his nature to have others control him. His mom and dad had let him have say of what he did since he was old enough to think for himself. Mom said one day it would come in handy. He’d not understood exactly what she meant then, but he did now. She had done her best to prepare him for his strong, overbearing, controlling, leadership, ruling wolf that lurked below his skin. She had hoped her brother would have nurtured that and honed his skills, but instead . . . He’d been faced with learning on his own. Turned out what he learned was wrong. Mostly. The barbaric lifestyle the Chamberland Pack had led did not have an updated textbook of how werewolf life was. Nor did they care to provide him with a Mixed Breed handbook when they found out he was one. All they did was hide the fact. And his father had yet to hand him one for the Witch way of life. His life was in the shit tanker and until it was . . . He did not need to be bonding to anyone. That much about what Mixed Supernatural Councilman Alvin Thomas restricted him to made sense. Not for the reason he stated, but it was of sound mind. Rex’s wolf wanted his wolf mate, which was natural, but he could hold his wolf tail until they had a better understanding of just what was taking place in his life. Didn’t mean he couldn’t have fun with Fabin until then. Not mess with his mind. Nope. Mr. Jackass had done enough of that all ready. Then again . . . Fabin deserved a mate he could bond with. Rex could not be that any time soon, if ever. He was unsure if he’d be able to convince Mr. Jackass to reject him. If not . . . There’d never be a bonding allowed between him and Fabin. Yep. The best thing for them all was for him to leave. That was his next move.

“Second, he does, but you are still underage according to Supernatural Law, so that means all mating issues must be ran by me. Him and I have already discussed him overstepping his bounds. He’s apologized and is arranging to work from a hotel in town until you are ready to get to know him. Until then . . .” Dad smiled at Fabin, “Fabin and I need to lay out a few ground rules. Do you not agree, Beta Fabin?”

Fabin nodded. “With Rex present to agree on what we come up with. I will not exclude him from his own life. It will not set well with him.”

“That is why you are such a great mate for my son. You understand him. Care for him. Did not run away screaming when Mixed Supernatural Councilman Alvin Thomas came into the picture.”

“He should have.” Rex muttered and flopped onto the side of his dad’s bed. “He deserves a better mate than me.”

“I have the perfect mate.” Fabin came to stand in front of me, kneeling so we were face to face. “Never think I believe different. I would chose no other for myself.” He rested his hand on my knees and glanced at Rex’s dad. “What do we need to discuss?”

“There can be no bonding, you know that much, both of you. Right?” We both nodded. “I do not see a reason to forbid anything else from him. He is old enough to know what he wishes to do. As much as that give me the willies to think about my son being old enough to have sex, he is. But . . . I want you both to think about what that means for you both. There is not an easy road ahead of you. The more intertwined your wolves are the worse things can become for you later on if things go awry.”

No words were truer, which was why Rex had decided to leave tonight. Without making love to his wolf mate. Best if he did not know what he would be missing. His wolf mate would pine for him, but he would eventually give up and move on. Find another. Have the life Rex could not give him.

“We okay on all this, Rex?”


“That’s all I wanted.” Dad held his hands up. “Fee to go back to whatever you were doing.”

“I want some food.”

Fabin smiled and stood, holding his hand out. “Then let’s go find something to eat.”

Monday, November 9, 2020

Life and Love Lessons Chapter 33


Life and Love Lessons

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Adult Content if Under 18 Leave Site, Please.

M/M Content

Unedited Story

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Chapter 33

Rex refused to huff and stomp his feet. He was not a child. He would not throw a tantrum. He did not care what a Mixed Breed was like. He was a werewolf and had not his mate. That was all that mattered. That all he wanted and would have.

He took hold of Fabin’s hand and tugged him toward the office door. Fabin remained still. He looked up at him, hoping he caught the plea. He did not want to beg in front of Mixed Supernatural Councilman Alvin Thomas. The guy might be a thorn in his side, but he was powerful and Rex would not show weakness in front of someone more powerful than him. His wolf would not allow it. His wolf had a hard enough time doing so in front of his mate.

My Truest Mate, you might not want to hear what I have to say, but you need to. The voice was smooth and had Rex’s stomach spinning and his groin aching. I can tell your body is reacting to mine. That will only grow in time. True Guardian Mates are closer than any other mates. We are the only ones with such a closeness that we can talk privately without a bond. You asked why Beta Fabin could not be with you, that is because of my order. Not my Mixed Breed status among the Council. But because I am your True Guardian Mate.

“There is no such thing stated in the mateship rules about a True Guardian Mate.” Rex had not wanted to have this conversation, but Mixed Supernatural Councilman Alvin Thomas was not going to let him get out of it. That was clear. So . . . he would not hold in it the most private manner possible.

There is for Mixed Breeds. Since there are multiple mates there must be a leader among them. One that controls all those involved. One that sets up the guidelines. Rules of visitations. Rules of involvement. That falls onto the True Guardian. My word is unbreakable, unless the mate wishes to break the mateship.

Visitations? Involvement? Unbreakable? Rex was in front of Mixed Supernatural Councilman Alvin Thomas before he knew it and his fist landed hard and solid against Mixed Supernatural Councilman Alvin Thomas face.

The man was not expected it, which was the only reason his head bounced back. Fabin’s arms wrapped around me and yanked me behind him. Dad was at Fabin’s side, blocking me from Mixed Supernatural Councilman Alvin Thomas. You could hear the fan whirling around and the fast intake of breaths from Fabin and Dad. Rex on the other hand . . . He was not that afraid. Something told him that Mixed Supernatural Councilman Alvin Thomas was more amused by the unexpected punch than ticked.

Solid. What did I say that upset you my Truest Mate?

“Lots.” Rex pushed his head between Fabin’s and his dad’s arm. “I am not a child. No one has a right to setup visitations for me. I will decide who I am involved with and who I am not. And how. Not you. Not anyone else. We clear on that asshole.”

“Son,” His dad pushed his head back, blocking him from sight again.

“Mixed Supernatural Councilman Alvin Thomas, please forgive my son and his wayward tone. Please keep in mind that he was not raised - -“

“My mate has the right to speak his mind.” Mixed Supernatural Councilman Alvin Thomas chuckled. “I am not going to harm my mate. You two can step aside.”

Neither moved, so Rex pushed his way through them, making sure to step in front of Fabin and lean into him.

“I meant what I said.”

“I know you did, My Truest Mate.” Mixed Supernatural Councilman Alvin Thomas voice held the frown that did not come across his face. “And I see that my actions was incorrect. Overboard. My wording was even more poorly chosen.”

“What did you say to him?” Fabin’s snarl came across loud and clear.

Rex reached up and rubbed his chest, hoping to sooth him.

“I did not mean to make it sound like I was setting up an arrangement for a child whose parents had separated. That was not my intention. Poorly chosen words.”

“I’d say so.” Dad muttered.

“I think,” Mixed Supernatural Councilman Alvin Thomas moved so he stood in front of Rex, lifting his chin. “That it will be best if I retract my initial True Guardian Mate order that you two can not be together in any sexual manner. I will change it to there can be no bonding. That right will be mine first.”

“Not hardly.” Rex snapped and marched out of the room. It’d be a cold day in hell before he bonded with that asshole.

We will see, My Truest Mate. For now, grow, learn, and enjoy your time with your wolf mate.