Monday, March 30, 2020

Heart’s Desire Chapter 3

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Cal popped the cap on a bottle of soda and chugged half of it in one gulp. Not tasting it at all.
“Going to give yourself indigestion.”
“Shit.” He jumped, sloshing soda over his shirt. “Watch it, Gray.”
“Sorry, bro.”
“Jumpy, there, brother.”
One look behind Gray showed that all five of my brother’s had tagged along. Not that I hadn’t expected them to. I’d called all the beta in. There were eight in all. All from my family. My five brothers and three of my cousins. Out of the entire Oaks Family I was the only Alpha born this generation. There’d been four in my father’s generation and two the two before him. There hadn’t been a female Oak born since the first generation. Not even a Gamma or Omega had been born to the Oak Family.
“What’s happened?” Raymond rested his elbows on the bar, nailing me with his dead serious gray eyes. “You are wound tighter than mom’s knitting.”
Accurate description.
All six of them turned when red lights flashed, lightening up the kitchen.
“I’m going to kill him.”
“Who?” Gray peeked between the shade blades. “What’s Savage doing here?”
“Go tell him to kill the damn lights and to bring that shit in here. Quickly.” Cal made his way to his table and began stacking up the file folders he’d been reading over the night before. “Help me stack these up, Sal. Sat them on the back of the table.”
Together we had them stacked and out of the way before Savage and Gray had the evidence brought in.
“Alpha, Sir, the scenes been gone over with a fine tooth comb. It’s been bagged and tagged like you requested and all has been brought here. Only four other items held that scent, but this one,” he tapped the largest baggy, “was the prominent.”
“Thanks, Savage.” Cal snatched the clipboard from his hands and signed his signitured across the page. That way, once they captured the murdering bastard, if it wasn’t his Heart’s Desire, then he could slap their ass behind bars. “We’ve got this.”
“You don’t . . .”
“I don’t.” Cal pointed towards the doors.
Flame came up to Savage and took him by the arms, showing him to the backdoor. “He’ll call if he needs you.” The backdoor banged behind him. “Why was I so rude to the little bugger?”
“He doesn’t need to know what is going down here.”
“And what is that, Cal?” Tray’s rich timber sang through the air.

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Heart’s Desire Chapter 2

Heart’s Desire Chapter 2
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Rose held out a flat clear baggy. “A note.”
Cal took the baggy and glared down at the unexpected piece of evidence.
HELP! I’ve been taken. He is horrific. Deadly.
If what the note said was true, then . . . kidnapper as well as murder. But . . . “Could this be a trick from the suspect?”
“Not sure.” Rose sighed. “I’m afraid to think that, yet . . .”
“How long has he been with the guy? Why just now leave this plea?”
Savage reached for the bag. Cal shook his head. The note needed sniffing, but Savage’s nose would not be quick to pick up on any lingering scent. A made Lycan had as much heightened senses, but a born Lycan had an advantage of being taught to use their skills from the age of two.
Cal held the open bag up, sniffing. Wet fur slammed through his body, as currents rippled through his body, settling in his groin. Never in Cal’s life had a scent caused such a reaction. All the tension that had dug its way through his nervous system faded into nothingness as warmth soared over him.
What did it mean? Cal knew, but . . . There was no way the owner of the note could be . . . Cal’s biggest fear when he smelt the Lycan scent among blood was that there was a murderous rogue Lycan for him to deal with. He’d never reacted to the scent before, but it had not been as potent. What did this mean?
“Captain?” Savage’s shaky tone pulled Cal back to the situation at hand. “What is it?”
Cal looked around, noting they were once again alone. He took in a deep breath and held the baggy out to Savage. “Tell me what you smell and how it makes you feel.”
Savage took in a huge whiff and shrugged. “It matches the stench, but . . . There is something clinging to it. Not . . . There is no malice. It’s more like . . . Fear.” Savage rubbed his head. “I’m sure you picked that up. Right?”
He had picked up way more than that. “How does your body react? Does your muscle tighten? Any other part of your body react?” There was no way was Cal going to ask if his cock got hard as a brick.
Savage inhaled again, shaking his head. No. I wonder if he’s part of the kills or truly there against his will. We knew the stench was at each scene, but how much did he partake? Did he at all?”
Well, Savage’s reaction told Cal all he needed to know. Not. Reinforced what he already knew.
“You know more, don’t you Alpha?”
What did Cal know? How was he supposed to react? Handle things? So many ideas rushed through his mind, but he knew he could not react rash. He had to take this to the Betas. Get their opinions before he rushed into a shitstorm. And there would be one if he found out that his Heart’s Desire was being forced to watch the kills. Or worse, partake in them.
“Savage, stay here. Ensure that anything with this scent is bagged and in your car. Not Rose’s. I need the things with this Lycan’s scent brought to my house.”
“Yes, Alpha.”
“And it’s Captain.” He was going to have to have a long talk with Savage about how to address him when he’s not around the pack. The man should know better. He’d been a Lycan long enough o have that concept down.

Monday, March 23, 2020

Heart’s Desire Chapter 1

Hope you all enjoyed New Coven. This newest freely written and unedited story has a more a mystery aspect, but I think a great romance will unravels for you. So, enjoy Heart's Desire


Heart’s Desire Chapter 1
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Red blanketed the walls, floor, and two twin beds. Cal’s stomach twisted into knots worthy of the best seaman in the world. Took all his practiced control to hold down the small amount he’d had time to eat at the BBQ. Wasn’t how his day was supposed to have gone. It was a day for his kind to celebrate and dance until the full moon rose high in the sky. Cal had looked forward to being able to strip down with his fellow pack members and hunt the night away. Not be at yet another murder scene that would have no evidence of a serial killer.
“Just like the others, Captain.”
Detective Savage shook his head as he glanced back into the blood soaked room.
“Anything to tell us it’s the same suspect?”
“Just the stench he left behind.”
“Stench?” Detective Rose Williams, Detective Savage’s partner of five years.
Cal cursed under his breath. Savage knew better than to let onto about his other scene. He’d been a Lycan for over ten years. Was unusual to have a made Lycan among a pack. Most Lycan’s were born. Most in his pack where related in some way. Another rarity among our kind. These days. Most families left their birth pack at the age of eighteen so they had a better chance at locating their Heart’s Desire.
“Stench of blood.” Cal jumped into cover Savage. “Sure, you caught that at the last ten scenes.” Came out harsher than he’d meant, but everything in him was fed-up with being summoned out to a horrific crime scene. What bothered Cal more than anything was the hint of wet fur that clung between the thick, heavy metallic odor and sweetness so rich that it made Cal’s teeth ache.
“That I have.” Rose waved her hand in front of her face. “There is one difference with this one.”
Cal lifted one brown as Savage said, “There is?”
Rose nodded. “Crime Scene guys just found it.”
“What is it?”

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

New Coven Chapter 21 (Ending)

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Edward’s entire body vibrated with want and need. It had been a hell of a long time since someone had caused such a reaction. It was one he had been ready to give up. How had he ever thought he could have a life without domination. Fate had known better than he had. Thank goodness.
“Yes, Sir.”
Warmth pressed against his hole before Richard’s cock touched him. Edward took a huge breath and blew it out as Richard’s cock breached his ring. Pain raced through him, but it wasn’t the kind that caused a hurt. Nope. It was the kind that created a harsher rush of desire. He remained still and quiet as Richard pressed deeper into his channel. Edward sure why. Richard had not ordered him to be quiet or still. Not that the bindings allowed for much movement. What it did allow him to do was whimper. From the huge smile on Richard’s face, the man was not worried about how much sound Edward made. Good thing, because being quiet wasn’t an option.
“Please . . . Sir . . . I need . . . Hard and fast, Sir. Please.”
“Soon, my lover. Soon.”
Richard pulled half way out and slammed back in, shifting his angle enough that he brushed against my pleasure spot. A shout loud enough to bring neighbors running flowed from him.
“Ready to tie yourself to me?”
Took Edward a second to comprehend what Richard meant. When he did, his response came in the starting phrase of the ritual.
“Earth of Earth, We come to you with our heart and mind open to one another.”
Richard’s lips came down and pressed against his as his tongue ran across my lower lip, tugging it between his teeth. He nipped hard enough to draw some blood, sucking it for a full minute. There was no metallic taste or warmth of blood flowing into his mouth. It was perfect. Just like it was supposed to be. There combing with blood was done. All that was left was the fun part.
“Earth of Earth,” Richard’s grin claimed his entire face. “We come to you with our heart and mind open to one another.”
Edward’s breathing faltered as Richard slam into him over and over. No air to shout, whimper, or beg for release. All he could do was go along for the fast and hard ride. Take in each thrust and pleasure pain that consumed him. It was perfect. Just what he longed for. Just what he needed.
“Earth of Earth, bind us together as my essence consumed Edward’s insides.”
Edward took Richard’s nod as permission to come. It was all it took. His body shook as his balls drew up and come shot up and out, landing against Richard’s and his chest. My bhole clinched, holding Richard deep inside me. It must have been all Richard could handle, because warmth seeped through me as his essence flowed into and through Edward.
Edward grunted as Richard dropped over him. Best part was it did not part them. Their bodies were still connected. Not only in a physical sense, but Edward felt the love that flowed through Richard. Seemed fast, but not in the SpellBinding world. Such a strong emotion flooded a paired couple. From that point forward, there was no Edward without Richard and no Richard without Edward. They were one. What one did the other did. What one wanted the other desired. What one felt the other felt.
“My love,” Richard kissed the side of his neck. “That was . . . amazing.”
“More than that, Sir.”
Edward groaned as Richard slid from his body and moved to his side. With a wave of his hand, the binding disappeared, and he tugged Edward against him.
“Our life is just beginning.” Richard’s hand traced his arm and then his stomach before resting his hand over Edward’s flaccid cock.
“That is true, Sir.”
“Are you able to handle the life that lays ahead of us?”
Was he? Edward wasn’t sure. It wouldn’t be easy, but . . . his life had never been easy. It had been full of hardship thanks to his dad being a Coven leader. He knew what it took live under the control of the leader. Should not be that much different to stand at the leader’s side.
“I think so, Sir.”
“Good. We have a New Coven to change into a current lifestyle. Do you not think so, boy?”
“Sir, does this mean the Choosing Ceremony will become voluntary?”
“It does, boy.”
Thank god. He did not want to think about anyone having to be forced into a ceremony they were not comfortable with.
“Then, Sir, I think it is time we lead our New Coven into a new way of life.”

Monday, March 16, 2020

New Coven Chapter 20

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Richard walked from one side of the bed to the other, watching every rise and fall of his other halves chest. It was steady and calm, but tense at the same time. That would not do. He wanted his other half to enjoy their combining. More than that . . . he wanted his other half to have every aspect of life he desired. I had not done much dominating lovers, but I had watched enough porn to have seen bindings. Commanding had never been a problem for him. He loved for people to do as he said. There was no difference between doing so with Edward, than with . . . okay, a major difference. Edward was his soul mate. He needed the domination to live a full life. That was clear as day. If not, he would have came for me earlier.
“Center of the bed.”
Richard came up to the side of the bed, lifting Edward’s leg, tugging his tennie-shoe off. The other one followed. He ran his hand up Edward’s leg, skipping the section his man longed to have touch. He might desire it, but Richard wanted to explore. Learn his other half. As much from the inside as the outside.
“Slid those pants down as far as you can without raising your head or legs.”
Wasn’t sure where the strange command came from, but watching Edward shimmy and shake to rid him of his clothes had him adjusting his throbbing cock.
“Sir, that’s as far as I can get them.”
Richard was amazed Edward got them down to his knees. “Good, boy.” Richard leaned down and removed the pants the rest of the way, standing back and examining his lover. Long slender legs with muscles that had to come from working out. Thighs that begged to be spread wide open for him. He would fit perfectly between his other halves’ legs.
“Earth of Earth, remove what is hindering my view.”
Richard licked his lips the moment a bare chest was revealed. Just like he loved. Hairy men had never been his thing. He loved to run his stubble over his lover’s skin, but hated to feel it against his.
“Arms above you head.”
Edward wasted no time in lifting his arms and resting them against the pillows. Wasn’t how he wanted him, but it was what he had said.
“Earth of Earth, bind as I desire.”
Richard rubbed his cock through his jeans as Edward’s arms and legs were spread wide and bound to the headboard and footboard. Desire coursed through him so fast that his balls drew up and pre-come leaked from the tip of his dick. If he was not careful, their combing would be the shortest know to SpellBinders.
Richard tugged his shirt over his head, dropping it where he stood. Edward lifted his head. All it took was a snap of my fingers and his head was back on the pillow. It was facing him, which was fine. His body liked being watched. It had his balls drawing up closer to his body. That was why he took one step and was on the edge of the bed. He crawled so he was between his lover’s eagle spread legs. His hands were under Edward’s ass, lifting him up before he took a second breath.
“Can you take me?”
“Yes, Sir.”
Edward’s wide grin told Richard just what he had already assumed. Edward loved a bit of pain. He might not be one to enjoy a flogging, which Richard hoped he wasn’t, but he had no qualms about taking his man, bare.

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

New Coven Chapter 19

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Edward couldn’t help it. He’d gotten so lost in the touch. The desire that his mind took over. He knew he was not with his Master. His Master had given him up. Treated him like a side dish. None of it mattered. He had another man rushing his desire beyond his mind’s control. Rushing him right up to the point of no return, where his mind lost all sense of . . .
“Please, Master. I need . . . Can I . . .”
The warmth and friction left his cock, leaving him bereift. There was no way his Master was going to let him come. Nope. He was simply going to punish him. Make him wait and wait until . . . There was no way, he’d lose control. Not again. The last time he’d come without permission, his entire life faded into nothingness.
Calm hands tidied him up and then the warmth of the huge body disappeared. Edward opened his eyes and the truth came rushing back to him. He was not with his Master. Nope. He was with his . . . Richard. The desire made more sense. They were soul mates. Other halves to one another and they would always come together in such a frenzy that . . . his mind would be blow.
“I’m - -“
“Don’t say it.”
Richard was pacing the room. His face showed nothing but sadness and . . . was that raw anger. No. it was fear.
“I didn’t mean . . .”
“Is he an ex-lover? A current one? Tell me. I can handle it.”
Richard had asked the question before, but this time there was a bit of a demand in his question. Not that Edward could have kept the facts from him.
“Ex. I’m sorry, I fell into old habits.”
“Old habits?” Richard shook his head. “You think that needing my permission to come, and calling me Master is what upset me. No.”
“Then . . .” what had? How come he had stopped.
“You were thinking of another as we were about to seal ourselves together. You still do not get what I was aiming to do.”
Aiming to do? “I felt what you were after. I was all for it.”
“Was you? Then why was you . . . You were thinking of a-fucking-nother person. Do you think I want to seal our selves together with another man on your mind. Hell no. I wanted you to admit you were ready for us to be one. Did not want to drive you to think of your ex.” Richard huffed and marched out of the room.
“Richard, please come back and let me . . .” explain. What was there to explain. He was . . . He wasn’t right. I might have fallen back into old habits, but there had been no thought of . . . him. Not until . . . the sex rush faded. He had to understand me.
Edward followed Richard out of the room. He wasn’t sure where he went, but from the open back door it was clear he’d gone outside. Edward shut the back door as he exited. He did not have to go far to find his soul mate. Nope.
His long muscles shoulder gave off nothing but sadness. They were slumped and his head shook from side to side.
Edward walked up behind him and knelt, wrapping his arms around him. Richard stiffened, but remained quiet.
“I was not thinking of him.”
“I find it hard to believe.”
“I was calling you Master.”
“I am not your Master.”
“I know, but my life . . . I thought . . . I left my birth coven to find solace and reconstruct my life.”
“Reconstruct?” Richard’s hands came to rest over mine. “Why would you want to give up part of you?”
“It does not disturb you?”
“No. What did was that . . . I was trying so hard to get you to admit that you were truly ready for us to be one.” Richard entire body lifted and fell with one deep breath. “I might have gone about it the wrong way. I did. I got lost in our connection. In the desire that flowed to and from us both. I know it was just our connection, but I had hoped . . . I wanted . . .”
“I did to.” Edward wasn’t sure at what point he came to the conclusion that he was ready for a life with Richard, but he had. It’s why he had kissed him. “It’s why I kissed you. I was more than ready to accept us as one.”
“You sure about that? You just said you came here to reconstruct yourself.”
“I did.” But doing so seemed way more useless than it had before. One touch of his soul mate had thrown him right back to the way he used to live. It spoke volumes. Told him loads about himself. “I was hiding from myself since I was abandoned by my Master. I thought it was my desire to be dominated that caused him to drop me and go to a . . .”
“Worse, a woman.”
Richard unwound my arms and turned so they faced each other. “If someone left you for anyone else, man or woman, it was not your fault. It was theirs. And their loss. I don’t know much about you, but I have learned that you are a sweet, caring, determined, kind of man. Desiring domination during love making does not make a reason to be left. It is simply what you enjoy and how you chose to get off. I find it sexy. Find it . . . worthy of me.” His fingers ran down my cheek and slipped around the back of my neck, massaging. “When and if you are ready for us to seal ourselves together then we will. If you need me to dominate you, then I will. If you don’t want that aspect in our new life then you can leave it behind. In time, or from the get-go. It does not matter to me. What does is you.” Richard pulled him into his chest, pressing his face against him. “You hungry?”
“For you, Master.”
“Then . . .” Richard picked up my hand and pressed it between his legs. “Let’s go finish what we started.”
Edward followed him up and back into the house. Instead of the living room, he took him straight to the bedroom. “One the bed and no talking.”
“Yes, Master.”

Monday, March 9, 2020

New Coven Chapter 18

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Richard couldn’t believe it. Kind of skittish of it, but wasn’t stopping it. The first kiss from Edward was more than Ricard understood. Sparks rushed over him and through him, but what took hold of him and would not let go was raw, hot desire. It seized every muscle and beat of my heart.
Richard slid his arms around Edward and pulled him into him, ensuring his throbbing cock pressed against him. Richard wanted it clear that how he felt. How much he wanted his man. Not just by the control he took from the kiss, but from the dominate touch.
“God . . .” Edward groaned as he thrust forward.
“Like that, baby?” Richard nuzzled Edward’s neck, before letting his tongue slid down his neck. “You going to love this.” His fingers flipped the button of Edward’s jeans and then tugged the zipper down. He slipped his hands inside, gripping Edward’s enlongated dick.
Richard complied, squeezing and stroking until Edward moaned and thrust forward.
“I need . . . “
“What, baby?” Richard wanted him to say it. Had to have him say it. There was no way he was going to take him and then have him come back and say it was due to the moment, that he would not have wanted them to seal their selves together in any other case. That alone should have had Richard pulling back and taking a couple of deep breaths, but . . . okay, it might have been the moment, but then again . . .
“We belong . . .” The moan Edward gave was more than enough to have me shoving his jeans over his slimline hip. “Together.”
“Why now?”
“Come on, fuck me. Please.”
“Soon, baby. Soon. You’ve got to answer me to get the rest of me.” Might have been wrong of Richard to say so, but he had to have some kind of insurance that he was not taking advantage of his soul mate. Or a semblance of it.
“Please . . . I need . . . want . . . we . . . belong . . . God, please.”
Richard fasted his strokes and tightened his fist, giving just the right amount of pressure. Soon as Edward’s cock throbbed and plumped more, Richard backed off on the pressure and motion. There was no way he was letting his man shoot before he was inside him. And he was going to be inside him. Soon.
“You . . . Please don’t punish . . . me. I’m sorry, Sir.”
Those words had me releasing him and backing up. “What?”
Richard watched as Edward’s chest rose and fell as his eyelashes lifted, but his eyes never went higher than Richard’s chin.
“Baby, why would I . . . Oh, you . . . You have a Master.” There was no way Richard would allow his soul mate to be thinking of another when they were together. Nope. He wanted his full attention and he would have it. Looked as his soul mate was not ready to seal them together. Time for more talking. Richard pulled his jeans back up and tucked his man away, before he slid back another inch, giving them both some space.
“Sir, please, I’ll do whatever you want. Just tell me how to please you.”
Those words broke the slight control Richard had on his emotions and he jumped to his feet, forcing himself to walk instead of blurting out for Edward to forget the other man in his life and come to him. That was no right. Or how he wanted them to come together. Nope.
“Who is he? How long . . . Is he one of the Coven members?” Has to be. Who else would it be. Or . . . Edward had only been in town a short time, so . . . he could have . . . “Is he an ex-lover? A current one? Tell me. I can handle it.” Richard hoped.

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

New Coven Chapter 17

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Not from . . . Had to be. His dad told him . . . Edward sat back, letting the sofa material wrap around his body. Would his father have . . .  He might have. Was it feasible to believe Richard? Edward just met him, but . . . he’d been the right hand goon for the higher up for the last twelve years. He would know how they would send out official documents. He’d enforced them many, many times. His status was part of what . . . .
Who was he trying to kid? The paper had always been questionable. Dad was known for getting his way, and when he’d given me the sheet of paper it had came out of the blue. Right after . . . He would have been able to tell his Coven that he had received the paper from the higher ups and no one would have questioned him. Dad knew how to keep his Coven in line and did so with an iron hand until it came down to one of his children. Then he was known for giving them anything to make up for the lack of participating in their life. Edward loved to believe his father was this awesome great man, and he was, but when it came down to family life, Edward had a false picture. The one that his father liked for everyone to see.
“Are you sure?”
“I’m sure you’ve heard of my name, even if you never knew my face.”
“Everyone knows your name.”
“Is that why you want nothing to do with me?”
Was it? Kind of. He was a scary man. One who would go by the Coven laws. But when it came right down to it . . .
“Not completely, then.” Richard sighed. “I do wish you’d talk to me.”
“I do wish you’d read the letter.”
“Would it give me a full answer to the problem?”
Damn it. Could Richard just not read the letter and let me have a few moments to gage how I was going to break this to him easy.
“It’s easier just to rip the bandage off.”
Richard’s comment had me smiling at him.
“You truly are gorgeous. I’m sure we can have a great life together.”
“How do you know it is a bandaid?”
“Your eyes hold a continuous tinge of grayness, which dulls those sexy baby blues. I’ve seen it plenty of times while on assignments. It’s common among those who had their heart ripped out. I’d do anything I could to ensure no one hurts you again. I would never do such to you.”
“Course you say that. You are my other half. No other half is supposed to hurt the other one.”
“But you are.”
Damn it. He was right. Edward knew his rejection had hurt Edward, but it had not made him give up on him. Nope. He’d kept right on pushing. Trying his darndest to combine their souls.
“I don’t think you mean to. I think you are truly scared. I’d like to know why.”
Edward could not tell him why. There was no way he could let the hurt part his mouth. Nope. If he did that then . . . Richard was right. In so many ways. Ripping the bandaid off should have been done months ago. Time he did so.
Edward stood and made his way to Richard and lifted his chin, pressing his lips to the man. Soon as their lips touched sparks chased one another over his body to Richards. It was like an electric storm between two souls.
Warm arms slipped around Edwards as Richard tugged him closer. Hadn’t been what Edward expected, but it was more than pleasurable. Edward thought Richard would pull away from him and demand to know the truth behind his rejection. What he got was way, way better.

Monday, March 2, 2020

New Coven Chapter 16

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“My house it is.” Richard looped his arms around Edward’s waist and did the one thing that most feared him for. Used his SpellBinder skills. People believed he was some kind of monster because of his job of infiltrating and dispatching justice to those who earned it. Wasn’t something he did lightly, but he had done so often at the behest of his boss. Those days were past him. He’d decided to settle down and take over a clan when the offer came his way. No one knew it . . . Ah shit. Was that what had Edward so spooked?
Couldn’t be. Richard was like a ghost on all his assignments, beside this last one. He’d known when he came here that this was the place he’d settle in, so he’d came in with his true face. He’d not pretended to be anyone, other than himself. A person who loved to aid people and give his kind what they deserved. Loyalty, honor and pride. Things he held close to his heart.
Their feet landed smoothly on the hardwood floor in his living room. “Take a seat and let’s figure this out.” Richard had a lot to do with the Coven, but nothing came before his other half. Nothing. They were beyond special and deserved one’s full attention. Edward would get his at all times.
“Care to tell me why you are so against our pairing?”
Edward remained standing and crossed his arms. Bullheaded ness was a tactic that Richard was more than common with. He could wait the best of them out.
“Give me one good reason you despise me?”
“I . . . Don’t . . . It’s not . . .”
“Then what is it?”
Edward pursed his lips as he drew his wallet from his back pocket. He tugged out a tri-folded small sheet of paper and handed it out to him.
“What’s this?”
Edward just waved at the sheet of paper.
“I’d rather you tell me than to read it from something so impersonal.”
“It’s not impersonal. “ Edward huffed and moved to the chair across from him.
Wasn’t as close to me as I wanted him, but it was not in the chair furthest from me. Better than Richard expected.
“Just humor me. Please.”
“Humor me? You serious?” Richard coulnd’t believe it. His other half wanted him to go along with him when he was outright refusing to pair with him.
“Poor wording.” Edward held his hand up. “Sorry. It’s just something that . . . it’s hard for me to explain.”
“Then try, because I do not care what some paper says, unless it comes from the higher ups.” And there was no way that the higher up would give a official document on a scrap of paper.
“It is. I promise.”
“I can tell you it is not.” Richard hated to bust his other half’s bubble, but . . . He would not allow a lie to continue, but he could tell that Edward believed the paper was. “There is no way that the Zion would give an official document in such a manner.”