Monday, October 30, 2023

Free Write Scene

Every other minute last night I heard a bark or a growl or a whine of some kind. There had been many nights of late that the night had been full of those sounds, but fear of wild, fighting dogs kept me locked inside my house. Last night was no exception. At least the ruckus ended earlier than normal last night. It made me wonder what in the world happened. If they caught whatever they’d been after all these nights or if they finally gave up on the chase. Whichever didn’t really matter as long as it was one of those and they remained gone.

“There.” I laid down my purple mascara, nodding at the mirror loving the dark triangle I’d created at the corner of my eyes. “You’ve done it again, Jason.” I roamed my hand down my wife-beater shirt, giving myself one more glance over before I left the room, heading off to the office.

I got one foot into my hallway, pausing. Okay, I screamed like some little bitch-of-a-girl. Who wouldn’t have when they found a naked man laying half in their open door and their hallway? And not just any naked man, but his business partner, the man he’d had a secret crush on for the last five years, the man he’d pined away for from afar like a fool.

“Davis, oh my Mother of Earth.” I rushed over to him, kneeling, forcing my eyes to remain on his face. A face that you no longer saw the normal tanned skin. Instead you saw darkening purple and blues covered with drying blood from slashes. “What happened you, my dear?” I ran my hand over the top of his head. “I’m calling for an ambulance.” I reached into my back pocket, extracting my phone.

“No.” Davis’ hand lifted from his side, pulling a groan from him. “Please, don’t.”

“You need medical help.”

“Just help me up and to a bathroom, Jason, please.”

“And what can you do in a bathroom?” 

With private hatred of myself, I reached down, slipping my arms under his arms and tugged until he was able to get his knees under him and together we got him standing. He wobbled a bit as he stood there, staring at me.

“I just need a shower and a moment of alone time too. . . well, you’ll know soon enough, but for now just accept that this will all heal on me quickly.”

“Yeah right. Someone did a hell of a number on you, my friend.”

“I’ve had worse.” Davis sighed. “Will take worse for you any day.” He muttered as he headed towards my bathroom.

“What did you just say?”


“Why did someone beat you up because of me?”

I’d done nothing stupid as of late. That I knew of anyway. Actually, I’d been doing my best to stay out of trouble after the last fiasco with the Campbell Brothers. Davis pulled me out of the fire on that one and I had no clue how he managed to soothe their ire when I’d riled them up by insulting their son.

“Let me get cleaned up. Can I borrow some clothes?”

Oh yeah. Didn’t need him walking around me all naked and stuff. My libido would rise up soon as it registered how bare-chested Davis was. Shocked me my cock hadn’t already woke up. 

“I’ll bring you some sweats. It’s all I have that will fit you.”

Davis was a bit taller than me and had way more broad shoulders and chests than me, but him in any of my clothing would be awesome. 

I didn’t have to knock on the bathroom door or anything to give him the clothing. It stood open and Davis stood behind the glass shower door with water cascading down his body. What I wouldn’t do to be in there with him.

“Talk to me, Davis. What happened?”

“You aren’t going to let me clean up are you?”

“No. Not when you are pulling my name into whatever caused this when I know of nothing I’ve done.”

“It’s not your mistake this time.”

“Then whose?”

“Mine.” He heaved a deep sigh as his hand reached for the bottle of body soap. “I’m not like most people, which you knew just not all the details about, and we have certain rules we have to follow when we are ready to involve someone in our lives.”

“Quit being evasive.”

“Fine. Fine. But if I come right out and say this then you are involved in my life fully, rather you want to be or not. I’m trying to save you that.”

“Give me that choice.”

“That’s it, you won’t have a choice. If I tell you, then you are in for the rest of your life even if you wish to leave you won’t be able to. They will make you stay and live a life with me.”

Live a life with him? What was he going to tell me that entailed me living a life with him? It sounded as if . . . Could he have feelings for me and I not know it? If so, he’d not picked up on my attraction to him, but the attraction was one thing going full in for an entire life . . . Mother of Earth, I could be blowing something much simpler up, but pushing forward to find out might mean ending my life as it is. Or that’s what it sounded like. Was it worth it?

Yes. This was Davis. Anything was worth it for him.

“Tell me.”

“Are you one hundred percent sure? I will continue to stand between you and them for as long as it takes.”

“Tell me. You are not going to keep getting beat up like this. It will kill you.”

Monday, October 23, 2023

Free Write Scene

I sat doing my favorite pastime, watching Jamal sleep in his comfy recliner. His feet were kicked up and his head lulled to the right. The way the lightweight blanket draped over one shoulder and down his body reminded me of a puppy wrapped up under a cozy blanket.

Arms snuggled around my waist, tugging me back against a hard, firm chest that I knew as well as I did the one curled underneath the blanket. I loved my life with my partners. The day I ran across Daniel and Jamal was beyond the best day of my life. None of us knew the day they walked down the boardwalk and saw a struggling musician playing for his supper money that they’d met their third.

“He’s so peaceful.”

“Only because we have you, babe.” Daniel nuzzled the base of my neck, over his large-mouthed, claiming mark.

Jamal’s mark rested on the other side of my neck, smaller but still as prominent and visible as Daniel’s huge werewolf teeth marks. What could you say for a domestic breed dog shifter? We were a triad and a half. Werewolf, a domestic breed dog shifter, and a human, all meant to have one happy-go-lucky life, and we did.

“You two are what makes us so special.” I squeezed his arms. “Doesn’t he look like a puppy laying there?”

“I can hear ya’, honey.”

“Then you know where I’d rather have you two.” A hard pinch to my ass had me yelping and it drew a deep, rich chuckle from Jamal. “Oh, hush you. And you, Daniel, stop that.”

“What? You started the playing with that comment.”

“Wasn’t a comment that required me being pinched.”

“Then,” Jamal was up, across the room and swooped me into his arms. “time to take you to our bed and ravish you the rest of the day.”

“Sounds like the perfect plan, Jamal.”

I giggled, in a very unmanly way, grinning up at him loving how he was able to handle my body weight even though he wasn’t that strong-looking. I’d told him over and over not to lift me, but he ignored me like they did on so many things when it came to making me happy.

“he’s doing it again, Jamal.”

“I know, but we will give him something much more entertaining to think on, won’t we, Daniel.”

“You two always do, babe.” I ran the tip of my finger over the outer edge of his face. “I love you both.”

Monday, October 16, 2023

Free Write Scene

Premier Club the words shined like a beacon of welcome, warmth, and fun when it brought death to all like him who stepped within ten feet of its door. So, why did he stand on the outskirts of its building like a fool?

Because Eaphel begged him to join him in the Raid on the Vampire/Coven Den with a Kill Order against them. What the group of Mixed Breeds, who found it safe and respectful enough of themselves to register their Mixed Breed status, done to receive a Kill Order was beyond him. Even most Mixed Breed groups didn’t receive them. He knew it was common for Mixed Breeds to receive so many marks against them they were forced to disperse and live without a group, the worst sentence for his kind. That’s why he never registered his Mixed Breed status. It’s also why when his boss found it out his entire life changed. His boss was kind enough, and held enough sympathy for him, that he gave him the option to quit the Nation Service Guard or he’d report him himself. Easy choice for him. He had had enough time in with the Guard to quit with partial retirement benefits and work part-time to finish filling in for money. It’d been easy enough to find a security job and his life partner kept bringing him side jobs like these, which brought him more than enough money to keep him sitting pretty.

“See you beat us here, baby.” Eaphel leaned over his back, kissing the base of the back of his neck, right over his Life Partner Mark, which he’d placed there some twenty years earlier when they’d barely been old enough to enter the Nations Service Guard.

“Yeah, babe.” A shiver ran down his spine but he shoved it to the back of his mind as he forced himself into work mode. “How many do we have with us and how many will be inside?”

Eaphel swept his hand behind him, revealing about twenty guys in solid black uniforms stating their elite status.

“Man, babe, these people are major players.” Elite status, and that many in one location for one Den with a Kill Order meant these people were presumed extremely dangerous. “What did these people do? “What did these people do?”

“Classified, Kalen.” He squared his shoulder, sighing so hard his shoulders lifted and fell, letting him know how sorry he was that he had to say that one word to him.

Kalen wished he didn’t have to hear them, but he did and each time they passed Eaphael’s lips while they worked together tore his heart out and reminded him why he worked so hard to hide his Mixed Breed status, even from his life partner.

“Alright. Let’s get this Raid a going.” 

He faced the building again, taking in the silvery shim covering the entire large enclosure. Kalen wished he could warn Eaphel and the others about the Death Ending Ward around the enclosure but as far as the ones around him he was one hundred percent Vampire. It had to stay that way.

“You know anything else about this place from your dosie?”

“Only that we have to go in carefully because all our scouts never made it past the front door.”

Never made it near the front door is more like it. The Death Ending Spell kept anyone with deadly intent or without Vampire or Witch blood out by one of two methods. Death or Paralization. That was why, he had to find a way to get himself placed by himself high above and out of sight. He could bring down the Death Ending Ward, but not where anyone could see him do so.

“You want me where?”

“Thought you might take Hangry and go high and cover my men from afar.” Was he grinning at me? He didn’t grin when he was on a mission. He was in full-out blank mode. What was going on? “You did bring Hangry with you, right?”

“You know I never leave the house without Hangry when I’m on a mission.” He didn’t. Hangry, his lucky rifle was always broken down and at his side when he left the house to go to work, even on the security job. A side effect of being the top-ranked marksman in the world.

“Then pick you high spot and get in place, Kalen. You’ve got five minutes before we move out.”

Monday, October 9, 2023

Free Write Scene


Jace sat on the bench, taking in the bright, freshly cut green grass surrounding the meticulous fish pond with a waterfall of angels, letting it soothe his aching heart. Their depictions of the wonderful creatures were way off base for reality, but they had no way of knowing such. All these humans knew were the stories they’d been fed throughout the centuries. These human creatures had to be kept in the dark, no matter how dispicable Jace felt it was. It was the law of the Heaven Zone. Just like the true pictures of the sicken demons were kept hidden. Those foul creatures from the Hell Zone got away with coming and going to and from the Earth Zone way more than the angels did, which was what brought him onto the Earth Zone all the times he’d been sent. Their misdeeds left a human screwed up and in need of heavenly assistance to regain their lives. Today’s mission had been harder on him than expected, though.

The patient stole part of his heart. Left him a shell of the angel he was before he walked through the man’s bedroom door, fooling his, beyond his wits, friend about why he was there. It had taken him all his strength to do that much once he caught sight of him spread out under the dark navy sheet. Once he caught a whiff of his amazing scent his entire body reacted and then his soul caught up to the fact that the guy a demon had touched so deeply belonged to him.

Monday, October 2, 2023

Weekly Free Write Scene

He stood in front of the mirror trying to lift his head, failing. He’d not seen his reflection in over forty years and never would again so why look somewhere that should hold it? His partner had been gracious when he came home with twin pin prick in the crook of his neck and blood trailing from his lips down to his chin. Tears had stained his cheeks from hours of horrified crying while hiding curled up in the backseat of his car waiting for the monster who grabbed him as he exited the office building to return.

He could hear the guy’s deep, curt voice as he said, “You stole what belonged to me. You will give it back in forty years.”

The meaning behind the threat wasn’t clear and haunted him each morning he woke up, that one more than any other. It’d been forty years since searing pain shot across his shoulder as his blood left his body and he became a useless form in the stranger’s arms, leaving him thirsty like he’d never been since his Mom birth him. Too bad it wasn’t for water. The stranger supplied what he longed for and would have killed for, even was kind enough to give him a number of whom to contact so he could get his own supply of . . . 

Blood. It’s what he’d been reduced to function off of daily. Who knew the rich, red elixir that ran through his veins when he was alive would be what kept him alive once he ceased to function as a typical human? And turned out that’s what had happened to him, but he’d not discovered that from the one who turned him. Nope. The contact for the blood was the only piece of information the bastard provided about his new life. He abandoned him to learn all about what he’d been turned into by himself. The one thankful thing about the night was, that he’d not been left to go home in a raving hungry state.

“Quit worrying, so much. It will be any other day, honey.” Saint’s warmth zeroed in around his back. “I have told you we would face whatever came today together.”

He didn’t want them to. He didn’t want Saint to be around him when the stranger reappeared. The guy didn’t need to get the idea in his head to strike out at him through his lover. It would rip him apart if the stranger harmed Saint. It’s why he’d broken his one promise to Saint and lied to him.

He’d swore to Saint they’d spend the entire day together while they waited for anything to arise, but he had plans of his own.

He tugged the tail of his shirt down, hoping he got any wrinkles out of it then gave Saint a kiss on the cheek. “I’m going to run out and get us some breakfast and coffee from Alvin’s.” Knew he’d be unable to resist Alvin’s they fixed his favorite Ice Chai Pumpkin Spice Latte.

“You are still after my heart after all these years.” He shot me his mega-watt smile, kissing me deeply before handing me the keys to his Jeep. “Take Betsy. It’ll be faster. I’ll call the order in.”

“Not necessary. I’ll ride the bike. Want the exercise.”

“Yeah right. You think you can sneak away from me. Won’t be happening, honey.” A hard slap against his shoulder reminded him of how long the two of them had lived together. “Remember, we were best friends way before we were partners, honey. I know how your mind works.” He wrapped his arms around him. “And I won’t give you up. For any reason. What happens to you, happens to me. We are in this for life. It’s what we promised each other and it’s what I will hold you to. Now, let’s go get me my coffee. You got me wanting it. We go together though.”