Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Last Free Write Scene for 2023

Hi all,

Hope all had a wonderful Christmas and an amazing time with their families and friends. I sure did. I had a healthy meal with my Mom and Dad and some fun times. Now, onto our last Free Scene of the year. Doesn’t seem possible does it, but it is. I’m unsure if I will start the year off with a Free Write Story or more Free Write Scenes yet, but we will find out next week.

The large beast sat on the edge of the porch whinning with his head between its paws and ears hunkered down. Not a single sign of aggression towards me. Al doubted the extremely large wolf would attack him, but he wasn’t going to take the change.

“You stay there while I walk inside and call animal control.” I held my hands out in front of me, while walking back inside the house, but before I could reach the counter where the phone rested a mist formed around the beast, freezing me in place.

The mist grew thicker and thicker until the animal was out of view. My mind told me to run and slam the door shut, but my body was frozen in place.

Before I knew it, the mist faded away leaving behind a naked man I knew all too well.


Monday, December 11, 2023

Free Write Scene

Hi all,

I all but forgot to post something today, so I borrowed from a short scene I wrote for a exercise I did for a community post for the definition of the word Foolscap. I don’t think they will mind me borrowing my own work. I hope you all enjoy the short work. It’s not my usual style of writing, but it does give you a brief insight into the style of my side project I’m working on.

Let your imagination soar as you read this short scene.

Have a great day


Jeffery stared down at the foolscap wondering where the fancy writing was. He'd been told day after day for ten years by his father and grandfather that their family history was written on the ancient sheet of an unusual-sized piece of paper. Only the old ones would write on an 8 X 13 size piece of paper. Quil and ink aspect made sense, how else would they write back when George Washington was President? Guess I was lucky it wasn't on a clay tablet in picture form. Still, there was nothing here, so what was he supposed to do? How was he supposed to learn where he came from since the Orgs took out his entire family before his fifteenth birthday?

"Can I help you with something, young man?"

Jeffery spun to find a crumbled-in on himself, long, white-haired man leaning against a wooden walking stick that stuck a good foot above his head. A voice he'd not heard in over six years came to life in his mind.

"Elder of Summar. Kneel, boy. Now."

He had no idea why his father's voice sprang to life in his mind, but he did just what his father did. Yet, he tucked the foolscap behind his back. Something inside him told him he wasn't supposed to have that sheet of paper.

Monday, December 4, 2023

Free Write Scene

They sat in the recliners, asleep like every other night, except tonight neither slept. Hanks’ eyes met his, but Hanks’ outstretched hands failed short of reaching his thanks to the lifelessness shining back at him from those once sexy, baby blue round eyes that normally carried love and joy at all times.

What was he to do without the man who saved his life some forty years ago? He had not taken a breath or made a decision without Hank since that day. What would become of him? How would he survive this world? Not that he would begrudge Hank for his decision to leave the pain filled life that had plagued him since the cancer caught hold of him. Nope. He grasped the concept of what a life full of pure pain, even when full of love and happiness was life. He’d seen it with his mother when she suffered through breast cancer when he was fourteen. Watching it with his lover was a thousand times worse in his opinion. That might be cruel to think, but . . .

How else was he supposed to feel in that moment? His heart had been ripped from his chest, leaving behind a gaping hole that could not be stitched back together by the best of surgeons.