Thursday, October 31, 2019

Lies Don't Matter Chapter 17 Part 3

Lies Don’t Matter
Julia Matthews

Adult M/M Content
If under 18 leave sight
Unedited Story

Crap. There had to be . . . “There’s others weaker than him, right?” Had to be. There was no way I could stash father among a shaking, cowering, sweat soaked Mr. Davis. Father wouldn’t physically eat Mr. Davis, but he might force his human side into a comatose state. Fact had accidently causes a new member of his own den down that path after the two were introduced. Needless to say that dragon had been relocated to a lesser den, allowing him to live among dragons like himself.
“Whose above him?”
Charlie keyed his password into the computer and opened the Logan Den’s register. “Cupcake. Think he might be okay among Cupcake?”
Cupcake was more like a woman than a male dragon. Wasn’t sure how him, or Mr. Davis managed to stay in such a dominat den. They did, which states lots about how Charlie ran the Logan Den. Good things. All the way around. Another reason that made it hard for me to understand how Charlie overlooked the shit with Rex.
“That’ll be perfect. Make the call while I go check on Cree.”
“You going to start the second phase before he arrives?”
“Can’t. Have to make the announcement first.”
“Guess I’m a bit more scattered than I though.” Charlie tapped the folder he’d been fiddling with. “New facts opened my eyes to what I missed. The Highness is going to chew me up and spit me out for my stupidity.”
“Nah.” Father wouldn’t. Charlie was a main guard, meaning any punishment Charlie desergved would come from me. Far as I could tell the man was beating himself up enough. Everyone, even dragons, over look things among their friends and family.
“Let it go. Deal with calling Cupcake and inform him of his houseguest.” I shook my head. ‘Why does he go by Cupcake instead of his real name?”
Charlie shook his head and said, “I can’t say.”
“Whatever. Just make sure he has a room ready for father and let me know the moment he announces his arrival.”

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Lies Don't Matter Chapter 17 Part 2

Lies Don’t Matter
Julia Matthews

Adult M/M Content
If under 18 leave sight
Unedited Story

I listened until Charlie’s body gave way and he flopped into his black leather desk chair. His head banged against the mahogany wood desk for a couple of minutes then he sat up. No sign of the earlier outburst. His expressionless face was back in place. Only another leader would know that the anger was pushed to the back of his mind. Not forgotten, just back enough that Charlie would stew over his anguish while plunging forward with the task at hand. Preparing for my father, the leader of all dragons.
If he was ready to get started then I was to. “Did father give you any idea how he was going to handle being around me?”
Charlie huffed. “Do you think he did?”
Course not. The man was famous for letting the lower ranked people make all the arrangements for him.
“I was thinking it would be best to put him in the hotel in the next town.”
Yeah right. Father would have a shit fit. There was no way he’d stay so far from the den. “Won’t work.”
“Why? It’ll keep him away from you and Cree.”
“Yes, but can you imagine the ice he would snort when you told him it was twenty minutes from your den.”
“So.” Charlie opened the folder and picked up a sheet of paper.
“If he was needed in a hurry, he’d have to fly here.”
“Shit.” Charlie shifted through a few more sheets of paper. “I can’t believe this.”
Was sure that Charlie wasn’t referring to a lack of wisdom when it came to father’s future location. Something in those papers had put fire in Charlie’s normally dark eyes. Whatever he’d found had brought him back to background problem. From the little snorts of ice shooting from Charlie’s nose it was time I step in and took some stress off of him.
“You deal with whatever has your dragon snorting and puffing before father gets here. I’ll figure out where to stash father.”
I pulled my phone out and hunted the phone number for the hotel five minutes from the den. Course there was no vacancies, which meant resorting to the least acceptable choice, placing father int eh home of the weakest dragon among the Logan Den. I had no idea who it was, or how close he lived. I quickly made my way over to Charlie’s desk and cut the computer on.
“What are you doing?” Charlie knocked my hand away.
“Locating your weakest dragon’s address.”
“For father.”
“Hell no.” Charlie snatched the laptop from in front of me. “Your father would eat Mr. Davis alive.”

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Marked Ones Anthony and Larry


Larry’s father ran his life since before he was born. He’d never had a typical life thanks to his father’s political life. All Larry knew was that he was to ensure his father’s life never became tainted by his actions. One mistake would keep his father from retaining the highest position among the U.S. Being the son of the President of the Untied States sucked. After watching three Secret Service men die and being taken, blindfolded, and held captive his mindset changed. He knew he had to do something to keep himself from falling into a deep PTSD filled life. What he got was more than Larry dreamed possible.

Anthony never wanted to be a Royal Leader, even though he was born with Bombardian royal blood. Him being in deep love with a man he would have to give up when, and if, he found his Keeper, the man that calmed his beast side, or his Protector, the woman that calmed his beast side. Or most likely would. That wasn’t the case though, because he had neither and hoped to never find one of them. Anthony was on the verge of bringing the love of his life to live with him as he adjusted to the seat of power he’d been born for. Or so he thought.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Lies Don't Matter Chapter 17 Part 1

Lies Don’t Matter
Julia Matthews

Adult M/M Content
If under 18 leave sight
Unedited Story

Chapter 17
How could someone who worked years in the FBI overlook such? Charlie’s blazing red eyes told me he was thinking the same way as Cree. Agent Carter, and maybe Mrs. Stone, had an ulterior motive. What though?
“Uh . . . Hop?”
“What, baby?” I didn’t want Cree worrying over anything else. She’d been landed with a shit load over the last couple of days. When my father arrived, there would be more.
Cree leaned his head back, rubbing his temple. “Can I have more Aspin?”
“Sure. Charlie?”
“On it.” Charlie rushed out of the room.
“Baby,” I kissed his fingers as they massaged his forehead. “I think it might help if you got some rest.”
“More . . . ugh!”
“Afraid so.”
“Here you go.” Charlie laid two tablets in his hand and pointed towards the door. “Rest is what you need. Go to your and Hop’s room. Get some sleep.”
Cree’s lack of argument bothered me. I’d expected the events to catch up with him, but still figured he’d rebel against being tucked away. Charlie disliked it to, if his tight creased forehead was any indication.
Charlie didn’t show emotions, except when it came to Cree, even then it was rare. When he did it was so pronounced that everyone stayed away. Charlie’s normal reaction when Cree was upset was to loud ranting and snapping orders. When you added in the deceptions from Rex . . . a more extreme reaction was more than possible.
“Will you be joining me?” Cree stood and stretched his arms towards the ceiling, revealing a bit of tan skin. Skin I’d love to tickle with my tongue as I licked every inch of his strong body. “Hop?”
Cree’s little chuckle was sexy as hell. Man knew what he did to me and when he had me hooked. Not that Cree had been aiming to give me a boner. Don’t think at least. He might have. Who knew. He did though and he could take care of it soon.
“In a few minutes.” I patted his ass, nodding towards the door. “Go rest.” I waited until Cree was down the hallway before I addressed Charlie. “You going to be okay?”
“With what?”
“Don’t play coy with me.”
“I’m not.” Charlie went to the file cabinet and pulled open the bottom drawer, extracted a bottle of Jack Daniels and took a huge swig.
“Best rant before father shows up.” I knew Charlie’s plate would be more than full with two dominant dragons in one location. Not to mention, Cree and my bonding process still be in the first stage, which would make my dragon more agitated than being around father would. Father wasn’t a threat to Cree, but my dragon would only see another available male in the vicinity of its woman, who still had the option to deny it. At least until the second phase took place.
“How did I miss what Rex was up to?” Charlie dropped the file a light brown folder on his desk. “I grew up with the man. I always knew when he was getting into trouble. We confided in each other about every little thing. Hell, I mean I even left Hexton for him. Didn’t get pissed when he ran off to China. Worse of all, he let his lie fall onto my child. He might not be my blood, but he’s mine.” I winched when Charlie slammed his open palm into his chest, sending a loud clap around the room. “There wasn’t an event in Cree’s life I wasn’t there for from the moment he returned to den. I forgave him for depriving me of the first two years of Cree’s life. He had no right to bring a shit storm to my Godson. He should’ve told me. I would have been prepared to help.”

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Lies Don't Matter Chapter 16 Part 2

Lies Don’t Matter
Julia Matthews

Adult M/M Content
If under 18 leave sight
Unedited Story

“Over the years,” Godfather took up the story when Hop took a sip of water. “The family moved around settling in different areas. The story was passed down to each generations.” He crossed his ankles. “Eventually, the family took residence in several areas across China.”
“That’s where the fable began, isn’t it?”
Hop nodded at me. “During their travel to China, one of the Dray family married a Magic Wielding human. When the woman heard the fable her husband told their daughter she cast a spell warding off dragons. Each generation the spell had to be recast. That’s where the problem arose.”
How would that be a problem? It wasn’t a story a family would fail to pass down. Nope. Each generation would ensure that the spell was cast properly. Wouldn’t they?
“Over the years,” Godfather rolled his eyes, an action he did when he couldn’t believe someone overlooked an important part.” The Magic Wielding bloodline faded.”
Ah. “Fuck.” I winched when Godfather scowled at me “Sorry, Godfather.” Cussing wasn’t forbidden, but he had two no-no words for her.
“Here’s the part that Mrs. Stone views different than the dragons.”
Hop’s statement had me leaning forward and propping my elbows on my knees. I didn’t  know when or why, but I’d become engrossed in the story. It was my family history, on both sides, but what had her attention the most was discovering why dad took me to China when I officially began dating Hop. Clearly, he didn’t want me to know my heritage, or he would have told me about his dargon. Plus, when he took me to the museum in China he didn’t harp on me about diverting my attention to other areas that interested me more. And my dad was like a pesky fly when he wanted you to remember something. He spent a month ensuring I knew how to contact Godfather if the law raided our house, which came in handy.
“The Fire-Breathing Fable the Dray family line believes in states that if the spell was not recast and a Dray family member bore a son by a dragon then he would bring the end to all Magic Wielders. If a daughter was born, she would draw the attention of a powerful dragon increasing the Dragon and Magic Wielding bloodline. Other words, a child between a Dray family member and a dragon would bring total destruction to all humans.”
Not sure what I looked like, or did, but Godfather slipped his arms around me. “Cree, you okay?”
How to answer that? Hop just told me that Raquel and Agent Carter believed I would . . . wow! They thought I’d bring the apocalypse to life. Not that it was possible. Any longer. I put an end to that theory the day I went through my transformation. Still, it goaded at me that my biological mother truly believed that I would . . . Shit. What . . .
“Wh - - What do you believe we would have brought to life?”
Hop grasped my chin and lifted it until we were eye-to-eye. “If you had not changed to a man, a child of ours would have been like any other child from a dragon and a human. He or she would have either had a dragon, or been human. He, or she, would have been loved by all. He, or she, would have gained leadership of all dragons, just like I will.”
Okay. That eased the little ants crawling over my arms and legs. Least the dragons would not have believed a child of mine would have destroyed the world. Raquel on the other hand . . . she would have gone as far as to abort me if she’d know what dad was. What would have she and Agent Carter done to a child of mine. Kill it? Then again . . . Which story was right? Hop had his version. Raquel had her own. Like most thing where two endings existed one had to be right and the other wrong. Who was to say Hop was right? Did he . . .
“You got proof?”
“Don’t need any.” Hop shrugged. “Magic Wielders can’t affect a dragon. Not even to ward us off from a specific person.”
That meant . . .Did she . . . What Hop said . . . She didn’t doubt him, but what Raquel said kept rushing through my mind. Not to mention the death glare Agent Carter gave me. People didn’t give such looks unless . . . A man like Agent Carter did not give those looks because he had to deliver a legend to his great-niece. Nope. There was something else there. He had other plans for me. What though? Not like I could bare a child anymore. The myth ended the moment I completed the sex change.
“Do you . . . Agent Carter spent five years trying to take the Logan House down without knowing who I was?”
Hop glanced at Godfather and both of them sighed. Not a good response.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Lies Don't Matter Chapter 16 Part 1

Lies Don’t Matter
Julia Matthews

Adult M/M Content
If under 18 leave sight
Unedited Story

Doubtful I wanted to hear what Hop had to say. I’d been through an earthquake off the Richter Scale, twice in the last two days. What I wanted was to go back in time. Restart my life. Not possible. Knew it too. Meant I had to do what I did best, sit up tall, let the imaginary poker cards unfold and pray for a strait. Little to no chance in hell I’d ever get one, dreaming seemed like a worthwhile shot.
Hop took my hand and Godfather sat beside me. Under Godfather’s eyes there was tinge of red and his cheeks drooped from the frown marring his typical bright and vibrate skin. A look I never saw on him before and one I hoped to never witness again. Knowing dad caused the distress made the basketball size gut churning knot split into and press against my abdomen. Time Hop got down to business so I could alleviate my stress and help Godfather in some manner.
“Lay it on me.” I forced a smile, which Hop wouldn’t’ buy for a split second.
He leaned back, but kept hold of my hand, making so I had to relax backwards. “Baby, you’ve got to let me explain it all before you react.”
Not something I was the best at. Normally. I could do it. Had done it many times. One more time wouldn’t hurt me. Yet . . . I made no promise. If an important question formed it’d be up and out of my mouth before I knew it. Hop knew it as well as Godfather did. Which might have been why Godfather gave a half huff, half chuckle. He even mumbled something about how unlikely it was for me to remain quiet. Okay, maybe I failed at every attempt I made of letting someone explain before reacting. Didn’t most people.
“Mrs. Stone and Agent Carter wanted to tell you their side of the Fire-Breathing Fable. It’s an old one, including some truth and your mother - -“
“She’s not my mother.”
Godfather’s faint snort had me smiling over at him as I mentally chided myself for failing at keeping my mouth shut. Or . . . had I. Hop hadn’t started explaining had he? Sort of. Okay, he had. I sucked at being quiet when I was in the dark.
“Right.” Hop rolled his eyes, then winked at me. “Mrs. Stone and Agent Carter’s version of the fable is somewhat different than the dragons. I’m afraid I know more of the truth than your material family would.”
“Why’s that?” There I went again.
Hop shook his head and sighed. “I knew my request wouldn’t work.”
“Should’ve of.” Godfather hugged me. “Cree is a strong headed man, who will do whatever it takes to gain a clear picture before she gives her final reaction.”
Hop did know it, yet . . . he always hoped I’d be more like the women of the Logan House. Do just what their husbands said. Not something I could ever see myself doing. Then again . . . people did lots of things they never believed they’d do for love.
“The Fire-Breathing Fable was passed down by word of mouth for many generations by Mrs. Stone’s family. By the time it was written down, some of the truth had become distorted. If they ever knew it to begin with.”
“Isn’t that the case with the dragons then?”
“No. the fable was passed down to my father by his father, who lived through it all.”
Wow! Did that mean dragons lived longer than humans? Had to. The family tree I’d saw showed at least ten generations. Did that mean Hop was older than he told me?
“How old are you?” I titled my head to the left, searching for any sign of old age.
Godfather chuckled. “He didn’t lie about his age.”
My gaze shifted to Godfather.
“I on the other hand am older than I said and I won’t tell either of you my age.”
Man. Godfather sure didn’t look old. He had a young appearance about him. I’d always believed he used some kind of cream or something to look so good. Then again . . . My dad always had . . .
“Was my dad older than I knew?”
Godfather nodded. “Right now listen to Hop. Stop interrupting.”
Right. Zip the lips, or . . . have my questions dismissed until he was ready to answer them. In the past, he’d made her wait days for answers.
“This is a basic beauty and the beast story. The beast being a dragon and the princess being the only living daughter of the Dray family. A human, who happened to be fated to the other half of the most powerful dragon alive. When he explained what he was the human reacted like most would have.”
Other words, there’d been running and screaming. Physically, or mentally, if not both. What was for sure, was the woman had made sure the entire village knew to avoid the crazy talking man. Ten generations ago many would have treated the man like a parasite or locked him in an asylum. If not stake him.
“The human refused the dragon leader. The loss of our other half will drive our human side to lose control of our dragon. A dragon in full control results in one of two reactions. Most common being the dragon withdrawing into a cave and living there until his life ends. Those dragons driven to control by a rejected mate has a harsher reaction. It . . .”
Hop’s heavy sigh and downcast eyes had me scooting closer to him. I wrapped my arms around him and tugged him into me. He tucked his head against me and inhaled deeply before sitting up.
“Dragons who work in tandem with their human side breath ice, but when the dragon is in full control because of a rejection they breath fire.”
A huge gray scaled dragon with reddish orange flames shooting from a pointed mouth came to life in my mind. Deadly combination for the entire world. no wonder Hop feared my reaction. The picture sent an imaginary set of acupuncture pins across my mind.
“The dragon ended up setting half of the west coast on fire. Killed everyone in that area, or so we thought. The dragon’s mate and her family took refuge inside a deep cave right before the fire. A day or two after my grandfather killed his dragon leader, and claimed leadership of our kind, the family was spotted making their way through the brunt rubble. My grandfather had someone follow them until they settled down in the mid-west.”
“He let them live.” Wow! Not sure I would have. I mean . . . letting them live endangered all the dragons.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Lies Don't Matter Chapter 15

Lies Don’t Matter
Julia Matthews

Adult M/M Content
If under 18 leave sight
Unedited Story

Chapter 15
I followed Cree and Charlie back to the living room, shutting the door behind me. More than I’d wanted to come to life. Damn unexpected visit, yet . . . Cree being told the truth b y them gave him some answers about the last couple of days’ events. Not all, but some. Put me in a bad spot. Then again . . .
Cree being told about dragons by someone else, which didn’t set well with my other half. It roared and snuffed his displeasure in his other half learning from others ticked it off more than it did me. I just hoped Cree didn’t let his anger rule him. Cree wasn’t the type to jump to conclusions before all facts were presented, but . . . he wasn’t in his right frame of mind. Not completely. How could he be? He’d been through hell the last few days and not had time to comprehend what had taken place in his life. No time to handle the grief from losing his mom and dad. Been lied to by the FBI, the people he expected to protect every citizen, even the ones they deemed a gang full of hardened criminals that’d never been caught. There was Raquel’s actions. Doctoring a DNA test, even though she was Cree’s biological mother. As if that wasn’t enough for one person, Cree’s dad, Rex, had lied to her. On top of all that, Cree had been told about the existence of dragons. Not to mention Raquel had all but said she would have aborted her child if she knew Rex was a dragon, simply because of her family history, a legend passed down from generation to generation.
“I need a drink.”
So did I, but I watched Charlie as he poured him a double scotch. My mouth watered at the mere thought of the cool drink easing my soar dry throat.
My hand itched to snatch Charlie’s bottle of scotch, but I shook my head instead. Least Charlie knew I needed something, because he tossed me a cold bottle of water.
“I’ll take something.”
I all but snickered when Charlie rolled his eyes at Cree and threw him a bottle of water.
“This,” Cree twisted the cap and downed half the bottle, “was what I was asking for.” The rest flowed down his throat, but what caught my attention more was the way his throat bobbed as he swallowed. Had my dick hardening. Inopportune time, but what could I say, my other half drove me up the wall one hundred percent of the time. “Think you two need to do what you need to and then fill me in.”
His calm, yet stern tone doused me in cold water. My man hardly ever ordered people around, but when he did, I knew he was beyond his breaking point.
“Going.” Charlie patted me on the shoulder as he walked towards  the door. “Settle my Godson down.”
“I’ll do my best.” Boy would. I’d do whatever it took to ensure my other half had all the information he needed. Or the best I could do until I had word from my father. Charlie best get down to business fast. Cree would give us so much time before he exploded and started demanding answers. If he didn’t get them from us . . . he might just go to Mrs. Stone. He needed to hear the story from me not her.
“You’ve,” Cree pointed at me, frowning. “been keeping secrets from me. I don’t think I need an explanation as to why. It’s clear you feared my reaction.”
Partly right. Some humans flipped the fuck out when they were told. Not so much because dragons, but because of our laws. I’d not purposely lied to him. Laws stated I couldn’t tell him about my dragon side until I officially announced him as my other half. That’s why I’d been so pleased about the upcoming party.
“Not sure if it’ll help,” I doubted it would, but worth a shot. “Tonight’s party was to be the night I told you.” I sat down beside her, making sure our bodies touched. My dragon needed the comfort only his other half could provide.
Cree leaned back and snuggled into my side. “Why tonight?”
“It was supposed to be a very special night for us in many ways.”
Didn’t want him to know I’d planned to propose to him. I’d spent months planning how I would officially announce Cree as mine. Sure wasn’t on the day his parents died and a shit load of lies came to life. Okay, I might have been about to tell him I’d kept a major secret from him, but it wasn’t an outright lie. More of an omission. Cree knew that sometimes thing were buried for good reasons.
“How much more is there for me to know about your other side?”
“Loads more, but . . .”
“I’m not asking for the full truth before you can give it.” Cree’s sigh told me how much that was exactly what he wanted to do, but . . . “I just need to know it wasn’t kept from me because you feared my reaction.”
How to answer that? I had been. Normal reaction. Right? Him denying me meant hardship not only for me, but all dragons and humans alike. Course I was scared of his reaction. Just not for the . . .
“You were.” My body lost the warmth that he provided as he slid to the other side of the couch. “Why?”
I reached for him, but he shook his arm free of my grip. Not what I wanted. Nope. Had to make him understand.
“It wasn’t . . . I didn’t . . . Shit. It’s hard to explain. My fear wasn’t so much your reaction, it was more - -“
“Cree, sweetie,” Charlie’s gentle tone soothed me. He always had a way with Cree and was the only one that got by calling him sweetie, other than me. “If you rejected him it would have affect every dragon and human.”
“Huh! What? Why in the world would you think I’d reject you.” Cree cupped my chin, forcing my eyes to remain on him when I’d been trying to read Charlie’s expression. Not that it would have done me much good. Man was like a blank screen when he wanted to be.
“Many human have rejected dragons when they were told about them.” Lame excuse and I knew better than to put Cree into a classification with others. He was the most open-minded person I’d ever met.
“I’m not human though, I’m part dragon, aren’t I?”
“You have no dragon inside you.”
“Don’t understand. My dad was dragon, so . . . oh, children born to a dragon and human don’t get dragons?”
“Not always.” I darted my eyes towards Charlie, spotting a blank expression like I feared. Didn’t stop me from asking him if my father gave him permission to explain so much to Cree. Should have known Charlie had it. He would not have gone into that much detail without it.
“What else did he say, Charlie?”
“Full truth. It won’t affect the outcome considering the new facts.”
Yes! Bout time I get to fill in my other half.
“Does this mean I’m going to learn more than I did from Raquel?”
I tugged her closer, kissing her cheek. “It does. Also explain some of what Raquel wanted you to know about your heritage. What I know might be different than what she would’ve told you.” Figured it would be. “I have no way of knowing what history was passed down through the years. As you can imagine . . . what one generation passing to the next can change with just one interpretation. Proven fact over and over. All one had to do was play the past it along came.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Lies Don't Matter Chapter 14 part 3

Lies Don’t Matter
Julia Matthews

Adult M/M Content
If under 18 leave sight
Unedited Story

Damn it. If Hop brought that up then Godfather would not answer even if he wanted to. I’d promised to let him makes some calls. Okay. In times of confusion take in everything. Especially, ones posture. Godfather shoulders were slack. Face a bit red, meaning he was nearing his explosion point. Feet kept shifting, not much, but enough to alert me to discomfort. Once in a while, his eyes shifted towards Hop. But . . . what got me most was the hint of pleading shining in his dark brown eyes.
I locked eyes with Hop, letting the last years play over and over. Whenever the family gathered Godfather had directed glazes at Hop whenever someone asked him something. I’d paid little attention to it, but it was as if Godfather answered to Hop. Hop never addressed Godfather like the others. Other family members called Hop, Sir, just like they did Godfather. I’d played it off as Hop being his nephew. In the limo . . . Godfather had apologized to Hop. So damn clear.
“You are in charge, aren’t you?”
Hop scooted closer and took hold of my hand, not answering, out loud, but he blinked his eyes. The code we’d used when dad had been chaperoning our dates. Dad was cool about me dating Hop, but for the first three months he kept a close tab on us. We’d decided that if we asked a question and the answer needed to wait we’d blink one eye. If the answer was a yes or no, then one full blink meant no, and two meant yes.
“Is she telling the me the truth?” I doubted Hop would answer in any method, was right, because he tugged me close and pressed his forehead to mine.
“My niece speaks the truth. She wouldn’t lie to you. Our family doesn’t believe in lying to family. Just like the dragons can’t tell a lie to their other halves.”
Agent Carter’s words flowed by me, but clung to me as well. Brought up more questions, but ones Hop and Godfather would not answer at that time.
“She believes me.” Raquel pushed off the wall. “I would like to tell you the rest of your heritage, but I can’t do so while the dragons are present.”
“Out of luck then.” Didn’t matter what had been kept from me. Godfather was family. He loved me. Taken care of me. Ensured I had a great life. Ensured I had my Gender Transfer surgery soon as I turned eighteen. He loved me. Hop . . . there was no way the man did anything other than love the hell out of me. I knew that. Whether Raquel told the truth or not did not matter. Whether it’d been kept from me, did not matter or not.
“Why? You know they are not telling you the truth. Why not listen to the story then decide for yourself what you believe.”
“You might not think they answered me, but they have.” Raquel could take that however she wanted. I didn’t care.
“Then you have no reason not to listen to what I can’t say in front of them.”
Raquel was right, but what she had to say was no concern of mine. I didn’t want ot hear her. Whatever she had to say wouldn’t change the hardcore fact that her arrival had costed dad and mom their lives. Agent Carter had known about her for at least five years and only reported her presence four days ago.
“There’s plenty of reasons. You have no right to ask what they are. I’m nineteen and you have no control over me. If you wish to avoid jail time for you and Agent Carter then I suggest you leave me alone.” I motioned for Mr. Davis, who had been standing behind Raquel and Agent Carter. “Please let them know why.”
Mr. Davis pointed to the video camera in the corner. Raquel gasped and Agent Carter went white.
“As you can see . . . if you don’t adhere to my wishes I can and will live up to my word.”
“Recording our conversation without permission is illegal.” Raquel went to Agent Carter’s side.
“Would be if I hadn’t warned you both that the hallways was under video and audio surveillance.” Mr. Davis lowered his hand. “if you don’t believe me, ask Agent Carter.”
“Raquel, it is best if we leave.”
“not without my daughter . . . son, hearing me out.”
“Raquel,” Denny took her by the arm, “for now it’s best if we leave. Let her calm down and then we’ll try talking to her . . . I mean him again.” Denny’s face twisted and his eyes lost the bright blue color. Red consumed the dead center of them. Looked as if Denny did not take keen to having a stepchild who was a man when he was born a woman. Not that it mattered to me. I’d said my peace to them and Raquel’s ten minutes were long up.
“Be wisest to listen to what I said and follow it.” I took hold of Godfather’s hand and began moving him towards the living room. “Mr. Davis, please show them out.”

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Lies Don't Matter Chapter 14 part 2

Lies Don’t Matter
Julia Matthews

Adult M/M Content
If under 18 leave sight
Unedited Story

 “We did. When he took you I had no idea why.” Raquel sighed. “I was frantic when he didn’t bring you home. I called Uncle Randy and he began researching  Rex and discovered out where he was from. It was four months after he disappeared with you that Randy uncovered Rex came from Hexton. I knew the moment he told me what Rex was.”
There it was again? Hexton. Place held many secrets. I sure needed to find out what was so special about it.
“Problem was,” Raquel looked over at Agent Carter, “your father knew how to hide. Took Randy and our resource two years to locate you. By the time we made it to China he was gone.”
I’d been a toddler when we left China. Had little to no memories about the place. Until I was fifteen there’d bene no discussion of the time mom and dad spent there. When dad took me to China I asked him why we’d moved. He’d told me his job died. I’d believed him. I was pleased we moved. Put me closer to Godfather.
“Like I said the other day, I never quit searching. You were my daughter. I pined for you each day. It should’ve been me raising you. You should’ve had been told your heritage each night. Your father robbed me of my right as your mother. Randy worked hard to locate you, but he never gave up hope.”
Really? How much truth was too that? Agent Carter been hounding the Logan Family for the last five years. Surely, he caught onto who I was. I mean he knew dad’s name. He question dad in the FBI headquarters as well in our home five or six times. Why had it taken him so long to make a move?
“When did he find us?”
Ah . . . The good Agent Carter did not like my question. The second step back had Hop kissing the top of my head. Didn’t need him to tell me he was pleased with the path I took.
Raquel gave Agent Carter a side glance then said, “Four days ago. Took us a few days to catch a flight.”
“Huh . . .” Just what I thought. Agent Carter was a liar. Not like I’d not known that for years, but . . . “When did you find out why my dad broke the legal custody agreement?”
“Like most dragons he knew our family history. Knew what your birth meant.”
“And . . .” Just what did that mean. I was just another little girl at time. One that might have turned into a man, but still . . . I gave Raquel a minute to continue, but she remained quiet, so I shifted my attention to Agent Carter. “You going to answer for her?”
“Destruction to the human race.”
Agent Carter spoke with such candor that my skin crawled. The growl in his voice and the death pending scowl had me thinking of a tiger landing the killing blow. Man truly did not like me. What had I done to him, other than be born? Was that truly enough to suffice death?
“You aren’t believing me.” Raquel reached for me, but Hop moved us back.
Not one bit. No human being born could be destruction to the world. although, Agent Carter said human race. There were nothing other than humans. “Why would I? You and your Uncle believe dragons are real.”
“Shit.” Raquel shifted her full attention to Godfather. “Rex didn’t tell her. Why did you allow him to keep her - - his entire heritage away from her - - him?
Godfather would tell her how ridiculous she was being. I waited one, two, three breaths, but he remained quiet. An answer without answering, because Godfather hated liars. If someone asked something he could answer, but did not want to . . . he kept his mouth shut. Best method he told me.
“Godfather?” I unwrapped myself from Hop’s arms and move so I faced Godfather. “Are you going to answer her?” Silence greeted me. “You are going along with her?” More silence. “You going to tell me what she means?” My words were faint and shaky. My gut churned with anticipation, because if he agreed with what Raquel had been saying it meant . . .
“Cree,” Hop stepped in between me and Godfather. “Remember what I asked you in the limo?”

Monday, October 14, 2019

Lies Don't Matter Chapter 14 part 1

Lies Don’t Matter
Julia Matthews

Adult M/M Content
If under 18 leave sight
Unedited Story

Chapter 14
“Raquel, you can’t. It’s against our law.”
“Uncle Randy, I may not know Kay - -“ my grunt had her backtracking, which I figured she’d refused to do. “I mean Cree, but from what you’ve told me and what I’ve seen, my daughter . . . son means what he says. She’ll only listen to their side if I don’t tell him now.”
Looked as if the woman had truly picked up on who I was. Least she’d stopped calling me a she. It was one fear that I had. Not that I really cared how she addressed me. The woman was nothing to me. Never would be. Her time was running out and my feet itched to leave her far behind me.
“Eight minutes.” I tapped my watch.
“What I have to tell you will take more time than that.”
“Highlight it.”
“Can tell she’s your daughter.” Agent Carter’s deep rich huff had me whipping my head towards him and taking a step towards him. Hop’s arms around me was all that stopped me.
“Best tell you Uncle to keep his mouth shut, or I’ll have my Godfather toss all you out.” I rested my head against Hop’s chest, relaxing into the warm air ruffling across my head.
“He’ll remain quiet while I try to hit the main points.” Raquel pointed to Hop, Godfather, and Mr. Davis. “They aren’t what they seem. They have a second side, a dangerous one.”
“everyone has different sides. It’s part of nature.” I was sure all knew that. Her starting off dissing my family wasn’t helping her cause.
Her scrunched up nose and tight lipped half smile goaded me closer to telling her to shove her tale and leave, but I didn’t. Wasn’t sure why, but my gut and mind wanted to hear what she had to say, even if I doubted I would believe a words she said.
“No everyone isn’t like them.”
“Of course not. No one person is the same as another.”
“Cree,” Hop hugged me closer, “I don’t think Mrs. Stone knows what you mean.”
“Maybe I don’t.” Raquel shook her head, frowning as if puzzling something out. “Let me clarify. These three men are not human. They have a deadly animal inside them.”
“Degrading my family does not help you.” I felt my eyes roll, even though I tried not to react to her. “Seven minutes left.”
“You have to keep an open mind to understand what I’m saying. If you don’t then there’s no reason for me to explain your heritage.”
Open mind. Right. I always have an open mind. It took one to be among a family that had a complicated hierarchy. Not only that, I’m a well read woman. Both fictional and non-fiction.
“Mr. Logan is the leader of what you call a family. In reality, the people are his subordinate. He rules over them, because they are like him.”
She knew nothing about the Logan Family. We had a way of life different than most, but it worked and kept us all safe and well off. Not one member of Godfather’s family goes without a need, and most of their wants. No mater what Raquel believed Godfather, Hop and Mr. Davis to be, didn’t matter. They cared and loved me and everyone in our family. That’s what mattered. Yet, something inside me asked the question I knew the woman wanted me to ask.
“What do you believe them to be.”
“A dragon shifter.”
What! Right. Insanity must run on that side of my family. I’d have to ensure I never went down the road that Raquel seemed to be going down. One thing I wasn’t, was crazy. Godfather, Hop, and Mr. Davis was just who they said they were.
“A hard concept. As humans we are taught supernatural creatures do not exist. I promise our family line has known about them for at least ten generations. I wasn’t aware your father was one when we were together. It if had . . . I wouldn’t have . . .”
Raquel might have cut her comment off, but the truth was loud and clear. I wouldn’t have been born. Raquel gave me more ammunition to dislike her. What would she have done if she found out who dad was before I was born? Would she have aborted me? Most likely. Didn’t need the words to know she would have. Didn’t want to hear them either. Thankfully, I didn’t have to. She continued her story, talking a bit faster. Good thing to. Her time was about up.
“Each generation of our family is told the story of how our forebears discovered the existence of the dragon shifters. It isn’t a pretty story, but it is our history and you have the right to know.”
Agent Carter huffed and muttered, “Should’ve known years ago.”
I was tired of him. I was sure there was more to his story as to why I was not made aware of Raquel being my biological mother five years ago when he began hassling Godfather and our family. “Whose fault was it I didn’t? Yours? Raquel?”
“Your fathers.” Raquel hung her head. “he took you from me.”
Oh no she didn’t. Blaming the dead. Blaming the man that raised me into the person I am today. The man that allowed me to be me. Who did not demand I remain a female when I longed to be male. He might not have liked it, but he never rejected how I felt. I would not standby and let her bad mouth my dad without putting in my two-scents.
“Why would he? You two had shared custody.”

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Lies Don't Matter Chapter 13

Lies Don’t Matter
Julia Matthews

Adult M/M Content
If under 18 leave sight
Unedited Story

Chapter 13
Enough was enough. I might have agreed with Hop and Charlie about giving them time to explain but Raquel Stone had no right to keep shit from me. I was out the door before a second breath could be have taken.
Hop’s frown told me all I needed to know. He wasn’t happy about me entering the hallway, but he wouldn’t stop me unless I got distressed. The man was good at blaancing his protective nature and letting me be myself. Not an easy feat for someone who liked to control everything around him. Yet, Charlie was the same, but he’d learned long before Hop came into the picture that I was more than capable of handling myself. In most cases. Wasn’t so sure if I could this time. Part of me feared finding out what caused my dad to keep me hidden and spin major lies for my entire life.
“What is it you want?” I came right up to Raquel and stared into the matching brown eyes. “I’m sure Mr. Davis showed you how much I know about you. So, why are you still here hounding my family?”
I emphasized the family part. There was no way Raquel’s sudden appearance made her family. Nope. From what little I pieced together Agent Carter was somehow related to Raquel, which meant, or most likely, Raquel had known about me for five years. So why had she waited to show up and destroy my life?
“To get to know my daughter.”
“I am no one’s daughter.” Another aspect the woman had to get through her head. Her daughter quit existing when I turned thirteen. She would have known that if she was family.
“You are.”
“Then why fake my DNA results?”
“I didn’t.”
“You did.” I threw my hands into the air, making sure not even a stray hair touched Raquel. “Did you not have Agent Carter and some doctor give me proof of that asshat being my biological father?”
Raquel winced, but she had nowhere to go. Her back was against the wall. “Yes, but I needed you - -“
“Raquel.” Agent Carter’s commanding tone had me whipping my head towards him.
“Shut the fuck up. You are in some major hot water with your boss already. Want to add to it?” Wasn’t sure if I could make it happen, but I’d try if he kept blocking me from hearing what Raquel knew.
Hop touched my lower back, but there was no hint of warning to back off, or not go down the trail I was headed. Nope. None of that.
“What?” I stepped to the side, so I could keep an eye on Raquel, Agent Carter, and Denny.
“That was all I needed.”
Course it was. I’d blocked him from seeing my face. He’d done lost his temper once, no sense in pushing him back down that path. Wouldn’t be good for anyone.
“Needed me to know what?” I kept my attention on Agent Carter, but pointed at Raquel, so she could not deny I aimed my question at her.
Raquel sighed. “Me of course.”
“Is not, Kay.”
“Not my name. tell me truth or get your ass out of here.”
Charlie grunted, reminding me whose house I stood in. I gave a small shrug, knowing he’d back my words up, but I admitted my little slip up.
“Cree,” Mr. Davis stepped to my side, “this might not be the best time to get into all of this.”
“Why not?”
“Tempers are flaring on both sides.”
“True, but I deserve to hear why she wishes to deceive me more than she already has.”
Mr. Davis stepped from my line of sight, letting me know it was fine to continue.
“Raquel, you’ve got ten minutes to give me your side.”
“Raquel, you can’t.” Agent Carter made a step towards me and Godfather and Hop blocked his path. “You can’t keep me from my niece.”
“The fuck they can’t. You are in Mr. Logan’s house and under false pretense. So keep your ass away from me.” I crossed my arms and faced Raquel. “Nine minutes left. I promise if you don’t’ tell me your side now . . . you’ll never get another chance.”
“Fine.” Raquel shook her head. “At least let me tell you in private.”
“No. Her or never.”
Raquel glanced at each man, before stopping on Agent Carter. “Sorry, Uncle Randy.”