Monday, October 28, 2019

Lies Don't Matter Chapter 17 Part 1

Lies Don’t Matter
Julia Matthews

Adult M/M Content
If under 18 leave sight
Unedited Story

Chapter 17
How could someone who worked years in the FBI overlook such? Charlie’s blazing red eyes told me he was thinking the same way as Cree. Agent Carter, and maybe Mrs. Stone, had an ulterior motive. What though?
“Uh . . . Hop?”
“What, baby?” I didn’t want Cree worrying over anything else. She’d been landed with a shit load over the last couple of days. When my father arrived, there would be more.
Cree leaned his head back, rubbing his temple. “Can I have more Aspin?”
“Sure. Charlie?”
“On it.” Charlie rushed out of the room.
“Baby,” I kissed his fingers as they massaged his forehead. “I think it might help if you got some rest.”
“More . . . ugh!”
“Afraid so.”
“Here you go.” Charlie laid two tablets in his hand and pointed towards the door. “Rest is what you need. Go to your and Hop’s room. Get some sleep.”
Cree’s lack of argument bothered me. I’d expected the events to catch up with him, but still figured he’d rebel against being tucked away. Charlie disliked it to, if his tight creased forehead was any indication.
Charlie didn’t show emotions, except when it came to Cree, even then it was rare. When he did it was so pronounced that everyone stayed away. Charlie’s normal reaction when Cree was upset was to loud ranting and snapping orders. When you added in the deceptions from Rex . . . a more extreme reaction was more than possible.
“Will you be joining me?” Cree stood and stretched his arms towards the ceiling, revealing a bit of tan skin. Skin I’d love to tickle with my tongue as I licked every inch of his strong body. “Hop?”
Cree’s little chuckle was sexy as hell. Man knew what he did to me and when he had me hooked. Not that Cree had been aiming to give me a boner. Don’t think at least. He might have. Who knew. He did though and he could take care of it soon.
“In a few minutes.” I patted his ass, nodding towards the door. “Go rest.” I waited until Cree was down the hallway before I addressed Charlie. “You going to be okay?”
“With what?”
“Don’t play coy with me.”
“I’m not.” Charlie went to the file cabinet and pulled open the bottom drawer, extracted a bottle of Jack Daniels and took a huge swig.
“Best rant before father shows up.” I knew Charlie’s plate would be more than full with two dominant dragons in one location. Not to mention, Cree and my bonding process still be in the first stage, which would make my dragon more agitated than being around father would. Father wasn’t a threat to Cree, but my dragon would only see another available male in the vicinity of its woman, who still had the option to deny it. At least until the second phase took place.
“How did I miss what Rex was up to?” Charlie dropped the file a light brown folder on his desk. “I grew up with the man. I always knew when he was getting into trouble. We confided in each other about every little thing. Hell, I mean I even left Hexton for him. Didn’t get pissed when he ran off to China. Worse of all, he let his lie fall onto my child. He might not be my blood, but he’s mine.” I winched when Charlie slammed his open palm into his chest, sending a loud clap around the room. “There wasn’t an event in Cree’s life I wasn’t there for from the moment he returned to den. I forgave him for depriving me of the first two years of Cree’s life. He had no right to bring a shit storm to my Godson. He should’ve told me. I would have been prepared to help.”

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