Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Lies Don't Matter Chapter 14 part 2

Lies Don’t Matter
Julia Matthews

Adult M/M Content
If under 18 leave sight
Unedited Story

 “We did. When he took you I had no idea why.” Raquel sighed. “I was frantic when he didn’t bring you home. I called Uncle Randy and he began researching  Rex and discovered out where he was from. It was four months after he disappeared with you that Randy uncovered Rex came from Hexton. I knew the moment he told me what Rex was.”
There it was again? Hexton. Place held many secrets. I sure needed to find out what was so special about it.
“Problem was,” Raquel looked over at Agent Carter, “your father knew how to hide. Took Randy and our resource two years to locate you. By the time we made it to China he was gone.”
I’d been a toddler when we left China. Had little to no memories about the place. Until I was fifteen there’d bene no discussion of the time mom and dad spent there. When dad took me to China I asked him why we’d moved. He’d told me his job died. I’d believed him. I was pleased we moved. Put me closer to Godfather.
“Like I said the other day, I never quit searching. You were my daughter. I pined for you each day. It should’ve been me raising you. You should’ve had been told your heritage each night. Your father robbed me of my right as your mother. Randy worked hard to locate you, but he never gave up hope.”
Really? How much truth was too that? Agent Carter been hounding the Logan Family for the last five years. Surely, he caught onto who I was. I mean he knew dad’s name. He question dad in the FBI headquarters as well in our home five or six times. Why had it taken him so long to make a move?
“When did he find us?”
Ah . . . The good Agent Carter did not like my question. The second step back had Hop kissing the top of my head. Didn’t need him to tell me he was pleased with the path I took.
Raquel gave Agent Carter a side glance then said, “Four days ago. Took us a few days to catch a flight.”
“Huh . . .” Just what I thought. Agent Carter was a liar. Not like I’d not known that for years, but . . . “When did you find out why my dad broke the legal custody agreement?”
“Like most dragons he knew our family history. Knew what your birth meant.”
“And . . .” Just what did that mean. I was just another little girl at time. One that might have turned into a man, but still . . . I gave Raquel a minute to continue, but she remained quiet, so I shifted my attention to Agent Carter. “You going to answer for her?”
“Destruction to the human race.”
Agent Carter spoke with such candor that my skin crawled. The growl in his voice and the death pending scowl had me thinking of a tiger landing the killing blow. Man truly did not like me. What had I done to him, other than be born? Was that truly enough to suffice death?
“You aren’t believing me.” Raquel reached for me, but Hop moved us back.
Not one bit. No human being born could be destruction to the world. although, Agent Carter said human race. There were nothing other than humans. “Why would I? You and your Uncle believe dragons are real.”
“Shit.” Raquel shifted her full attention to Godfather. “Rex didn’t tell her. Why did you allow him to keep her - - his entire heritage away from her - - him?
Godfather would tell her how ridiculous she was being. I waited one, two, three breaths, but he remained quiet. An answer without answering, because Godfather hated liars. If someone asked something he could answer, but did not want to . . . he kept his mouth shut. Best method he told me.
“Godfather?” I unwrapped myself from Hop’s arms and move so I faced Godfather. “Are you going to answer her?” Silence greeted me. “You are going along with her?” More silence. “You going to tell me what she means?” My words were faint and shaky. My gut churned with anticipation, because if he agreed with what Raquel had been saying it meant . . .
“Cree,” Hop stepped in between me and Godfather. “Remember what I asked you in the limo?”

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