Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Heart’s Desire Chapter 10

Heart’s Desire Chapter 10
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The scent grew stronger and stronger as Cal neared the stream that ran parallel to his property line. Made sense. He was masking his scent with water. A common trick. One all Alpha’s new about and knew how to combat.
His four brothers came up to his side and shook their heads as they realized what Harry was doing. Most wolves, or humans who knew much about covering scents, would being get in and stay in the stream, but not this time. Nope. That stream had a bolt hole of sorts. More like an abandoned beaver damn big enough for a wolf a small wolf to fit into. Cal never saw Harry’s wolf, but he was positive that he was not much bigger than Jacob. If Jacob had not eaten much, then there was no way that Harry had eaten much better.
He tossed his head down stream and then at the ground, giving his brothers the order that he knew they would dislike. He did not want them following him. He wanted them to remain back in-case Harry got by him. Harry would come this way. Cal would make sure of it.
Gray made two steps towards him, and Cal growled at him, forcing his Alpha tone to flow from him. His brother’s head lowered and he whimpered, but froze in place. Once he had his brother obedience he took off to the bolt hole.
Didn’t take him but a couple of minutes to cover the distance to reach the abandoned beaver damn and sure enough the stench of Harry clung to the wood and leaves around the opening. There was no way my wolf would get in there so Cal shifted and did the one thing he despised. Kicked the damn, forcing it to crumple.
A howl pierced the air as the wood toppled over the wolf. He pawed and snarled his way free, growling when he reached the top of the debris.
“Shift.” Cal put as much command into the one word as he could.
Seconds later a tall, boney man stood in front of Cal.
“What do you think you are doing?” His deep rich voice held an air of command to it, but nowhere as much as mine.
“You where once an Alpha, I see.”
“I am still one.”
“You are a criminal. Murder. Abuser.”
“You are a kidnapper.”
“I brought my Heart’s Desire with me.”
“He is mine. I demand him back. Now.”
“All you are going to get is justice.”
“You have no right to do anything to me.”
“I am the Alpha of this area and you have risk the exposure of our kind. Your sentence is death.”
“You are too weak to take me on.”
Cal chuckled and held his hand open. “Let us see who comes out the victor.”

Monday, April 27, 2020

Heart’s Desire Chapter 9

Heart’s Desire Chapter 9
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The early night brought a faint trace of a stranger.
“He’s good at hiding his scent.” Travis huffed and looked back at the house. “You think he will sleep through whatever is coming our way?”
“He’s exhausted and has a full belly. He will be out until morning.” Cal hoped. He did not need him coming out in the middle of an elimination party. And that’s what awaited Harry, He had broken too many rules. Murder wasn’t his worst one. Harming my Heart’s Desire out ranked every human crime he committed.
“You going to hold it together, or going to go and meet him?” Gray clamped a hand on his shoulder as a rumple rippled from him.
Going to meet him. The shift was on Cal before he knew it. Four paws hit the ground and he kicked out the shredded clothes. He did not wait for his brothers to complete their shifts before he raced towards Harry. There were few places for the man to hide between here and there and Cal knew them all.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Heart’s Desire Chapter 8

Heart’s Desire Chapter 8
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Took them longer to return to their home than it did to get there. Jacob’s wolf was weak and ran slower than them. None of them minded, though. Just one more thing that had to solved. Harry had not taken care of Jacob like he said he had. Looked as he had kept him weak and dependent on him. Not that Jacob would believe Cal. Not if Cal had saved him from the streets. Time and showing him how people truly treated each other would show him how poorly he had been treated. That took time. Time they had. During that time, Cal and his brothers would ensure that Jacob had been taught the proper information about Lycans. If Harry had kept Jacob dependent on him, then it was possible he only what he wanted him to know and how he wanted him to believe.
Gray shifted first and went inside my house to retrieved our clothing and a pair of sweats for Jacob. They would be huge on him, but they had drawstrings.
Once all of them had shifted, him included, Cal retrieved some water for them each. He stood beside Jacob, soaking in the warmth that wafted off of him. Took all his control not to pull him under his arms and shelter him from the unease that he put off. To help put him at ease, Cal decided to do what most humans did. Introduce everyone.
“Jacob, let me introduce you to everyone.” He pointed to Gray first. “Gray.” Gray nodded. “Travis.” Travis smiled at him. “Quiet one is Raymond. Tall one, is Sal. Ans the bright red haired one is Flame. I’m Cal.”
“Thank you Alpha.” Jacob tilted his head to the side, giving the proper respect. Not something I ever wanted him to do. He was my equal since he was my Heart’s Desire, but until he understood the full extend of that . . . Best Cal kept his displeasure to himself.
“I’m going to fix some supper for everyone. Would you like to watch some TV with the others?”
“If it’s okay, Alpha, I’d like to stay with you.”
“That’s fine. You can help me cut up some veggies then.” I tossed my heads towards the living room, knowing my brothers would take the hint. Cal only asked them to stay, because after Jacob was settled for the night, there would another hunting party. If Harry did not follow Jacob’s scent to the house. There had been no hiding our scent.

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Pre-Orde and Release Date for Marked Ones Theodor and Aidan

RELEASED DATE: May 5, 2020

Theodor is a Royal Leader of the Bombardians and they are just about to come out to the humans without the government backing. Out of the blue, his cousins house is invaded by the Blood Drinkers. A race that turns out he only knew about. He takes off to unravel why the Blood Drinker broke a promise made to him and his Uncle some eighty years ago. While dealing with that he finds his Keeper, the calmer of his beast side. Problem is, he's never heard of a Blood Drinker paired with his kind.

Monday, April 20, 2020

Heart’s Desire Chapter 7

Heart’s Desire Chapter 7
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M/M Content
Unedited Story
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Showed up? Shit. Man was truly young. Meant he was only around twenty-one years old. Most wolves did not make their first appearance until they were twenty-one or twenty-two. Most were trained for the day from birth. Why wasn’t he? Questions I’d have to ask him later. More important question, first.
“What is your name?” Gray asked the youngster again.
“Oh, right.” He held his hand out. “I’m Jacob.”
Gray shook the man’s hand. “How involved have you been in the crimes taking place around you?”
Jacob’s sighed and hung his head down. “Harry’s the one who’s been doing the breaking in and the murdering. He’s . . . I’ve . . . Not been my idea. I’ve not had a choice.”
My wolf whimpered and ran his snout up Jacob’s side. Travis glanced my way, then asked the most important question.
“Do you know where he is?”
“What is going to happen to him?”
“He has to pay for his crimes.” Sal replied.
“I knew that, but what does that mean.”
None of my brothers spoke, but they all knew what would take place. There was no way around it. Murder of human had taken place. Lycans could not be confined inside a human jail. It would caused destruction and lead to discovery of our kind. That is why each Alpha polices his on area.
“Is he your father?” Flame came up to Jacob’s side, earning himself a small growl. If he had not been trying to comfort Jacob he might have gotten a hand bitten off when he put his arm around my Heart’s Desires shoulder.
“No, but he took me in off the streets.”
Off the streets? Damn. Jacob had suffered greatly. How long had he lived there? Childhood? After he left foster care? Many teenagers ended up there after they aged out of foster care. It was a shame, but the truth. Sucked that a Lycan had ended up in the childcare system to begin with. How had that happened? Most Lycan parents leaves a will that ensures their children go to the Alpha or another Lycan family member, blood or not.
Gray looked at the door, letting everyone know it was time to go. Not sure what he heard, but his senses would be stronger than Cals at the time. Cal’s would be intuned with Jacob’s, right where they should be. Least until the two of them had more time to learn each of. Until a Heart’s Desire was attached completely to their other half, the two of them would be on edge and their wolf side would be a bit unstable.
“Where is Harry?” Gray asked.
“He went to the store.”
“How long ago?”
“About thirty minutes ago?”
“Time for us to go.”
“I can’t go with you guys.”
“You have no choice, unless you want your fate to be tied to his. As of now . . .” Gray sighed. “you have committed no crime against a human, but if you stay . . . I’m sure that will changed. Harry will not let you remain without getting your hands dirty. I’m sure of that.”
“He’s been . . . He took me in when no one . . . he has not harmed me in any way. Not even tried to . . . so many others have . . .”
Cal nudged his Heart’s Desire on the hip, giving him a push towards the door. He would not stand for his other half to remain behind.
“Jacob,” Flame’s soft, tender tone drew everyone in, like it always did. The man had a skill at sucking people in to doing what he wanted with just his voice. “I’m sure he has been good to you, but what he is doing is wrong and you know it, or you would not have left the note for Alpha Cal. You also know that there is something special between your two. If you remain behind you will be forcing him to do something that will tear him into and end his life as he knows it now. Is that what you want?”
Jacob shook his head.
“Then you have to come with us. Harry is coming towards the house as we speak. We have to leave. All of us.”
Jacob looked down, making Cal’s heart drop to his feet. Heartbreak lurked behind his eyes, but comprehension warred with it. Before Cal knew a tall, ratty, matted haired wolf stood in front of him. My Heart’s Desire required feeding up. Both in human form and wolf form. Something fixable. First get him away from Harry. Then get him some nutritious food. Then take care of Harry.

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Cover Reveal for Marked Ones Theodor and Aidan

Marked Ones Theodor and Aidan
Release Date TBA

Theodor is a Royal Leader of the Bombardians and they are just about to come out to the humans without the government backing. Out of the blue, his cousins house is invaded by the Blood Drinkers. A race that turns out he only knew about. He takes off to unravel why the Blood Drinker broke a promise made to him and his Uncle some eighty years ago. While dealing with that he finds his Keeper, the calmer of his beast side. Problem is, he's never heard of a Blood Drinker paired with his kind.

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Heart’s Desire Chapter 6

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M/M Content
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Cal watched as the filthy young wolf faded into a dirt covered young man. He let his eyes drift over the youngster, taking in a deep breath at every important part. Sunk in thighs. Caved in stomach. Ex-long, slim cock. Heavy balls that hung low. Man had a great package. Just needed to be fed up a bit and toned up a bit more.
“What’s your name?” Travis all but whispered to the young man who hunkered in on himself. “I won’t harm you. Promise.” The man just curled up tighter, breaking my heart.”
Cal’s wolf had moved closer and laid at the youngester’s feet. When the man pulled into a tighter ball, the wolf curved his way around his legs, whimpering. Travis reached down and patted his head, smiling down at him.
“It’s going to be okay, Alpha. I promise. No one will hurt him.”
“he’s scared for me?” The youngster whispered.
“He is.” Travis as he sat crossed legged in front of the young ma and wolf.
“He’s an alpha?”
“He is the area’s Alpha.”
“How much trouble am I in?”
A question that Travis could not answer without knowing what had actually taken place. One that Cal was not sure if he wanted to know the answer to. He did not want to be the one to have to sentence his Heart’s Desire. His brother, bless his heart, did what he did best, skirted over the matter at hand.
“Have you noticed anything else about the Alpha wolf?”
“He smells amazing. His scent is why I risked leaving the note at the last place.”
“What about his scent?”
“Makes me hungry.”
“I bet so.” Travis’ remark drew a rumble from Cal’s wolf, which had the youngster reaching down to rub his fur.
“What is wrong with him?”
“He is displeased with my joke.”
“Was you born a Lycan or made a Lycan?”
“Guess born. I just found out about two years ago when my wolf showed up. Since then . . . Harry’s been showing me the robes.”

Monday, April 6, 2020

Heart’s Desire Chapter 5

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With natural ease Cal and his five brothers’ wolves slipped through the night. Nose to the ground as the faint lit their way. Cal led them. Each step he took had his stomach plummeting. Worse was how my cock hardened with each breath he took in. The desire rushing through me intensified with every second that the glorious scent washed around Cal. There was no hiding from it. Not like he was trying to. Nope. Cal was seeking it out. Tracking it down.
They rounded the corner, coming to a sudden stop when they ran smack dab into two tall slate gray wolves. One held no . . . .okay, he reeked of nothing but garbage. Day old food. Three day old piss. The other one . . . he belonged to . . . . Cal.
Before Cal could shift to human form or do anything else to show his dominance the one that belonged to him, dropped to his belly and rolled onto his back. The other one leap over him and his brothers in one smooth fluent jump.
Cal watched as the asswipe landed on the other side of him, torn on what to do. He needed to go after him, but wanted to stay and work things out with his Heart’s Desire. It was more than clear that he was not the criminal that Cal feared him to be. Or not for the reason he feared him to be. There was something else at foot and he had to know what. Had to put a stop to it. Cal was sure it had to do with the other wolf. If he let him get away then he’d just have to track him down. Again.
“Travis will go after him.” Gray said from behind him.
Cal nodded, but kept his full attention on the man on his belly.
“Why don’t you shift, young man.”
Travis had spoken calmly and clearly and exactly, so Cal gave a curt nod towards his Heart’s Desire. It was all the command it took.

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Heart’s Desire Chapter 4

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“Hopefully . . . Keeping my Heart’s Desire alive.”
“your . . . “
“Heart’s . . . .”
“. . . Desire.”
“What does he or she have to do with evidence bags?”
“Does mom know?”
Leave it to my brothers to cover all the basic questions. And the ones I have no answers to. Other than the obvious ones. Mom does not know. I had said Heart’s Desire. And I had no fucking idea what my Heart’s Desire had to do with evidence bags. Damn, the night had gone from hell in a hand basket to damnation fire in one breath.
“Think you need to start over, big brother.” Gray tugged the seat beside me out and sat down.
“You know I told you there’s been a Lycan scent at the last ten murder scenes?” all my brother’s nodded. “Tonight there was a message left.”
“What kind?” Travis took the seat beside Gray.
Cal dug through the baggies until he found the bag holding the plea. “This.” He passed it to Travis as the other gathered around to read over his shoulder.
“The scent is stronger on that note. Soon as I opened it . . .”
“You world lit anew.”
Flame, my pet brother couldn’t have describe it any better.
“He’s not sure if this note is a ploy or not.” Sal started organizing the other bags. “We’ve got here some scraps of papers, pens, and a . . . cloth.” He lifted the largest bag.
“Cloth?” Where had the grew found that? They’d been no mention of that before he left the scene. The crime lab had been pretty much wrapped up by the time he’d left. Or so, he’d thought. So, Savage led him to believe. “Don’t take it out.”
“Not stupid, brother.” Sal snapped. “Just want a better scent.
My entire body went onto high alert the moment the scent invaded my nose. My body stiffened. My cock sprang to life. My mouth watered. My eyes stung.
“Yep. It’s his Heart’s Desire.”
Cal looked up to see what Flame was going on about to find all his brothers waving their faces. He didn’t need to know how much pheromones he was putting off. Not only did they tell him by their actions, but his cock was hard enough to drive a nail home in one hit.
“You got any gloves?” Travis tilted the end of the bag up to his face. “There’s something on this, but . . .”
Cal got up and pulled out his evidence kit and handed his brothers a pair of gloves each. One by one they snapped them in place as Travis tugged the bag free. He lifted the end of the large piece of terry cloth up.
“This is blood.”
“Hey.” Travis released it soon as Cal jerked it from him.
Cal had it up to his nose, sniffing. “Damn it.” It was his. My Heart’s Desire. He’d been hurt. Bleeding at least. Why? Had he done it himself? Had someone harmed him? Why? He had to know.
“Time to hunt, Alpha?”
Gray nailed it. We had more than a small scent to track down. We had a blood scent to go by. Time to track what belonged to him. To bring him home. If at all possible. If not . . . to jail. It would tear Cal’s heart in half to do so, but he’d do what had to be done.