Monday, September 4, 2023

Free Write Scene

Happy Labor Day,

Hope all have had a great Summer and enjoy the last day of it. And for any of those college football fans, hope you've enjoyed the return of it. Now, it's time to take a small break and enjoy escaping into a short scene of creativity. 

Hope you enjoy and are able to let your imagination soar.

He couldn’t believe he just shifted into a wolf. How had it been possible? How long had it been possible? Why had no one told him he’d be able to do so?

“All stupid questions, Sal.” He said to himself as he hung his head, staring at the shredded pile of clothing laying at his feet. 

Simple answer to all the last one was he’d been dropped off at the rectory’s back door when he was two days old. As to the other two, he was sure no one around him thought such was possible. He sure hadn’t. Why would have his foster mother? Heck fire, she didn’t even have to let him remain with her after he turned eighteen and entered college last year. There is no way she’d do so if she knew he could shift into a wild animal. What was he going to do? How did he keep this a secret? Did he even have control over when he shifted? Lord haver mercy, there were so many questions forming and he had no one to answer them.

His hand flew to his chest. He leaned over, holding his stomach, taking in deep, short shallow breaths until he was dizzy and thought he’d pass out. The room began to fade into blackness when he felt a soft hand on his shoulder.

“Sal, I’m sorry I wasn’t here when it happened.”


“Yeah, sweetie. I’d planned to speak to you before it happened, but I didn’t think you’d have your First Shift for another month or so.”

“You knew.”

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