Saturday, December 15, 2018

Tragedy Resulted in Aid

Today I would like to introduce you to Vincent Legacy. It is an amazing group established in honor of Vincent Pucket a young boy who took his own life after bullying led to mental illness. I ask that you read the article and take some of your precious time to create your own rocks and hide them among your community. If you like share how this article made you feel.

My personal Feelings after reading the story.
I know my post today had little to do with writing, but if you stop and think after reading this article you will see how it can relate to every aspect of life for children. If you really stop and think you can see how that this event should effect everyone of us, adult and children. We have all been children and most likely suffered some kind of bullying. It could have been because we were different in some aspect, or we said something that someone else did not agree with, or that we simply enjoyed something that no one else understood, or no one truly took time to understand who we were. Whatever the case was, we have all experienced bullying at some point in our life, even in our adult years. It does not fade just because we grow up. Bullying molds us as we grow. It can either strength us, or it can open us to bullying as we become adults. No matter the case, this loss of a child has led to some amazing steps among the school systems around my hometown area and I wanted to share it with others and hope that more and more people will pick up on the amazing work that Vincent Legacy is doing.

After reading this I challenge you to find some rocks, paint them with inspiring messages and then hide them among your community for others to find. If you want a bigger challenge, reach out to your school systems and ask if you can create a rock garden for their school. This might not seem like a major thing, but if one child picks up a rock with an inspiring message it could change their entire life. We never know what one small word of kindness can achieve.

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