Monday, June 1, 2020

Life and Love Lessons Prologue

Life and Love Lessons
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Adult Content if Under 18 Leave Site, Please.
M/M Content (Story is a M/M even if it prologue starts off differently)
Unedited Story
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Cool grass tickled his palms as he pushed himself up. He jumped to his feet, coming down on bending knees, scanning the area. His hand went behind his back, but his wand was . . .
Where was it? For that fact where was he? He knew all of Northern California’s mountains and he was not in them. What was the last thing . . .  Carp! Where was Daniella? She had just told him . . . No. He had to find her. He needed his wand. He needed to get to her. Tell her he knew she told him the truth. And how he knew it. It was beyond time to tell her who he was. And that he knew who she was. If his head did not hurt so darn bad, he could have figured out what had happened right after she told him they had just created their child.
He wasn’t helpless though. He came from one of the most powerful family among the Supernatural World and knew how to use his natural born given gifts. He could locate his mate and his unborn child. Bring them back together as a family. First things first, locate his mate. He had given her the perfect tracker the day he ran across her. She’d promised to never take it off and over the last four months she’d wore that purple stone necklace every day. Jut had to get home to the tracking board and let it’s do it’s magic. As much strain as it put on one’s body to travel through time and space without the use of a locked on location he’d have to. He took one more around, but gained no perspective from where he was. It was some nondescriptive barren circle among a cluster of pine trees. There was no birds chirping to give me a clue as to what native creatures called the area home, or none scurrying around the ground. There was nothing to aid me, so I had to do it the old fashion, and more challenging way.
He lifted his arms, walked in a circle four times and took on a melancholy tone as he chanted the phase that would transport him through air to his home in Northern California. There he could get to work on locating his mate and unborn child. That was all that mattered. Once he had them, he could take them home to the Virginia, North Carolina state line.

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