Monday, January 28, 2019

Witch Flash Fiction Scene

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Adult Content
If under 18 leave sight
Unedited Scene
M/M Content
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Two taps of his clear light stone staff took ten men down in one second. Left only five for his partner to deal with. If the Supernatural-Human Leadership believed in pairing like talent then that would have been all he had to do, but nope. They stuck him with a human. A human that bore no skills other than hand-to-hand combat, which would do nothing against five Warlocks that equaled his strength. That left him with only one option, kick ass again and piss his partner off for interfering. Better than watching Jeff take his last breath when one of those Warlocks threw a death spell his way, which they would do. None of them cared if they rid the world of one weak human. Not that Jeff was completely week. He might not have no magical skills, but he could kick ass one-on-one. Better yet, the man could fuck like a werewolf in heat.
“What the fuck!” Jeff stormed his way as the last Warlock fell over. “What did you do that for?”
“They were not going to fight fair.”
“Come off of your high-horse, Jaul.”
Here it came. The typical lecture that came every time he stepped in and saved his lover’s life. Jeff did not care about that though. He just wanted to be on equal footing with his partner, and when he was paired up with him that wasn’t going to happen. It was why Jeff and him both asked management to avoid pairing them together. Little good it did.
“You know how I feel about that.”
Jeff was an inch in front of him with his hands balled into fist and pressed into his sides. That was about the amount of anger that the man would show. The man could never get too pissed off to the point of throwing a punch. Oh, he could, but he never let his anger out, which is why he loved the punching bag so good. He took all his frustration and anger out there. Never once had he taken it out on someone else, no matter what they’d done. One of their catches had spit a thick lugi on him, but he didn’t even flinch. Simply twisted his arm behind the vile Vampire and slapped handcuffs on him. Jeff had spent five hours on the bag that night.
“Why did you do that? Answer me.”
“They were equal to - -“
“Don’t go there.”
“Where else am I supposed to go?”
“You are to let me do my job.”
“I did. You took four down, but - -“
“Not listening.” He spun on his heel and walked over to the last group to fall and picked up their staffs. “What does purple stones mean?”
“I’m not sure.” He’d never seen a Warlock, or Witch, carry a magical staff with purple power. It was typical reserved for the Vampire magic, but those Warlocks had way more magical abilities than any Vampire, or other supernatural besides his kind.
“We need to find out.”
“We do.”
“Incase you missed it, I said ‘WE’.”
He’d not missed it. Still, he’d do what had to be done to keep his partner safe. No matter how long the man spent banging on a punching bag.

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