Monday, October 24, 2016

Shifter Thoughts

What exactly is a Shifter? Some people classify anything that changes forms as a shifter. Then there are those who view werewolves as separate from others that shift into animals. A few even consider something or someone who can change into any form or shape one.
Those thoughts above make me think it depends on who you ask. Or from a writer’s perspective the story being written. Who knows if shifters or any of the supernatural begins we dream up is or has ever been true. What I do know is that for an amazing story to be built around a shifter theme the author has to create a plausible and interesting world and backstory for the story they are telling.
None of which is easy, but very doable. In order to accomplish it, a solid definition of the word Shifter has to be formed. After all, that is the base of the entire story. If it is not nailed down, then the story will easily fall apart. To avoid this when I start a new story that includes werewolves, shifters, vampires or any other supernatural being, I sit down and describe how they came to exist, any strengths, weakness, skills and anything else that comes to mind. Those ideas give me a solid foundation before I start to write.
There’s my thoughts on Shifters and how I develop the concept of a Shifter. Hope the small insights into my creative process helps you understand me a bit better.
Have a great week and remember,
Let your imagination soar when you read or write.


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