Monday, December 6, 2021

An Entourage of Love Chapter 5


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Unedited Free Written Story

Adult Content. If under 18 leave the site.

M/M Content

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Chapter 5

Bobby followed his nose into the kitchen where hot bagels had been sat out on the kitchen island. Four kinds of cream cheese had been sat out beside multiple kinds of juice. Tony had already fixed him a bagel and gotten him a glass of what appeared to be grape juice to go along with some store bought coffee.

“Put the rest of the coffee in the microwave. Wasn’t sure how long it would take you two to return.” Tony winked at him. “How was your drive up? Uneventful?”

“Long. Borning, thankfully. Did you expect me to have trouble?”

“Wasn’t sure.”

Bobby opened the microwave and pulled out the two cups of coffee. He held out the ice one to Tommy and took a sip of what he knew would be his Caffe Americano with almond milk. “This is perfection. Thanks, Tony.”

“Least I could do is bring you, your coffee.”

“You did nothing wrong, Tony.”

“I led the trouble right to you. Had to make you think your mate was dead right after you had to give him up. That is the worst on anyone. I know what it is like to lose a mate. What your mind does to you. I wish that on no one.”

It had been the hardest thing in his life. Bobby thought having Tommy tell David to break their marriage bonds killed him, but believing he murdered his Uncle and himself . . . Tore his insides into little shards that left him like a robot. He might have been moving on with the second fights and readying himself to teach Bill the way of life, but it had all been a front. Inside he was nothing. No life. Blank. He did what he knew had to be done to fool everyone and that was it. The rest of the time . . . He would have been sitting there staring off into space. He knew himself well enough to have known that. Thank the goodness that hadn’t been the case. It was all a ruse. One that led to more twist and turns than he liked, or really knew how to comphrend at that moment, but he’d handle it. He was a fighter.

“I want you to know, Bobby, that I had no idea my mate was involved in this.”

He’d not even considered he was. “Never thought you were. He was my Daddy Simon and I didn’t even know he had . . . A . . . Twisted side.” He laid the papers he’d brought with him down and took another sip of his coffee. “I can say James, Daniel, and David found all the proof they needed to prove beyond a doubt what they say. I know you are not going to be able to considered dead, so how are you going to handle that?”

Tony passed the strawberry cream cheese over to Tommy, who had climbed up on the seat beside him with his ice coffee. “For now . . . I need to know if you are willing to handle portraying that you are running the business. After all . . . It was my last wish.”

His cocky little smile had me chuckling. “You are full of it, Tony.”

“He knows it too.” Tommy said around a bite of bagel.

“Doing so will allow me tol sovle the istuation we are dealing with here. I will be making the decisions, but you will giving the orders and be the one in the leader seat.” He took a sideward glance at Tommy then back at Bobby. “I would also like to start teaching you how to run my business since you are Tommy’s mate.”

“Other words . . .”

“You will inherited the Mob.” Tommy shoved half of the bagel in his mouth.

“Not so much at one time.” Tony slapped Tommy’s arm then looked his way. “He’s right though, but I think you would have made a great second anyway. If I had met you any other way . . . I would have recruited you.”

Good thing or not? Unsure, but it made him a bit warm to know that the biggest Don in the world would have wanted him at his side. Hell, it had even boosted his spirits a bit when he found out he would be leading Tony’s precious mob when he thought them dead. Hurt his heart that he did so because they were gone, believed to be gone, but that he trusted him enough to leave him in charge of something he considered in the top three of the most important thing in his life. Big deal. Big responsibility. More he’d have on his plate. He already had a lot. More than he thought he could hand. Learning what his body truly was like. What being a mix wolf/vamp really gave him. How his life would really go. More about the mate shit. He wasn’t sure if he could handle learning how to run a huge mob while having to do all that. Not to mention . . . If James and him were Fated Mates then . . . His decision making time was coming to an end. Damn, it would suck to have to ask permission from someone, or would it? And if James and him had been Fated Mates, why had he never felt the urge to ask him permission before. Or drawn . . . Wait. He had been drawn to him. Back before he met Tommy. He’d had those thoughts that he pushed aside because they were friends. Fuck. He had to find out the answers to the Fated Mate question fast. And before he answered Tony.

“Tony . . . Right now, I’d like to reserve the right to answer that question later. There are some things I need to find answer out to first. I will remain in the leader seat for apperance sake until you are able to rejoin society.”

“That is fine, but may I ask is there something wrong between you and my nephew?”

“No, Sir. I love Tommy with all my heart and that will never change. There’s just so much new stuff that I have learned and some things I need to verify before I know what steps to take next.”

“Understandable. From what I read of that stuff the wolf/vamp mix is way different than what I was told by Simon.”

“That is true and I need some verification. In fact . . .” Bobby glanced out the kitchen doorway. “Do you know where James is? I need to ask him to set up that meeting with Alpha Larry Timbers and his beta Daniel.”

“Living room I think.” Tony pushed his plate away and pulled a piece of paper from his shirt pocket. “I need you to email my lawyer and tell him that the new head location for our business is going to be Charlotte and that he can reach you at this address. It is very secure. When he response back, tell him to complete the purchase of Missouri and Nevada. When he has done that tell him to email you the new numbers of our territory and to find out if any other areas are ready to sell. And in a week’s time you will be setting up a meet and greet with each Alpha.”

Knew it would be a lot of work and he wasn’t even training. What would it be like if he was? He really had to think about it. No he didn’t. He knew he’d accept the offer. He’d be stupid not to, but . . . First find James then take care of Tony’s business.

He walked over to Tommy and kissed him. “Going to find James and see if he can help me set up that meeting.”

“Take it easy, honey. You didn’t rest much last night.”

“I will, baby.” He got halfway to the door and stopped. “Tony, I think it would be best if we kept Alpha Timbers and his beta up to date on what is going on between us since I’m related to them. Do you agree?”

Tony tapped the counter top then nodded. “Fill them in on what is taking place between us. Just don’t tell them how we are running the company.”

“Would never do that, Sir.” He gave them both a wave then left the room in hunt of James.

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