Monday, November 7, 2016

Book Review – Alpha and Omega

This is an older book, but one that I truly love. Patricia Briggs is an amazing writer. Anyone who has ever read one of her books knows this. It is hard for me to choose which book of hers I like best, but if I had to say which character caught my attention the most it would be Anna from Alpha and Omega, a short story included in the On The Prowl book.

Anna suffered greatly, but she survived and it made her a stronger person. Her Alpha, in this book, might have tried to beat her into submission, but she never caved to him. She took his and the other wolves abuse. When she had seen enough of his monstrous way towards others, she reached out for help from the someone she never met, Low and behold it turned into the best choice she ever made.
Anna’s strength and courage is what created my desire to read the book multiple times and read the rest of the books in the Alpha and Omega Series. The world created by Patricia Briggs enhanced the attraction to the characters. Patricia Briggs is a master at keeping your attention and allowing your mind to see every scene unfold in your head.

If you have nor read this book I recommend it to anyone who loves to lose themselves in a wonderful story.

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