Monday, July 4, 2022

Stolen Choices Chapter 23 Part 1


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Unedited Free Written Story

Adult Content. If under 18 leave the site.

M/M Content

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Chapter 23 

Alexander was right. Javis knew it. Doing it . . . Another story. He had to gear up his courage. Reve it up. Throw it into overdrive. He could do what had to be done. A little extra courage would be helpful. And he had the best thing.

Heart Owner.

And he was taking the first major step.

A Date.

Once he had Enapay sealed to his heart, he’d be able to do anything that needed doing. And the best way to win him over was to start making changes, but . . . Could he make such drastic changes without repercussions? No. There’d be some who’d kick on it. Just like there were some who kicked on the way he setup the world to start with. Would it be worth it?

That was the question. To win over Enapay, yes. For the entire human race . . . in the long run, yes. He’d forestall the pending eradication of their race, which the current path led them to. For the Vampires . . . It didn’t take them back into the shadows, or put them back to feeding in secret, but it would mean they had to mix among the humans more. Have more give and take among the humans than they Dracula’s plan has given them. Some would raise a stink over that. Others, like Alexander, would shout their glory to the sky and back. He needed to find a middle ground between the two.

What would work best for both Vampires and Humans? Full supremacy by either race isn’t the answer. That is what got them where they are. Javis’ goal was to change that, which inreturn would cease the elimination of the human race.

If a sole leadership isn’t the answer then . . . 




“Alexander, time to merge them.”

“What are you thinking?”

Javis rubbed my temple, wondering how to answer his questions. He had the jist of what needed to be done, just . . . How long would it take to do a half overhaul of the world while trying to win the heart of a Heart Owner?

“Gong to change it so that each Sector is ruled over by an elected Human and Vampire. Do away with the law forcing humans to choose a Sire before their death. They can still choose to continue their lives as a Vampire if they wish, but it must be their wish and a Vampire must willingly agree to change them. “

“Sounds like a great plan, but . . . Will take some time to implement.”

He was right. Nothing happens overnight. My changes seems simple and straightforward, but they weren’t. Major. Took time for such changes to reach the entire world. Not everyone read newspapers, listened to radios or watched television. Some people only got changes via word of mouth, which slowed down how fast the changes could be put into effect.

“What do you think Dracula will say? And do you realize that people will see this as you admitting to what Mr. Chavos accused you of.”

“Dracula will pay me a hellish visit.” His visit demanded preparation in the style of mocked simulations, which Alexander made himself available for. He just had no clue yet. “As for my appearance . . . I’ll have to show that Enapay convinced me of the value of his thoughts and rebute the fact that I stole and lied about anything to get my way into the Commander and Chief position.”

Enapay’s words about his actions to obtain his position is correct if it was broken down into smaller pieces, but . . . It was politics and there was always another way to spin a story. Or a new one to throw into the headlines.

“This sounds risky?” Alexander’s foot danced back and forth over his knee. “What if Dracula demands more punishment from you for derailing his plans?”

Was a possibility, but he’d not done something like that in over six decades. Damn old ass vampire was too lazy. 

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