Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Lies Don't Matter Chapter 2 part 2

Lies Don’t Matter

Adult M/M Content
If under 18 leave sight
Unedited Story

I titled my head left until it creaked then ran a hand over my face as I opened the door into the study. Cree was my life. More than a mere human knew. I would be useless to my people if I lost Cree. Worse, I would become the very thing society believed my kind to be. An enraged, fire-breathing dragon. Too many people depended on me. I had to remain the calm manners ice dragon I was.
Losing my mate, after watching over her for fifteen years, would not only destroy me, but twenty percent of my people would follow me into madness, leaving my father to have to kill me. Such an act would consume my father with madness, taking the rest of our people with him.
The world would be overrun with deadly dragons after thousands of years of living in peace among them. Last fifty of those years the human had known about them. Or the higher ups had. Father worked hard to gain their trust. Two years ago, father and the humans came to an agreement about us going public. My father worked it so that the Dragons would reveal themselves the same day I married Cree. The months from the day. We were so close. There was no way these invaders would destroy my life and my people. I wouldn’t let them. My father wouldn’t let them. Charlie would let them. The . . .
“Charlie, you think the government will assist us?”
“Manipulate things in our favor.”
“What you thinking?”
“let them know the consequences of what could happen if I lose him.”
“We can’t. It will destroy all the work we’ve done.”
Knew that. Grasping at straws. Too much rode on the Dragons and the humans reuniting. The Dragon race was slimming down. Few were finding their mates among our race. Dragons searched for their mate among the humans, but we were a pure truthful creature. Meant the ones who found theirs among the human world weren’t able to tell their soul mate about the dragon side. There were few who believed their soul mate would accept them for their true side and told their mate about the dragon side.
“Let’s see what Mr. Davis has for us.” Charlie waved him into the room.
I paused in the doorway when I saw Mr. Davis slumped over a thick book. Scribbling notes. Papers were scattered over the small round table to his left.
“What have you found?” Charlie dropped onto the leather sofa near the desk.
I walked over to the table and studied the papers.
“I can say this,” Mr. Davis kept on scribbling, “Pray those papers were incorrect.”
Not what I wanted to hear.
“And if they aren’t. Where does that leave us?”
Mr. Davis sighed. “A dragon pup tossed off a water fall before he can fly.”
A stray ray of fire shot from my nose as I hissed. A feat hard for most dragons, but my royal traits allotted me extra skills. All of which was useless.
“Can you work your magic?” Charlie’s foot tapping was annoying.
“Doubtful. I’ll do my best to pull something off.”
“What? How?” I picked up a sheet of paper.
“I’d have to call in a favor from Superior Court Judge Arnold.”
“Why?” I skimmed the paper on a case regarding emancipation.
“If Cree was kidnapped the law will want to reunite her with her blood family. What will work in our favor is her age.”
“How so?” Charlie beat me to the punch.
“The other couple’s child is seventeen.”
“So?” I scanned over another piece of paper.
“means I can fight for Cree’s right to become emancipated. The court will have to listen. He can state his wish to live on his own. Him having the sex change two months ago will work in his favor as well. That means he’s been through all the required counseling that went along with the procedure and that she was found stable enough to gain her true identity. Not to mention he’s got more than enough money to take care of himself. And his own place to live.”
“How likely is this to go our way?”
Sounded a bit risky. The Hodges had kidnapped a little girl. Raised her as one until the little girl approached them and explained her true feelings about herself. From that point on they respected her decision to be a male and began the process of getting her the required therapy for a sex-change the day she turned eighteen. Wasn’t sure how one would think the Hodges had been fit parents or how Cree had been able to think such intimated details about his life at such a young age.
“Best route.”
“I hear a but in there.” Charlie leaned forward.
“The other couple will fight for their right to get to know their child.”
“Not their child.”
“We don’t know that yet.”
“I mean they will fight to get to know their son.” Thankfully, Mr. Davis had enough sense to not correct me on how those retched people had a daughter to start with. Or they had if Cree was indeed their daughter. Not that any of that matter. Cree was not leaving my side. I lifted the sheet of paper I held and waved it at Mr. Davis. “Why do you have a case study references of shared custody?”
“Another option I considered.”
“Considered?” I shuffled through a few more sheets of paper.
“Won’t work.”
Good. I would not share Cree. He was mine. “How likely is the emancipation option?”

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